Unknown2010-08-04 14:39:36
QUOTE (Sarvasti @ Aug 4 2010, 03:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
That is -your- opinion. Not everyone here believes that Remorting/Prestiging is a good idea or even an ok one. Just because there are games out there that Remort/Presitge does not mean it works everywhere. Some places it works, others it does not. You need to learn to accept that you're not always going to get a well thought out, coherent argument against your ideas. Lemme call Xenthos to this discussion then you'll get a better reposne than "but what about my hp?" (that is if he's against the idea of course). Chances are you will likely either a. walk away or b. end up looking like a fool after arguing with him cuz that happens to everyone when they argue against Xenthos. Just the law of land.
That's not how Xenthos argues though! Arguing with Xenthos is such. I say, "I don't like your fence, because it is poorly maintained, and as such, has become termite infested and rotted out". Xenthos says, "Look at your yard, I can see where the weeds are sprouting up. Clearly this is an indicator of not only poor lawn care, but that the enviroment is conductive to unpleasant things. Its moist and humid out, and that explains both the weeds and the termites and rotten fence. Clearly, your problem isn't with my fence matinence at all, but rather with Mother Nature. You should be addressing your complaints to her, and not talking about my fence at all!"
Arguing with Xenthos is the debating version of watching a Seinfield marathon. Facepalm inducing and inexplicible, and very frequently about nothing. That's why we love him.
As for our Doctor posting friend, merely saying "you may choose to do this thing, or you may not" does not make the choice an option worthy of consideration. You should be reading the critiquing posts as "if I were to choose this, blah blah", where such a prefix is appropriate.
Furthermore, if you cannot understand why your audience doesn't understand what you are trying to convey, it suggests that the failure in communication does not lie with the audience.
Unknown2010-08-04 14:41:26
QUOTE (Doctor @ Aug 4 2010, 09:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It really isn't an opinion though. A quantifiably bad idea is going to be quantifiably bad. Not everything is a matter of opinion, I'm afraid.
For instance: "Lord of the Rings is a bad book. I'm entitled to my opinion, so there!"
No. In this situation, said person's opinion is wrong. Lord of the Rings may not be something they like but that does not make it bad. There is a line between not for you and horrible idea. Bad is something quantifiable. Cancer is bad. Smoking is bad. And yet people still smoke and give themselves cancer. Does that make "Smoking is not bad for you" a valid opinion? Absolutely not.
For instance: "Lord of the Rings is a bad book. I'm entitled to my opinion, so there!"
No. In this situation, said person's opinion is wrong. Lord of the Rings may not be something they like but that does not make it bad. There is a line between not for you and horrible idea. Bad is something quantifiable. Cancer is bad. Smoking is bad. And yet people still smoke and give themselves cancer. Does that make "Smoking is not bad for you" a valid opinion? Absolutely not.
You, good sir, are confusing fact with opinion. My opinions are my opinions. If I want to believe that LoTR is a horrible book, I am well with in my rights and I am not wrong, but that doesn't make me right either. You are withing your rights to tell me I'm wrong, but you still need to respect the fact that I am allowed to think/feel/believe what I want. If people think/believe/feel that remort systems are a bad idea, that is their opinion.
Eventru2010-08-04 14:43:10
Please stop. I'm getting a bit bothered. Everyone is striving for the last word, and I think by now we all know I'm the only one who gets that. 

Noola2010-08-04 14:43:46
I've argued with Xenthos. It was fun. But, finally, I just decided to agree to disagree. Cause Xenthos does not give up. He cannot be defeated because he will never admit defeat and he has an unlimited capacity for finding a new twist that allows him to never concede. It's really quite awesome! 

Unknown2010-08-04 14:50:28
QUOTE (Noola @ Aug 4 2010, 03:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I've argued with Xenthos. It was fun. But, finally, I just decided to agree to disagree. Cause Xenthos does not give up. He cannot be defeated because he will never admit defeat and he has an unlimited capacity for finding a new twist that allows him to never concede. It's really quite awesome! 

I dunno Noola, though he'll make some good points, I never feel like he wins the initial argument so much as he will keep talking about tangentical or barely associated aspects of the topic until those first arguments are buried in a giant yarn ball of nonsense and meta-arguments.
Its a pretty effective way to kill an argument, and he has the posting stanima to do it. He's like, if argument styles were archetypes, he'd be an affliction class. Probably illuminati or something.
Unknown2010-08-04 14:58:02
QUOTE (Rainydays @ Aug 4 2010, 09:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

I dunno Noola, though he'll make some good points, I never feel like he wins the initial argument so much as he will keep talking about tangentical or barely associated aspects of the topic until those first arguments are buried in a giant yarn ball of nonsense and meta-arguments.
Its a pretty effective way to kill an argument, and he has the posting stanima to do it. He's like, if argument styles were archetypes, he'd be an affliction class. Probably illuminati or something.
I always knew Xenthos was a warlock.

