Janalon2011-07-06 23:02:04
QUOTE (casilu @ Jul 6 2011, 06:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Slit-throat, senso, prone with a broken leg. (or maybe just broken arms?)
I don't believe that broken legs prone/sprawls... though I could be proven wrong. Mangles do, but they aren't protected by BoneDensity.
Lilia2011-07-06 23:09:05
QUOTE (Janalon @ Jul 6 2011, 06:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I don't believe that broken legs prone/sprawls... though I could be proven wrong. Mangles do, but they aren't protected by BoneDensity.
But it keeps you from standing back up, if something else prones you, doesn't it?
Enyalida2011-07-06 23:14:11
I believe two broken legs will prone you.
Unknown2011-07-06 23:15:32
I'm pretty sure it doesn't, but yeah if you're proned with two broken legs, you need to fix them before you can get up.
Casilu2011-07-06 23:27:51
QUOTE (Phoebus @ Jul 6 2011, 04:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm pretty sure it doesn't, but yeah if you're proned with two broken legs, you need to fix them before you can get up.
You need to fix them if you're proned with one broken leg, but yes, you need some other way to prone them.
Unknown2011-07-06 23:47:54
QUOTE (casilu @ Jul 6 2011, 07:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You need to fix them if you're proned with one broken leg, but yes, you need some other way to prone them.
Well, the case in question was about both...

Casilu2011-07-06 23:50:48
QUOTE (Phoebus @ Jul 6 2011, 04:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well, the case in question was about both... 

Pretty sure it doesn't prone, nuffy.
Unknown2011-07-07 00:04:39
QUOTE (casilu @ Jul 6 2011, 07:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Pretty sure it doesn't prone, nuffy.
I know it doesn't! That's what I said.
Casilu2011-07-07 00:07:22
QUOTE (Phoebus @ Jul 6 2011, 05:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I know it doesn't! That's what I said.
Whatever, nuffy.
Ardmore2011-07-07 00:42:56
How does getting iron lottery tickets through offering work now? I was told you can't offer individual corpses and get tickets anymore, but I did (6 times) though there has been a long streak of getting nothing... so I decided to offer multiple corpses and got no tickets.
What's the proper way to do it?
What's the proper way to do it?
Ushaara2011-07-07 00:56:47
I didn't know offering one-by-one was changed, but I've just offered in bulk and gotten a ticket. Guess you're just not a lucky little duckie?
Binjo2011-07-07 00:58:36
QUOTE (Janalon @ Jul 6 2011, 03:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Doubt this. It is an upgraded love potion.
EDIT: Also, what green lock is caused by broken bones (which BoneDensity has a % chance to protects against)?
EDIT: Also, what green lock is caused by broken bones (which BoneDensity has a % chance to protects against)?
Pheromones ticks every 15s, love def ticks every 20s. Love def is currently broken as Enyalida was saying but if it were working properly it'd be more like ticking every 40s due to the bidirectionality of it (only half the time are they lusting to you as opposed to you lusting them) where as pheromones doesn't lust you to them at all by design, only them to you. So compared to broken love def it causes a single person trying to keep you enemied to be off eq ~25% of the time as opposed to 20% of the time and if love def wasn't broken it'd be being off eq 25% of the time vs. off eq 10% of the time.
The bit that makes it a greenlock as opposed to a cleanse lock (or a softlock) is where you can't unprone yourself (which is why the severedspine lock works for nekotai). Shofangi greenlock is in fact as mentioned senso + slitthroat + prone + broken leg, I fought another harmony/psymet user who put up bonedensity and then I had to deal with both senso rub/shrug parrying and stancing my hook and the bone not breaking. Don't think I locked her once. A good (read: good and lucky) warrior can also do that type of green lock as well with beast spit calcise, Tendon/Mangle/Knockdown then follow up with a soft lock with beast spit calcise and you now have a hardlock. There's so many variables that go in to that though that it's hard to do, especially for a BM who'd need to get crit legs to tendon for it to work.
Unknown2011-07-07 01:12:51
Huh, I thought Shofangi could just crush foot instead to keep someone prone. Or does that count as a limb break for shrugging purposes?
Binjo2011-07-07 05:20:50
Stomp (the kick that crushes) will break the leg if you are prone instead of the crushed foot aff, if you are not prone however it gives the crushed foot aff which is an herb cure and does not count as a prone. So for the shofangi greenlock true sprawl is required no matter how you slice it.
Unknown2011-07-07 06:23:37
Is the Starhopper always out there somewhere in Aetherspace to buy dingbat items from?
Daraius2011-07-07 06:26:28
QUOTE (Dys II @ Jul 7 2011, 02:23 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Is the Starhopper always out there somewhere in Aetherspace to buy dingbat items from?
You can 'enter portal' at the Aetherplex to get there. It's also always out in Aetherspace for glaetherial dust trading, but that's something else entirely.
Unknown2011-07-07 06:49:39
Thanks! I must've gone blind to everything at the Aetherplex.
Illidor2011-07-07 21:51:53
Do vermin count for Iron Tickets?
Aithera2011-07-08 02:01:43
Can Highfashion garments be enchanted? Or is it simply that they have higher prestige than greatrobes/dresses/etc?
Unknown2011-07-08 02:03:16
QUOTE (Aithera @ Jul 7 2011, 09:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Can Highfashion garments be enchanted? Or is it simply that they have higher prestige than greatrobes/dresses/etc?
Suits and gowns can be enchanted, along with hats, but they must be designated under the "greatrobes" category during submission. So no, designs listed under highfashion specifically cannot be enchanted.