Seraku2011-03-30 18:11:43
Would it be considered too OOC if I had Seraku do a speech based off of a really good excerpt from the book Shadow Dawn? I'd have to re-work some of the terms to fit lusternia. I might've asked this before but I cant remember was the general opinion was. If I did do the speech Seraku wouldn't claim that he wrote it. The speech is about freedom and would really be nice for other Gaudi's to hear.
Rancoura2011-03-30 23:21:59
What animal (or thing) does the post-office manse artifact use to deliver letters? (Or is that customizable?)
Talan2011-03-30 23:22:53
QUOTE (Rancoura. @ Mar 30 2011, 07:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
What animal (or thing) does the post-office manse artifact use to deliver letters? (Or is that customizable?)
A dove... I don't know about customizing that.
Rancoura2011-03-30 23:27:48
Alright, does anyone know if it can be customized?
Edit: Sent an inquiry to admin e-mail. Response no longer required here.
Edit: Sent an inquiry to admin e-mail. Response no longer required here.
Rancoura2011-03-31 05:50:24
Syntax: STUDY
Every time you receive this skill, you can learn a new racial language.
You must be in a great library in order to study a new language. Once
you learn a language, you will not be able to switch it with another
language so choose carefully. Type SPEAK for a list of known languages.
(NOTE: If you ever forget the scholarly arts of bookbinding, you will
also forget the language(s) learned.)
Syntax: STUDY
Every time you receive this skill, you can learn a new racial language.
You must be in a great library in order to study a new language. Once
you learn a language, you will not be able to switch it with another
language so choose carefully. Type SPEAK for a list of known languages.
(NOTE: If you ever forget the scholarly arts of bookbinding, you will
also forget the language(s) learned.)
Does this include temporarily forgetting?
Lawliet2011-03-31 06:07:55
QUOTE (Seraku @ Mar 30 2011, 07:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Would it be considered too OOC if I had Seraku do a speech based off of a really good excerpt from the book Shadow Dawn? I'd have to re-work some of the terms to fit lusternia. I might've asked this before but I cant remember was the general opinion was. If I did do the speech Seraku wouldn't claim that he wrote it. The speech is about freedom and would really be nice for other Gaudi's to hear.
When writing things I'd say it's ok to draw inspiration from other written pieces (It would be hard not to), but if you get to the point when you're thinking "Is it ok to copy something from one book into something else with a few words changed.", I'd say no. I'd certainly start to think less of someone if they blatently copied something into Lusternia after all, if you overheard someone say something that was from a famous movie or something you'd heave a mental groan at them, wouldn't you?
Lendren2011-03-31 10:24:35
QUOTE (Rancoura. @ Mar 31 2011, 01:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Does this include temporarily forgetting?
Rancoura2011-03-31 11:28:36
QUOTE (Lendren @ Mar 31 2011, 05:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So a learned language could still be understood even while the skillset is dormant? Or will it be understood again once the skill is reactivated?
Unknown2011-03-31 11:48:56
You can speak/understand the languages with the skill dormant.
Arel2011-03-31 16:52:12
QUOTE (Seraku @ Mar 30 2011, 02:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Would it be considered too OOC if I had Seraku do a speech based off of a really good excerpt from the book Shadow Dawn? I'd have to re-work some of the terms to fit lusternia. I might've asked this before but I cant remember was the general opinion was. If I did do the speech Seraku wouldn't claim that he wrote it. The speech is about freedom and would really be nice for other Gaudi's to hear.
I'm pretty sure that also qualifies as plagiarism, since you're taking someone's words and making minimal changes to make it your own.
Ytran2011-04-02 01:07:19
QUOTE (Daraius @ Mar 25 2011, 10:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Had you already gained proficiency in other modules that day? You can only learn so much per day. Otherwise, just keep flying. Are you gliding or steering? I seem to recall gaining proficiency fastest when I flew in circles hunting gargantuans, and that was all steering.
QUOTE (Esano @ Mar 25 2011, 10:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If you're gliding it will only count as one command send no matter how many rooms you move. Try using steer.
I know this was discussed a week ago, but I messaged Roark about the piloting proficiencies and he replied with this:
Message #290 Sent by: Roark
04/02 00:23 "Steering doesn't boost piloting profficiency because it is used millions of times in a row. Try other command module abilities."
04/02 00:23 "Steering doesn't boost piloting profficiency because it is used millions of times in a row. Try other command module abilities."
Just in case this comes up again. Cheers!
Ssaliss2011-04-02 19:25:15
Uh... Anyone have an explanation?
Where did those 11 bound credits come from?
16 WON 205/205 Watering Can Ssaliss 0
| Sobriety : sober and in control Credits : 205 |
| Sanity : completely sane Bound Credits : 0 |
You bind 205 Credits to yourself.
You now have 205 Bound Credits.
Auction #16 has ended. Your prize and remainder of your bid have been awarded to you.
| Sobriety : sober and in control Credits : 0 |
| Sanity : completely sane Bound Credits : 11 |
| Sobriety : sober and in control Credits : 205 |
| Sanity : completely sane Bound Credits : 0 |
You bind 205 Credits to yourself.
You now have 205 Bound Credits.
Auction #16 has ended. Your prize and remainder of your bid have been awarded to you.
| Sobriety : sober and in control Credits : 0 |
| Sanity : completely sane Bound Credits : 11 |
Where did those 11 bound credits come from?
Xenthos2011-04-02 19:26:13
QUOTE (Ssaliss @ Apr 2 2011, 03:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Uh... Anyone have an explanation?
Where did those 11 bound credits come from?
Where did those 11 bound credits come from?
You had 11 bound credits when you bid.
Ssaliss2011-04-02 19:27:04
Oh. Those don't show up after you bid? That's silly...
Xenthos2011-04-02 19:27:39
QUOTE (Ssaliss @ Apr 2 2011, 03:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Oh. Those don't show up after you bid? That's silly...
Yes. Yes it is.
Calixa2011-04-02 20:41:43
QUOTE (Seraku @ Mar 30 2011, 08:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Would it be considered too OOC if I had Seraku do a speech based off of a really good excerpt from the book Shadow Dawn? I'd have to re-work some of the terms to fit lusternia. I might've asked this before but I cant remember was the general opinion was. If I did do the speech Seraku wouldn't claim that he wrote it. The speech is about freedom and would really be nice for other Gaudi's to hear.
QUOTE (Arel @ Mar 31 2011, 06:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm pretty sure that also qualifies as plagiarism, since you're taking someone's words and making minimal changes to make it your own.
^ This, basically. Don't do it. It's terrible poor form. Write something inspired by it of your own? Now that would be a good start.
Daraius2011-04-03 03:46:37
Do directors get any notification when someone buys a ticket to one of their recordings, or does the money just appear all ninja-like in the directors inventory? If the former, how much identifying information does the notification include? 

Ileein2011-04-03 03:48:35
If you've set a price for tickets, you get a pmote/message when a recording is started indicating what play is being watched and how much gold was deposited into your inventory. I don't think you get one if someone watches a play with 0 cost.
Daraius2011-04-03 03:51:10
Cool. I think I've watched Contraption enough times for Lendren to craft as many as two artisan pipes. 

Lendren2011-04-03 12:26:15
The message doesn't say who it was, incidentally.