Unknown2010-08-04 15:44:17
QUOTE (Eventru @ Aug 4 2010, 10:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Please stop. I'm getting a bit bothered. Everyone is striving for the last word, and I think by now we all know I'm the only one who gets that. 

Last word

Unknown2010-08-04 17:00:24
Unknown2010-08-04 17:12:11
Noola2010-08-04 17:16:20

Krellan2010-08-04 21:19:13
Xenthos likes to zero in on ultra specific points.
Also, Akui, every time you call me out on forums, I die a little on the inside.
Also, Akui, every time you call me out on forums, I die a little on the inside.

Aicuthi2010-08-04 21:37:31
QUOTE (Doctor @ Aug 4 2010, 01:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
No, they wouldn't. Remort is an alternative to Demi. And even if they could reach it, so what? They'd have essentially bashed to Demi 16+ times at that point on the same character.
Also, I still find it hilarious that people are like "OMG! If they spend more time than me, they'll be stronger than me!" Um.. that is how it currently is. If you spend more time bashing, you'll reach Demi. If you spend more money you'll have more artis. If you spend more time fighting, your org will make you a Vernal or support you in becoming a True Ascendant.
I mean, if you're going to disagree with a suggestion.. at least use an argument that makes some sense.
Also, I didn't come in here to suggest that it be done in a serious sense--I just said it would be cool. And then people were like "hurf durf i dun want people who spend more time bashing than me to be stronger... even though that is exactly how it is now/Anything from Aardwolf suxx!" so I defended the idea.
Also, I still find it hilarious that people are like "OMG! If they spend more time than me, they'll be stronger than me!" Um.. that is how it currently is. If you spend more time bashing, you'll reach Demi. If you spend more money you'll have more artis. If you spend more time fighting, your org will make you a Vernal or support you in becoming a True Ascendant.
I mean, if you're going to disagree with a suggestion.. at least use an argument that makes some sense.
Also, I didn't come in here to suggest that it be done in a serious sense--I just said it would be cool. And then people were like "hurf durf i dun want people who spend more time bashing than me to be stronger... even though that is exactly how it is now/Anything from Aardwolf suxx!" so I defended the idea.
I'm a roleplay-centric character, I get no satisfaction in being stronger than other players or having more stat boosts, etc. This really has nothing to do with being stronger, no need to get aggressive about it.
My point makes plenty of sense. A demigod or ascendant who doesn't mind spending endless amounts of time/money/whatever shouldn't have to start at level 1 again to be the very best. Why reward people who reach level 80 like that and punish people who reached demigod? That is balanced or fair.
In any case, we already have Domoth realms which you can even claim, and they give a wonderful range of passive buffs. I don't see bonding with a Seal being very common.
Xenthos2010-08-04 22:36:43
Curse you, Eventru.
There are subjects here that are positively calling to me.
Please take down your termite-riddled fence.
There are subjects here that are positively calling to me.
Please take down your termite-riddled fence.

Noola2010-08-04 22:40:26
QUOTE (Xenthos @ Aug 4 2010, 05:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Curse you, Eventru.
There are subjects here that are positively calling to me.
Please take down your termite-riddled fence.
There are subjects here that are positively calling to me.
Please take down your termite-riddled fence.

Unknown2010-08-05 01:47:17
QUOTE (Krellan @ Aug 4 2010, 10:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Xenthos likes to zero in on ultra specific points.
Also, Akui, every time you call me out on forums, I die a little on the inside.
Also, Akui, every time you call me out on forums, I die a little on the inside.

It was supposed to be a compliment! Being creative is a good thing.
Eventru2010-08-05 06:32:49
QUOTE (Xenthos @ Aug 4 2010, 06:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Curse you, Eventru.
There are subjects here that are positively calling to me.
Please take down your termite-riddled fence.
There are subjects here that are positively calling to me.
Please take down your termite-riddled fence.

No thanks. I'm just going to paint it white again.

