Razenth2010-08-10 02:32:38
I wasn't aware Faragan could even buy Veneration.
Eventru2010-08-10 02:32:39
As there isn't a way to view it in-game yet (Oops! Something slipped through the cracks in the floorboards...), here's a list of your enter/exit choices.
They're domoth themed (which I've left attached because obvious details are obvious)

* *Domoth:* Nature
* One
* *Enter:* Spinning pink cherry blossom petals swirl in from the DIR, dancing playfully in joyous anticipation as Eventru emerges from their midst.
* *Exit:* Delicate cherry blossom petals burst into a joyous flurry and envelop Eventru before swirling away to the DIRECTION.
* Two
* *Enter:* A trail of vibrant blossoms unfurls from the DIRECTION, releasing a cloud of pollen that shimmers and coalesces into Eventru.
* *Exit:* Eventru explodes in a cloud of shimmering, golden pollen, which fades as the vibrant blossoms on the ground continue DIRECTIONward.
* Three
* *Enter:* A sudden wind surges in from the DIRECTION, gusting throughout the vicinity as Eventru fades into view.
* *Exit:* Eventru fades away as the wind picks up, carried DIRECTIONward by the raging gale until he|she has completely vanished.
* *Domoth:* Chaos
* One
* *Enter:* A panoply of swirling, multicoloured lights lance in from the DIRECTION, slowing suddenly before congealing into Eventru.
* *Exit:* A panoply of swirling, multicoloured lights twist about and envelop Eventru before lancing off to the DIRECTION.
* Two
* *Enter:* Iridescent bubbles bounce about as they flow from the DIRECTION, slowly merging to form one giant bubble that pops, revealing Eventru.
* *Exit:* With a playful wink Eventru explodes into a shower of iridescent bubbles that flow off to the DIRECTION in a wave of shimmering colours.
* Three
* *Enter:* A cloud of rainbow smoke drifts in from the DIRECTION, heady layers swirling upwards before condensing into Eventru.
* *Exit:* Eventru fades away as he|she exhales a cloud of swirling, rainbow-hued smoke that drifts off to the DIRECTION.
* *Domoth:* Harmony
* One
* *Enter:* Complex fractals zip and bob in from the DIRECTION, wreathing Eventru's form as $(he$) strides in.
* *Exit:* Eventru strides out to the DIRECTION, preceded by an array of complex fractals.
* Two
* *Enter:* A perfectly shaped orb of crystal floats in from the DIRECTION, suddenly expanding to reveal Eventru at its centre.
* *Exit:* The crystalline orb surrounding Eventru suddenly contracts in a flash of light before drifting off to the DIRECTION.
* Three
* *Enter:* A single, crystal clear note pierces the air as several wisps of silvery light drift in from the DIRECTION, coalescing into the form of Eventru.
* *Exit:* A single, crystal clear note chimes through the air as Eventru dissolves into wisps of silvery light that drift off to the DIRECTION.
* *Domoth:* Beauty
* One
* *Enter:* Effervescent motes of light flow in from the DIRECTION, gracefully coalescing into the form of Eventru.
* *Exit:* Eventru takes a step towards the DIRECTION, his|hers form dissipating into effervescent motes that fluidly flow off to the DIRECTION.
* Two
* *Enter:* Wisps of lavender mist drift in from the DIRECTION, trailing dreamily about the perfumed form of Eventru.
* *Exit:* Eventru drifts off to the DIRECTION, his|hers form trailing wisps of perfumed, lavender mist.
* Three
* *Enter:* Bewitching melodies drift languidly upon the air, heralding the entrance of Eventru as he|she glides in from the DIRECTION.
* *Exit:* Eventru drifts DIRECTIONward, preceded by the hauntingly beautiful notes that dance upon the air.
* *Domoth:* Knowledge
* One
* *Enter:* Swirls of burning parchment flicker in from the DIRECTION, enveloping the form of Eventru.
* *Exit:* Eventru moves away to the DIRECTION, his|hers form wreathed in flickers of burning parchment.
* Two
* *Enter:* A murmur of distant, questioning voices precedes Eventru as they enter from the DIRECTION.
* *Exit:* Eventru leaves to the DIRECTION, trailed by murmuring questions and the clearing of throats.
* Three
* *Enter:* Sparkling, essence-traced calculations precede Eventru as they drift in from the DIRECTION.
* *Exit:* >The flicker of essence-silvered calculations trail Eventru as they leave to the DIRECTION.
* *Domoth:* Justice
* One
* *Enter:* A blinding white glare fills the room, fading away to reveal Eventru coming in from the DIRECTION.
* *Exit:* A sudden flare of white light blinds you momentarily as Eventru leaves to the DIRECTION.
