Unknown2011-05-01 07:42:39
Awesome, thanks!
Turnus2011-05-01 09:37:19
Eh, never realized people could undeed clans as the clan leader, that is indeed pretty stupid - if anybody should be able to do it, ought to be the steward. Also
at other people arguing if I was right or wrong.

Xenthos2011-05-01 13:14:42
QUOTE (Turnus @ May 1 2011, 05:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Eh, never realized people could undeed clans as the clan leader, that is indeed pretty stupid - if anybody should be able to do it, ought to be the steward. Also
at other people arguing if I was right or wrong.

I fully agree, it's very stupid.
Especially when you consider that it works on bloody aetherships as well.
I'd go a step further and say that once it is deeded it should never, ever be able to be un-deeded though. Some of these things have huge amounts of credits invested in them.
Lawliet2011-05-01 14:01:11
Anyone take down what operation crucible looked like? Or point me in the right direction if it's been posted elsewhere, apparantly it's stopped already.
Esano2011-05-01 14:12:05
Crackles of energy erupt from the city of Hallifax, the crystalline spires glistening brightly with sudden energy.
A heavy, electronic thrum permeates the air above the Basin of Life as the distant crackle of the Primary Generator of the City of Hallifax flares fully into action.
A single crystalline sphere shimmers into existence in the skies above the City of Gaudiguch, thrumming with a powerful energy of its own.
The air about the city of Gaudiguch begins to warp as time distorts around it, the shrill cries of its people echoing up from the streets below.
With a great cry, the Guardian Drachou rises up from the city of Gaudiguch, trailing prismatic motes of flames, its wild and exotic wings spread behind it in a field of shifting colours.
The air about the Guardian Drachou begins to warp and twist as he fights his way through the energy field, accompanied by a flurry of deep red butterflies, many of which wink out of existence as they help dampen the shifting flux.
Drawing himself up and spreading his multicoloured, elegant wings wide, the Guardian Drachou releases a thunderous psionic roar, disrupting the field. With a flick of his tail, the Guardian descends back into the City of Gaudiguch.
Anisu2011-05-01 14:33:51
QUOTE (Xenthos @ May 1 2011, 03:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I fully agree, it's very stupid.
Especially when you consider that it works on bloody aetherships as well.
I'd go a step further and say that once it is deeded it should never, ever be able to be un-deeded though. Some of these things have huge amounts of credits invested in them.
Especially when you consider that it works on bloody aetherships as well.
I'd go a step further and say that once it is deeded it should never, ever be able to be un-deeded though. Some of these things have huge amounts of credits invested in them.
undeeding should always be an option. Adding the additional requirement of needing to be the org leader on top of assigned owner would be nice though.
Xenthos2011-05-01 14:39:59
QUOTE (Anisu @ May 1 2011, 10:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
undeeding should always be an option. Adding the additional requirement of needing to be the org leader on top of assigned owner would be nice though.
I'm not convinced that it should be. Once you set it to be owned by an organization, that organization should now own it. Period.
That said, your compromise would still be millions of times better than what we have now!
Unknown2011-05-01 14:45:03
Yes, although I'd personally prefer at least two people from the org council on top of the assigned clan/ship leader. Requiring just the org leader still wouldn't have prevented Kalin from undeeding Gaudiguch's clans back when he ragequit.
Anisu2011-05-01 14:50:11
QUOTE (Caerulo @ May 1 2011, 04:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yes, although I'd personally prefer at least two people from the org council on top of the assigned clan/ship leader. Requiring just the org leader still wouldn't have prevented Kalin from undeeding Gaudiguch's clans back when he ragequit.
a CL can steal all the gold, comms, credits, etc that a city owns. Can destroy all your guards by setting power allotments to 0, etc. If you trust someone enough to have all those powers, being able to undeed a manse and clan is really insignificant.
Xenthos2011-05-01 15:03:18
QUOTE (Anisu @ May 1 2011, 10:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
a CL can steal all the gold, comms, credits, etc that a city owns. Can destroy all your guards by setting power allotments to 0, etc. If you trust someone enough to have all those powers, being able to undeed a manse and clan is really insignificant.
... some of those manses have more credits invested in them than city credit coffers.
Manses also == aetherships.
And further, unlike credits, undeeding is not logged anywhere (nor is anybody notified). You can do it with nobody knowing and no way to find out where the thing went.
Unknown2011-05-01 15:07:38
True, there should be checks and balances to what a single person can do, even if he/she was elected into that position. Especially given that the actions of a frustrated CL don't have any 'real' implications (unlike a real life politician, and even they have checks and balances), and no in game implications if he/she never intends to play Lusternia again (or at least, on that character).
Anisu2011-05-01 15:22:19
QUOTE (Caerulo @ May 1 2011, 05:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
True, there should be checks and balances to what a single person can do, even if he/she was elected into that position. Especially given that the actions of a frustrated CL don't have any 'real' implications (unlike a real life politician, and even they have checks and balances), and no in game implications if he/she never intends to play Lusternia again (or at least, on that character).
don't elect questionable people for office? Also can a CL transfer manses? They don't have the artifact so I am fuzzy about that.Can they transfer stores, I can see that being a larger problem as it actually hits individuals and not an org who can recuperate in a month time (for gold and credits, comms would take a lot longer).
@xenthos: could always ask for deeding, undeeding and manse transfers to be logged. Undeeding is noted in the clan log I believe so the mechanic already exists for clans.
Unknown2011-05-01 15:33:27
QUOTE (Anisu @ May 1 2011, 11:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
don't elect questionable people for office? Also can a CL transfer manses? They don't have the artifact so I am fuzzy about that.Can they transfer stores, I can see that being a larger problem as it actually hits individuals and not an org who can recuperate in a month time (for gold and credits, comms would take a lot longer).
While I wasn't around when Kalin became the CL, I assume that he was a reasonable and reliable person when he was elected. Don't forget that people and circumstances change over time, and what was true when the person was elected may not be in the future. I'd guess that if Kalin had no intention to ragequit, he would not have performed such deeds. However, in-game situation (the issues faced) and his own circumstances (that he intended to quit) resulted in him stealing the clans and gold. Hence, elections alone is not a fool-proof check against corruption/ragequits.
Anisu2011-05-01 15:37:00
QUOTE (Caerulo @ May 1 2011, 05:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
While I wasn't around when Kalin became the CL, I assume that he was a reasonable and reliable person when he was elected. Don't forget that people and circumstances change over time, and what was true when the person was elected may not be in the future. I'd guess that if Kalin had no intention to ragequit, he would not have performed such deeds. However, in-game situation (the issues faced) and his own circumstances (that he intended to quit) resulted in him stealing the clans and gold. Hence, elections alone is not a fool-proof check against corruption/ragequits.
eh if we really want this discussion to continue it should move to its own topic or messages.
Lawliet2011-05-01 15:49:29
QUOTE (Esano @ May 1 2011, 03:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Operation crucible stuff
And here I was hoping for a death laser