Ssaliss2010-08-09 23:54:59
Date: 8/9/2010 at 23:53
From: Sior the Anomaly
To : Everyone
Subj: Demigod Changes
Demipowers are in! Drawing the endgame review to a close, demigods,
titans and Ascendants will find a few major changes for themselves!
o The shrink/expand abilities have been removed from a titan, as has the
ability to REFRESH.
o Demigods and Ascendants only have the inherent +1 stats they get at
titans, and the ability to ASCEND TO HAVENS.
o As a note, Ascendants also have FLY and Clairsentience as inherent
o Demigods and Ascendants now have access to the POWERS verb, which will
give them the ability to activate using their own essence.
o Ascendants have access to a wider variety of abilities - the nine
abilities Demigods have, as well as 3 additional abilities per domoth.
o For the Demigod Powers, the maximum 'weights' are as follows:
o Demigods: 50
o Vernal Demigods: 100
o Ascendants: 150
How it works:
o Malicia wants to zap the infidels with one of our nifty pre-set zaps.
o Ephemeral means the ability will decay in 12 RL days, or roughly 1 IG
o Supernumerary means it will use her 'weight' (along with the usual
essence cost), meaning it is *permanent* unless she removes it. Should
she remove it, there is no refund.
o Malicia and POWERS INFO CHOICEZAP to see a short blurb about it and
how to use it.
o Malicia can also use POWERS SET to see what of her powers she has
selected she can modify.
Pretty simple!
Along with this, there is a special power available ONLY to Avatars. It
has a heavy essence cost, and NO weight, and must be purchased as a
supernumerary power. Once it is purchased, it is permanent. This is
called 'Veneration', and is a skillset devoted entirely to forming a
cult to an aspect of an Elder God, and venerating that aspect fully.
Please note that all of Veneration's skills are not in yet, but they
will be added over the coming days and weeks!
Also, as a third and final point, city leaders may now vote to descend
an Ascendant, which works just as Ascending does. CITY PRIVS lists the
relevant commands for those who need it.
Penned by My hand on the 15th of Juliary, in the year 273 CE.
Date: 8/9/2010 at 23:53
From: Sior the Anomaly
To : Everyone
Subj: Demigod Changes
Demipowers are in! Drawing the endgame review to a close, demigods,
titans and Ascendants will find a few major changes for themselves!
o The shrink/expand abilities have been removed from a titan, as has the
ability to REFRESH.
o Demigods and Ascendants only have the inherent +1 stats they get at
titans, and the ability to ASCEND TO HAVENS.
o As a note, Ascendants also have FLY and Clairsentience as inherent
o Demigods and Ascendants now have access to the POWERS verb, which will
give them the ability to activate using their own essence.
o Ascendants have access to a wider variety of abilities - the nine
abilities Demigods have, as well as 3 additional abilities per domoth.
o For the Demigod Powers, the maximum 'weights' are as follows:
o Demigods: 50
o Vernal Demigods: 100
o Ascendants: 150
How it works:
o Malicia wants to zap the infidels with one of our nifty pre-set zaps.
o Ephemeral means the ability will decay in 12 RL days, or roughly 1 IG
o Supernumerary means it will use her 'weight' (along with the usual
essence cost), meaning it is *permanent* unless she removes it. Should
she remove it, there is no refund.
o Malicia and POWERS INFO CHOICEZAP to see a short blurb about it and
how to use it.
o Malicia can also use POWERS SET to see what of her powers she has
selected she can modify.
Pretty simple!
Along with this, there is a special power available ONLY to Avatars. It
has a heavy essence cost, and NO weight, and must be purchased as a
supernumerary power. Once it is purchased, it is permanent. This is
called 'Veneration', and is a skillset devoted entirely to forming a
cult to an aspect of an Elder God, and venerating that aspect fully.
Please note that all of Veneration's skills are not in yet, but they
will be added over the coming days and weeks!
Also, as a third and final point, city leaders may now vote to descend
an Ascendant, which works just as Ascending does. CITY PRIVS lists the
relevant commands for those who need it.
Penned by My hand on the 15th of Juliary, in the year 273 CE.
Oh, and the powers...
Name                        Supernumerary Weight  Ephemeral Cost        In Use Â
EndowmentOfBrawn            10                    7000000
EndowmentOfThought          10                    7000000
EndowmentOfLife              10                    5000000
EndowmentOfFortitude        10                    3000000
EndowmentOfVanity            10                    5000000
Refresh                      20                    15000000
DivineFire                  30                    25000000
CustomZap                    35                    10000000
Seek                        20                    5000000
CustomShout                  5                    5000000
CustomEnterMessage          5                    15000000
CustomLookMessage            5                    15000000
CustomTeleportMessage        5                    15000000
SecondTradeskill            10                    70000000
Shrink                      10                    5000000
Expand                      10                    5000000
ChoiceShout                  5                    250000
ChoiceZap                    30                    500000
PlanarQuickening            5                    10000000
Name                        Supernumerary Weight  Ephemeral Cost        In Use Â
EndowmentOfBrawn            10                    7000000
EndowmentOfThought          10                    7000000
EndowmentOfLife              10                    5000000
EndowmentOfFortitude        10                    3000000
EndowmentOfVanity            10                    5000000
Refresh                      20                    15000000
DivineFire                  30                    25000000
CustomZap                    35                    10000000
Seek                        20                    5000000
CustomShout                  5                    5000000
CustomEnterMessage          5                    15000000
CustomLookMessage            5                    15000000
CustomTeleportMessage        5                    15000000
SecondTradeskill            10                    70000000
Shrink                      10                    5000000
Expand                      10                    5000000
ChoiceShout                  5                    250000
ChoiceZap                    30                    500000
PlanarQuickening            5                    10000000
Lehki2010-08-09 23:57:35
You forgot to delete Divine Fire. Or at least change it to have strictly bashing use.
Ssaliss2010-08-10 00:00:25
I also think it's odd that's customzap is 35 power, when customshout etc. are just 5 and divinefire is 30. Is a custom zap really that powerful?
Unknown2010-08-10 00:01:14
Very cool. I want to be a Demigod (even more) now.