* Two
* *Enter:* The sound of a pounding gavel matches the footsteps of Eventru coming in from the DIRECTION.
* *Exit:* The sound of a pounding gavel matches the footsteps of Eventru leaving to the DIRECTION.
* Three
* *Enter:* A sense of stern authority weighs heavily in the air as Eventru enters from the DIRECTION.
* *Exit:* As Eventru leaves to the DIRECTION, the sense of stern authority lifts from the area.
* *Domoth:* War
* One
* *Enter:* A glorious halo of crimson light pervades the air as Eventru marches in from the DIRECTION with a martial air.
* *Exit:* Radiating a glorious halo of blood-red light, Eventru marches off to the DIRECTION with a martial air.
* Two
* *Enter:* The atmosphere distorts with a bloody haze as Eventru marches in from the DIRECTION to the tune of a martial cadence.
* *Exit:* Eventru marches off to the DIRECTION to the tune of a martial cadence, a blood-red haze lingering nearby.
* Three
* *Enter:* A brass trumpet peals out an order to hold as Eventru arrives from the DIRECTION, the steady beating of drums growing louder.
* *Exit:* A brass trumpet peals out an order to advance as Eventru marches off to the DIRECTION, the steady beating of drums fading.
* *Domoth:* Life
* One
* *Enter:* Swirling ribbons of serene white light drift in from the DIRECTION, alighting nearby before entwining to form Eventru.
* *Exit:* Eventru bows his|hers head before dissipating into ribbons of serene white light that drift off to the DIRECTION.
* Two
* *Enter:* Eventru enters from the DIRECTION amid a swirling motes of warmly-glowing golden light.
* *Exit:* Eventru leaves to the DIRECTION, surrounded by swirling motes of golden light.
* Three
* *Enter:* A sense of warm serenity settles upon the surroundings as Eventru strides in from the DIRECTION.
* *Exit:* As Eventru departs to the DIRECTION, the sense of warm serenity fades, leaving you colder in comparison.
* *Domoth:* Death
* One
* *Enter:* A twisting miasma of wailing souls whispers in from the DIR, preceding the arrival of PERSON.
* *Exit:* PERSON leaves to the DIR, a twisting miasma of wailing souls whispering after him|her.
* Two
* *Enter:* Barely audible whispers permeate the air as Eventru enters from the DIRECTION, a cloud of translucent figures trailing after.
* *Exit:* A cloud of translucent figures trails after Eventru as he|she leaves to the DIRECTION, the incomprehensible whispers finally fading.
* Three
* *Enter:* A deathly cold wind sweeps through, causing your very breathe to begin to freeze as Eventru enters from the DIRECTION.
* *Exit:* Warmth returns to your extremities as Eventru glides out to the DIRECTION, a chill wind leaving frost in his|her wake.
* One
* *Enter:* Spinning pink cherry blossom petals swirl in from the DIR, dancing playfully in joyous anticipation as Eventru emerges from their midst.
* *Exit:* Delicate cherry blossom petals burst into a joyous flurry and envelop Eventru before swirling away to the DIRECTION.
* Two
* *Enter:* A trail of vibrant blossoms unfurls from the DIRECTION, releasing a cloud of pollen that shimmers and coalesces into Eventru.
* *Exit:* Eventru explodes in a cloud of shimmering, golden pollen, which fades as the vibrant blossoms on the ground continue DIRECTIONward.
* Three
* *Enter:* A sudden wind surges in from the DIRECTION, gusting throughout the vicinity as Eventru fades into view.
* *Exit:* Eventru fades away as the wind picks up, carried DIRECTIONward by the raging gale until he|she has completely vanished.
* *Domoth:* Chaos
* One
* *Enter:* A panoply of swirling, multicoloured lights lance in from the DIRECTION, slowing suddenly before congealing into Eventru.
* *Exit:* A panoply of swirling, multicoloured lights twist about and envelop Eventru before lancing off to the DIRECTION.
* Two
* *Enter:* Iridescent bubbles bounce about as they flow from the DIRECTION, slowly merging to form one giant bubble that pops, revealing Eventru.
* *Exit:* With a playful wink Eventru explodes into a shower of iridescent bubbles that flow off to the DIRECTION in a wave of shimmering colours.
* Three
* *Enter:* A cloud of rainbow smoke drifts in from the DIRECTION, heady layers swirling upwards before condensing into Eventru.
* *Exit:* Eventru fades away as he|she exhales a cloud of swirling, rainbow-hued smoke that drifts off to the DIRECTION.
* *Domoth:* Harmony
* One
* *Enter:* Complex fractals zip and bob in from the DIRECTION, wreathing Eventru's form as $(he$) strides in.
* *Exit:* Eventru strides out to the DIRECTION, preceded by an array of complex fractals.
