Ilyssa2010-09-29 23:52:58
QUOTE (Shou @ Sep 30 2010, 02:14 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
What are the ranks for winning the in-game scholarly and literary library competitions?
I thought there was a thread about this somewhere, but I'm either looking in the wrong places or I'm just stupid.
Neos2010-09-29 23:55:19
QUOTE (Ilyssa @ Sep 29 2010, 07:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I thought there was a thread about this somewhere, but I'm either looking in the wrong places or I'm just stupid.
Ssaliss2010-09-30 00:05:16
Unknown2010-09-30 01:50:51
Does anyone know which warrior specialization can cut out eyeballs?
Lendren2010-09-30 01:55:03
Crow. I don't think there's a warrior skill to do it. (There are ones to blind, but not actually come away with an eyeball.)
Unknown2010-09-30 01:56:41
It's eyepeck in Crow totems, yeah. So not a warrior spec.
Casilu2010-09-30 01:59:22
Also, Nekokitties can.
Unknown2010-09-30 02:01:53
QUOTE (Ssaliss @ Sep 29 2010, 08:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
That's the bardic/artisanal ones though, I guess I mean the prestige contests. The rank names are different e.g. composer of verse, fantasist, etc
Unknown2010-09-30 02:06:28
QUOTE (Ssaliss @ Sep 30 2010, 08:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Library winners, not bardic, I think! The ones that go "She is accounted Talespinner among literary writers" and "He is accounted Intellectual among scholars". It's something I'd like to know too, but I don't think anyone has made a list yet.

EDIT: Ninja'd by a lot.
Thendis2010-09-30 02:41:09
QUOTE (Thendis @ Sep 29 2010, 10:28 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
In my pursuit of being ridiculously tanky for bashing, I was wondering how good Splendors are. Will I notice a difference compared to a 50/50 set of Great Robes? Is another trade pseudo-artifact better in some way that will help me crush the unthinking (except Masterarmor, of course)? What about the sip bonus from a Philosopher Stone? Herb balance increase?
...Magic Tome?
...Magic Tome?

Arel2010-09-30 02:52:46
QUOTE (Daraius @ Sep 28 2010, 11:46 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Waltz and tango both have non-English etymologies. I don't see why pasodoble would be any more inappropriate, if that particular dance is a critical part of the story.
I don't think there is a hard and fast rule about language words like that, although it has been mentioned before that the admins frown upon using non-English words/dialects. While waltz and tango have non-English etymologies, they are still commonly used in the English language. I don't think paso doble is comparable to waltz/tango. I also couldn't find it in the Mirriam-Webster dictionary, so its in that grey area.
Neos2010-09-30 06:48:58
Nevermind. Found my answer.
Calixa2010-09-30 09:31:44
QUOTE (Thendis @ Sep 30 2010, 04:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

