Unknown2010-07-20 15:49:19
QUOTE (Kante @ Jul 20 2010, 06:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I mean, the other stuff is great, too, and I wouldn't mind having it, but it would make it a good deal more expensive for a regular artifact.
When an auction artifact becomes a regular artifact, assuming it does, the cost tends to be highly reflective of how much the winning people paid for it during the auction. I've been the only one asking these questions, and kind of feel like I'll be the only one that really wants to pay for all these other features at this time (the other potential candidates all opting to push credits towards, say, the cord or endowment instead). So, without trying to come across as too dismissive, wait and see first.
Unknown2010-07-20 16:18:27
I'd pay at least 1000 credits for an Endowment of the Arts... if I had it. There are only so many things I'm willing to trade in.
Thendis2010-07-20 17:23:11
Does anyone have new estimates on final prices? The only ones I am looking at could double and still be in my price range, but if they end up like the original estimates I can just forget it...
Estarra2010-07-20 17:42:43
QUOTE (Tandrin @ Jul 20 2010, 06:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have some questions on the Temporal Freezer.
It has been stated earlier that you can carry it around. It appears this artifact came about from the suggestion of being able to put one's item in stasis if they wanted to take a break. Is this a one-time use item or basically a parafilement purse that behaves like a shop stockroom rather than halving decay?
It has been stated earlier that you can carry it around. It appears this artifact came about from the suggestion of being able to put one's item in stasis if they wanted to take a break. Is this a one-time use item or basically a parafilement purse that behaves like a shop stockroom rather than halving decay?
It's a container that acts like a stockroom, basically.
Sylphas2010-07-20 17:45:22
QUOTE (Estarra @ Jul 20 2010, 01:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It's a container that acts like a stockroom, basically.
Do want an artifact that works like that, and also lets people ASK SYLPHAS WARES.
Eventru2010-07-20 23:31:26
QUOTE (Tandrin @ Jul 20 2010, 09:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have some questions on the Temporal Freezer.
It has been stated earlier that you can carry it around. It appears this artifact came about from the suggestion of being able to put one's item in stasis if they wanted to take a break. Is this a one-time use item or basically a parafilement purse that behaves like a shop stockroom rather than halving decay?
It has been stated earlier that you can carry it around. It appears this artifact came about from the suggestion of being able to put one's item in stasis if they wanted to take a break. Is this a one-time use item or basically a parafilement purse that behaves like a shop stockroom rather than halving decay?
It is a permanent artifact and there's no limit beyond the 100 item limit - and anything that decays in stock rooms (tarot cards, masks, raw commodities (lumber), things of that nature!)
Unknown2010-07-21 14:12:42
New question! For the planimeter, if you want to ATTUNE RELEASE, will it always release the first attunement, or will there be any way to specify which you wish to release (assuming you also have attune in environment)?
Krellan2010-07-21 18:01:26
attune release only works in the environment you are attuned in. So i think that's how it will determine which attunement is released.
Unknown2010-07-22 02:44:41
QUOTE (Krellan @ Jul 21 2010, 01:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
attune release only works in the environment you are attuned in. So i think that's how it will determine which attunement is released.
... well, that explains a lot.
Unknown2010-07-25 02:02:48
I know it's a wee bit late, but just to confirm: the Doctoral Cord is owner only, correct?
Unknown2010-07-25 02:31:30
Prices are lower than anticipated. I have to wonder how much sniping we'll see in a few hours.
Lendren2010-07-25 02:32:25
Boy, I would sure imagine so, that'd be massively overpowered if not.
Unknown2010-07-25 02:37:01
QUOTE (Lendren @ Jul 24 2010, 09:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Boy, I would sure imagine so, that'd be massively overpowered if not.
Yes, but it doesn't specify. And we all know the dangers inherent in not specifying things for this pbase.

ongaku2010-07-25 02:47:21
Did the auctions end? I hope I won my chromapen!
Ayisdra2010-07-25 02:58:48
QUOTE (Ongaku Nil'Goeth @ Jul 24 2010, 10:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Did the auctions end? I hope I won my chromapen!
No, four days left
Acrune2010-07-25 03:00:25
Yeah, they sure end at a unfortunate time for the east coast folks 

Ayisdra2010-07-25 03:01:37
QUOTE (Acrune @ Jul 24 2010, 11:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yeah, they sure end at a unfortunate time for the east coast folks 

2am on a weekend is not as bad as it could be.
I'm sad I don't have more credits to bid...
Geb2010-07-25 03:26:21
Almost time for the real bidding to take place!
Unknown2010-07-25 03:37:08
I totally wasn't planning on staying up late tonight, but I couldn't sleep and now I'm like.. three hours is all I've got to wait.
If someone snipes my charm, I will be a very sad dwarf.
If someone snipes my charm, I will be a very sad dwarf.
Xavius2010-07-25 04:15:31
QUOTE (Doctor @ Jul 24 2010, 10:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I totally wasn't planning on staying up late tonight, but I couldn't sleep and now I'm like.. three hours is all I've got to wait.
If someone snipes my charm, I will be a very sad dwarf.
If someone snipes my charm, I will be a very sad dwarf.
GTFO my charm, punk.