* Two
* *Enter:* A perfectly shaped orb of crystal floats in from the DIRECTION, suddenly expanding to reveal Eventru at its centre.
* *Exit:* The crystalline orb surrounding Eventru suddenly contracts in a flash of light before drifting off to the DIRECTION.
* Three
* *Enter:* A single, crystal clear note pierces the air as several wisps of silvery light drift in from the DIRECTION, coalescing into the form of Eventru.
* *Exit:* A single, crystal clear note chimes through the air as Eventru dissolves into wisps of silvery light that drift off to the DIRECTION.
* *Domoth:* Beauty
* One
* *Enter:* Effervescent motes of light flow in from the DIRECTION, gracefully coalescing into the form of Eventru.
* *Exit:* Eventru takes a step towards the DIRECTION, his|hers form dissipating into effervescent motes that fluidly flow off to the DIRECTION.
* Two
* *Enter:* Wisps of lavender mist drift in from the DIRECTION, trailing dreamily about the perfumed form of Eventru.
* *Exit:* Eventru drifts off to the DIRECTION, his|hers form trailing wisps of perfumed, lavender mist.
* Three
* *Enter:* Bewitching melodies drift languidly upon the air, heralding the entrance of Eventru as he|she glides in from the DIRECTION.
* *Exit:* Eventru drifts DIRECTIONward, preceded by the hauntingly beautiful notes that dance upon the air.
* *Domoth:* Knowledge
* One
* *Enter:* Swirls of burning parchment flicker in from the DIRECTION, enveloping the form of Eventru.
* *Exit:* Eventru moves away to the DIRECTION, his|hers form wreathed in flickers of burning parchment.
* Two
* *Enter:* A murmur of distant, questioning voices precedes Eventru as they enter from the DIRECTION.
* *Exit:* Eventru leaves to the DIRECTION, trailed by murmuring questions and the clearing of throats.
* Three
* *Enter:* Sparkling, essence-traced calculations precede Eventru as they drift in from the DIRECTION.
* *Exit:* >The flicker of essence-silvered calculations trail Eventru as they leave to the DIRECTION.
* *Domoth:* Justice
* One
* *Enter:* A blinding white glare fills the room, fading away to reveal Eventru coming in from the DIRECTION.
* *Exit:* A sudden flare of white light blinds you momentarily as Eventru leaves to the DIRECTION.
* Two
* *Enter:* The sound of a pounding gavel matches the footsteps of Eventru coming in from the DIRECTION.
* *Exit:* The sound of a pounding gavel matches the footsteps of Eventru leaving to the DIRECTION.
* Three
* *Enter:* A sense of stern authority weighs heavily in the air as Eventru enters from the DIRECTION.
* *Exit:* As Eventru leaves to the DIRECTION, the sense of stern authority lifts from the area.
* *Domoth:* War
* One
* *Enter:* A glorious halo of crimson light pervades the air as Eventru marches in from the DIRECTION with a martial air.
* *Exit:* Radiating a glorious halo of blood-red light, Eventru marches off to the DIRECTION with a martial air.
* Two
* *Enter:* The atmosphere distorts with a bloody haze as Eventru marches in from the DIRECTION to the tune of a martial cadence.
* *Exit:* Eventru marches off to the DIRECTION to the tune of a martial cadence, a blood-red haze lingering nearby.
* Three
* *Enter:* A brass trumpet peals out an order to hold as Eventru arrives from the DIRECTION, the steady beating of drums growing louder.
* *Exit:* A brass trumpet peals out an order to advance as Eventru marches off to the DIRECTION, the steady beating of drums fading.
* *Domoth:* Life
* One
* *Enter:* Swirling ribbons of serene white light drift in from the DIRECTION, alighting nearby before entwining to form Eventru.
* *Exit:* Eventru bows his|hers head before dissipating into ribbons of serene white light that drift off to the DIRECTION.
* Two
* *Enter:* Eventru enters from the DIRECTION amid a swirling motes of warmly-glowing golden light.
* *Exit:* Eventru leaves to the DIRECTION, surrounded by swirling motes of golden light.
* Three
* *Enter:* A sense of warm serenity settles upon the surroundings as Eventru strides in from the DIRECTION.
* *Exit:* As Eventru departs to the DIRECTION, the sense of warm serenity fades, leaving you colder in comparison.
* *Domoth:* Death
* One
* *Enter:* A twisting miasma of wailing souls whispers in from the DIR, preceding the arrival of PERSON.
* *Exit:* PERSON leaves to the DIR, a twisting miasma of wailing souls whispering after him|her.
* Two
* *Enter:* Barely audible whispers permeate the air as Eventru enters from the DIRECTION, a cloud of translucent figures trailing after.
