Nariah2010-09-18 13:16:00
How long do usually manse dweller/pet requests take? Been almost a week and not even an e-mail back (there were a few issues to talk over), paranoid me wonders if my e-mail didn't go to spam or something (Like it just did for Vathael

Unknown2010-09-18 14:17:11
QUOTE (Phoebus @ Sep 18 2010, 05:27 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I know but argh blagh rant rant.
It is just mildly offensive to me that every single woman ever has to be depicted with gigantic hooters and exposed thighs in every picture. Especially when it's things like frog and lizard people, just, come on.
It is just mildly offensive to me that every single woman ever has to be depicted with gigantic hooters and exposed thighs in every picture. Especially when it's things like frog and lizard people, just, come on.
Join the Amorphous Alliance today! Plus, you're an aeromancer, so you wouldn't have to use some odd excuses for your obscuring cloud!
Kiradawea2010-09-18 15:19:43
QUOTE (Shaddus Mes'ard @ Sep 18 2010, 11:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
fixed. Right? >.>
Sure. As long as they don't look like... well... those... things on the race pages. That furrikin is just... ugly.
Unknown2010-09-18 16:00:19
I was thinking of buying a few enchantment rings. Bear with me, I never tinkered with them.
What would the syntax be for using a web ring or a gust ring? Also, do these rings use any balances at all? What are their limitations? Also, how does gust work? Are these useful to 1v1 or just for group combat?
What would the syntax be for using a web ring or a gust ring? Also, do these rings use any balances at all? What are their limitations? Also, how does gust work? Are these useful to 1v1 or just for group combat?
Xavius2010-09-18 16:59:27
The enchantments are in most ways identical to casting the spell -- same balance, stopped by most (but not all) of the same afflictions, etc. If you can cast those spells yourself, you probably don't need the enchantment.
The syntax for using a targetted enchanted ring is point at . If untargetted or self-targetted, the syntax is rub .
Untargetted gust clears certain room effects, like fog or contagion clouds. Targetted gust tries to move the target a room away. Targetted gust is very useful against specific classes, especially (but not only) bards, regardless of whether it's 1v1 or group combat.
The syntax for using a targetted enchanted ring is point
Untargetted gust clears certain room effects, like fog or contagion clouds. Targetted gust tries to move the target a room away. Targetted gust is very useful against specific classes, especially (but not only) bards, regardless of whether it's 1v1 or group combat.
Unknown2010-09-18 17:45:11
QUOTE (Lendren @ Sep 18 2010, 02:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You feel a strong tug within your chest and the air comes alive with swirling, multicoloured light.
You feel a slight tug within your chest and the air around you sparkles with motes of bright light.
You stumble as you feel invisible strands of force wrap around you, followed by a high-pitched thrum.
You feel a slight tug within your chest and the air around you sparkles with motes of bright light.
You stumble as you feel invisible strands of force wrap around you, followed by a high-pitched thrum.
Thanks very much!
Unknown2010-09-18 22:22:25
So. Anybody any idea when the Iron Lottery will be actually happening?
All the other games had theirs yesterday. I feel left out.
All the other games had theirs yesterday. I feel left out.

Unknown2010-09-19 01:20:22
Is there any denizen who pays you for roc corpses? Also, is anything in the mountains aggressive?
Xenthos2010-09-19 01:26:44
QUOTE (Valerozo @ Sep 18 2010, 09:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Is there any denizen who pays you for roc corpses? Also, is anything in the mountains aggressive?
Marani will afflict you with an affliction that drains power when it hits you, so carry antidote if you're up there (sipping antidote cures the affliction).
Other than that, no aggressive beasties up there usually.
Unknown2010-09-19 02:20:17
Ok. So you can't sell Rocs?
Also, another random question, but is Avechna described anywhere? Is it stated he uses weapons like a sword or anything at all? The game just says "HES REALLY BIG AND SERIOUS". But nothing beyond that.
Also, another random question, but is Avechna described anywhere? Is it stated he uses weapons like a sword or anything at all? The game just says "HES REALLY BIG AND SERIOUS". But nothing beyond that.
Lendren2010-09-19 02:25:56
QUOTE (Valerozo @ Sep 18 2010, 09:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Is there any denizen who pays you for roc corpses?
Cheonbi, in the same area as the rocs.
Unknown2010-09-19 02:27:29
QUOTE (Valerozo @ Sep 18 2010, 09:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Also, another random question, but is Avechna described anywhere? Is it stated he uses weapons like a sword or anything at all? The game just says "HES REALLY BIG AND SERIOUS". But nothing beyond that.
Not very specifically, no. Avechna does very little with mortals, actually - it's all his avatars.
Krackenor2010-09-19 03:12:02
will removing a rune from a piece of jewelry destroy that jewelry, or will it go back to a natural timer?
Neos2010-09-19 04:02:09
QUOTE (Krackenor @ Sep 18 2010, 11:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
will removing a rune from a piece of jewelry destroy that jewelry, or will it go back to a natural timer?
I think it destroys it. Don't quote me on it though
Aloysha2010-09-19 04:16:15
QUOTE (Valerozo @ Sep 19 2010, 03:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Also, another random question, but is Avechna described anywhere? Is it stated he uses weapons like a sword or anything at all? The game just says "HES REALLY BIG AND SERIOUS". But nothing beyond that.
He uses his glowing magical fists. Which are each, invididually, likely to be larger than your house. Man don't need a sword.
Mirami2010-09-19 04:24:52
He's also at the top of Mt. Avechna (go figure), if you want a closer look at Him.
Unknown2010-09-19 05:20:18
QUOTE (Romertien @ Sep 19 2010, 12:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
He's also at the top of Mt. Avechna (go figure), if you want a closer look at Him.
Yush Yush. I know. They didn't really give me much to work with imagination-wise besides that he's 5 stories high and made of stone. That's why I asked.
But thanks guys, especially the glowing fists bit.
Lehki2010-09-19 11:12:03
So has anybody help the crazy soulless-thing worshiper side of the quest in the Tar Pits yet? I'm rather curious about it. ):
Lendren2010-09-19 11:57:57
QUOTE (Krackenor @ Sep 18 2010, 11:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
will removing a rune from a piece of jewelry destroy that jewelry, or will it go back to a natural timer?
Goes back to wherever it left off in its decay lifespan when the rune was put on it.
Unknown2010-09-19 15:31:33
Question on swords - I dont feel like spending a bunch of money on something that wont work, so i`ll ask whos 'been there done that'. As a trans pureblade, is it still worth using master rapiers for bashing? or just go with a master katana that has max speed and high damge? thanks in advance.