Xenthos2011-05-01 18:24:20
QUOTE (Anisu @ May 1 2011, 11:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
don't elect questionable people for office? Also can a CL transfer manses? They don't have the artifact so I am fuzzy about that.Can they transfer stores, I can see that being a larger problem as it actually hits individuals and not an org who can recuperate in a month time (for gold and credits, comms would take a lot longer).
@xenthos: could always ask for deeding, undeeding and manse transfers to be logged. Undeeding is noted in the clan log I believe so the mechanic already exists for clans.
@xenthos: could always ask for deeding, undeeding and manse transfers to be logged. Undeeding is noted in the clan log I believe so the mechanic already exists for clans.
CL can transfer / steal stores. I've done that in the past when stores had to be closed for inactivity; take the store, make a new key for it, move its goods to a common stockpile for the Commune in the Commune shop and then put it up for auction. Sometimes those people just vanish for 6 rl months and never check their shop again, it needs to be rededicated and put back to use.

CLs cannot directly transfer manses, nor can they assign themselves to steward; they could temporarily make someone else a steward though, that steward immediately gets the artifact and can transfer the manse / clan to whomever they want. Don't even need to be confirmed for that, all that confirming really seems to do is allow the making of aides in general.
vorld2011-05-01 18:42:25
Does anyone know how the damage buff tattoos and enchanted tattoos work?
Enyalida2011-05-01 21:30:12
QUOTE (vorld @ May 1 2011, 01:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Does anyone know how the damage buff tattoos and enchanted tattoos work?
They give you dmp based on how much weight of that particular tattoo you have on. HELP DMP in-game explains what dmp does if you aren't sure.
On enchanted, I'm not sure exactly how it was implemented, but when you use an enchantment it has a 5% chance of charging that enchant. I'm not sure if it fully recharges or just gives back that one charge (more likely).
Gregori2011-05-01 21:40:29
QUOTE (Caerulo @ May 1 2011, 08:45 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yes, although I'd personally prefer at least two people from the org council on top of the assigned clan/ship leader. Requiring just the org leader still wouldn't have prevented Kalin from undeeding Gaudiguch's clans back when he ragequit.
Kalin didn't undeed anything as they were never deeded. They were bought by Kalin, with Kalin's gold and owned by Kalin the entirety of the the time he was in Gaudiguch. When he left, he took his clans with him.
Lilia2011-05-01 23:25:26
Where can I find the admin's email addresses? I can't find anything on the new site, or the IRE one.