I know that splendours can carry all four proofings, which is very interesting if you know robe resists are higher than cloak / coat. According to the description the enchantment value is also higher than 50/50.
Magic tome needs to be wielded, though with a rune can be turned into functioning as a shield as well.
Sip and herb bonusses should in theory also make you more tanky.
Shulamit2010-09-30 09:33:13
Tome doesn't need to be wielded anymore, I think. It charges in my inventory now when I use mine?
Rika2010-09-30 11:20:53
Two part question.
1) Is there an influencing script for Mudlet? I'm building my own, but it'd be good to know if there was one out there anyway.
2) Which seduction lines are for what? I have the following (don't mind the regex):
^Ooohing and ahhhing\\, you make a great fuss over .+?\\'s choice of hair style\\, clothes\\, and good looks\\.$
^Smoothing back your hair\\, you smoothly slide up to .+? and blow softly on the back of (?:is|er) neck\\.$
^Puffing up your chest\\, you snuggle up to .+? and gently caress the back of (?:is|er) neck\\.$
^You smile brightly at .+?\\, remarking on (?:im|er) what great friends the two of you are\\.$
^With a wink and a nudge\\, you wrap your arm around .+?\\, joyously announcing that (?:|h)e is your best friend\\.$
^You sidle up to .+? and stroke the muscles on (?:is|er) arms\\, fluttering your eyelashes coyly\\.$
^Licking your lips lasciviously\\, you run your fingers over .+?\\'s body\\, whispering sweet temptations into (?:is|er) ears\\.$
Any more would be appreciated. Don't worry about regex, I can do that myself.
1) Is there an influencing script for Mudlet? I'm building my own, but it'd be good to know if there was one out there anyway.
2) Which seduction lines are for what? I have the following (don't mind the regex):
^Ooohing and ahhhing\\, you make a great fuss over .+?\\'s choice of hair style\\, clothes\\, and good looks\\.$
^Smoothing back your hair\\, you smoothly slide up to .+? and blow softly on the back of (?:is|er) neck\\.$
^Puffing up your chest\\, you snuggle up to .+? and gently caress the back of (?:is|er) neck\\.$
^You smile brightly at .+?\\, remarking on (?:im|er) what great friends the two of you are\\.$
^With a wink and a nudge\\, you wrap your arm around .+?\\, joyously announcing that (?:|h)e is your best friend\\.$
^You sidle up to .+? and stroke the muscles on (?:is|er) arms\\, fluttering your eyelashes coyly\\.$
^Licking your lips lasciviously\\, you run your fingers over .+?\\'s body\\, whispering sweet temptations into (?:is|er) ears\\.$
Any more would be appreciated. Don't worry about regex, I can do that myself.
Everiine2010-09-30 11:24:16
QUOTE (Shulamit @ Sep 30 2010, 05:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Tome doesn't need to be wielded anymore, I think. It charges in my inventory now when I use mine?
You are correct. For the longest time I didn't bother getting the Magic Tome because as a warrior, I was always wielding weapons in both hands and couldn't use the Tome. Now I am actually able to use my Trans artifact.
Unknown2010-09-30 11:26:40
I really like my magic tome, but I wish there were a few more mobs that did straight magic damage.
Rika2010-09-30 11:29:49
QUOTE (Zarquan @ Oct 1 2010, 12:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I really like my magic tome, but I wish there were a few more mobs that did straight magic damage.
Just get someone else to hit you with their damage spells.
Unknown2010-09-30 11:31:08
I have, but it's not my preferred method of just putting a few charges on the tome. 

Neos2010-09-30 12:39:05
QUOTE (rika @ Sep 30 2010, 07:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Two part question.
1) Is there an influencing script for Mudlet? I'm building my own, but it'd be good to know if there was one out there anyway.
1) Is there an influencing script for Mudlet? I'm building my own, but it'd be good to know if there was one out there anyway.
Yes, demonnic made one. It's floating around here somewhere.
2) Which seduction lines are for what? I have the following (don't mind the regex):
^Ooohing and ahhhing\\, you make a great fuss over .+?\\'s choice of hair style\\, clothes\\, and good looks\\.$
^Smoothing back your hair\\, you smoothly slide up to .+? and blow softly on the back of (?:is|er) neck\\.$
^Puffing up your chest\\, you snuggle up to .+? and gently caress the back of (?:is|er) neck\\.$
^You smile brightly at .+?\\, remarking on (?:im|er) what great friends the two of you are\\.$
^With a wink and a nudge\\, you wrap your arm around .+?\\, joyously announcing that (?:|h)e is your best friend\\.$
^You sidle up to .+? and stroke the muscles on (?:is|er) arms\\, fluttering your eyelashes coyly\\.$
^Licking your lips lasciviously\\, you run your fingers over .+?\\'s body\\, whispering sweet temptations into (?:is|er) ears\\.$
Any more would be appreciated. Don't worry about regex, I can do that myself.
^Ooohing and ahhhing\\, you make a great fuss over .+?\\'s choice of hair style\\, clothes\\, and good looks\\.$
^Smoothing back your hair\\, you smoothly slide up to .+? and blow softly on the back of (?:is|er) neck\\.$
^Puffing up your chest\\, you snuggle up to .+? and gently caress the back of (?:is|er) neck\\.$
^You smile brightly at .+?\\, remarking on (?:im|er) what great friends the two of you are\\.$
^With a wink and a nudge\\, you wrap your arm around .+?\\, joyously announcing that (?:|h)e is your best friend\\.$
^You sidle up to .+? and stroke the muscles on (?:is|er) arms\\, fluttering your eyelashes coyly\\.$
^Licking your lips lasciviously\\, you run your fingers over .+?\\'s body\\, whispering sweet temptations into (?:is|er) ears\\.$
Any more would be appreciated. Don't worry about regex, I can do that myself.
Flattery, Charm, Charm, Beguiling, Beguiling, Charm, Charm.
I believe.