* *Exit:* A cloud of translucent figures trails after Eventru as he|she leaves to the DIRECTION, the incomprehensible whispers finally fading.
* Three
* *Enter:* A deathly cold wind sweeps through, causing your very breathe to begin to freeze as Eventru enters from the DIRECTION.
* *Exit:* Warmth returns to your extremities as Eventru glides out to the DIRECTION, a chill wind leaving frost in his|her wake.
Esano2010-08-10 02:32:43
Fairly sure you could change at will, but again, something we could test on the test server without bugging the admin!
Ssaliss2010-08-10 02:33:52
QUOTE (Raeri @ Aug 10 2010, 04:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I wonder if you have to buy CustomEnterMessage once every time you want to change it. Or if buying it once gives access to all possible messages and you get to change at will without cost :S
I'd assume the latter. You buy powers with POWERS SELECT
Eventru2010-08-10 02:35:22
And there's about 5 or so cult abilities so far that are in.
Unfortunately there was some data loss a few days ago, which threw us behind schedule. Hopefully they'll be done over the next week or so!
And Faragan has formed the first cult, yes. Only one so far!
Unfortunately there was some data loss a few days ago, which threw us behind schedule. Hopefully they'll be done over the next week or so!

And Faragan has formed the first cult, yes. Only one so far!
Revan2010-08-10 02:37:00
Why does it cost so much to make a cult? cults were to be split from ascendant to make them more roleplay based and accessible. The cost makes it a bit impossible for this... cults are already severely limited in the fact that you need to work to become an Avatar in the first place.
Razenth2010-08-10 02:37:02
Oh right! Avatar! Dur.
Ssaliss2010-08-10 02:38:47
QUOTE (Eventru @ Aug 10 2010, 04:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
As there isn't a way to view it in-game yet (Oops! Something slipped through the cracks in the floorboards...), here's a list of your enter/exit choices.
They're domoth themed (which I've left attached because obvious details are obvious)

Neat! A shame I didn't find any in there that fit me (nothing with shadows aside from the ghosts from death?), but hey, can't please everyone!
Aicuthi2010-08-10 02:41:02
Veneration sounds sexy. You guys really weren't lying when you said customization.
Xiel2010-08-10 02:44:08
Question about those entry messages: if the syntax calls for POWER SET ENTERMSG , how do you differentiate between say, the three for Beauty from the three for Harmony?
Aramel2010-08-10 02:44:36
Flowers swirling on entry? That sounds like something I'd have customized myself. ._.
Esano2010-08-10 02:47:38
Those are all just standard walk messages? Interesting. The dissipating into ribbons of light looks more like a teleport.
Lendren2010-08-10 02:47:55
QUOTE (Eventru @ Aug 9 2010, 09:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Seek is undeniable (so it goes through all the stealth stuff). As has been said, we can certainly look at adjusting the weights/essences, but we want to see how things play out first (it only went in a couple hours ago!)
Even if it (like it used to) failed to trigger aethersight, I still don't see anyone paying 5 supernumerary for it, let alone 20. Then again maybe someone's using it for some big deal I don't know about. The only time I know of it really mattered was contesting domoths; other than that, the inconvenience of going to havens to use it usually outweighed any convenience it had relative to, say, an Apprentice-level skill or enchantment.
The costs on shout and zap also seem pretty out of whack, but at least this means no more zap-trains since it costs way too much for anyone to have ten zappers.
So... it costs 1.5 million net power to turn a demigod into a vernal demigod now, right? Which gets you from 50 to 100 supernumerary, does it also give you access to any of the extra powers? I wonder if it might be possible to bring in the 1.5M to buy it (and if so if I can get credit for the >1M I've already brought in in my career)...
Ssaliss2010-08-10 02:52:40
QUOTE (Lendren @ Aug 10 2010, 04:47 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So... it costs 1.5 million net power to turn a demigod into a vernal demigod now, right? Which gets you from 50 to 100 supernumerary, does it also give you access to any of the extra powers? I wonder if it might be possible to bring in the 1.5M to buy it (and if so if I can get credit for the >1M I've already brought in in my career)...
Yes, if there are none or only one VA in an org, that'd be the cost. Most orgs would likely be able to afford more than that with the power returns from stripping old VAs though.
Raeri2010-08-10 02:52:48
Won't stop zap-trains. 500000 ephemeral cost for ChoiceZap.
Eventru2010-08-10 02:53:41
They run 1-27. I believe in the exact order I listed them.
Ssaliss2010-08-10 02:55:48
QUOTE (Eventru @ Aug 10 2010, 04:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
They run 1-27. I believe in the exact order I listed them.
As a hindsight idea (and possibly not likely to be changed), I think it would be better to have them choosable by POWERS SET ENTERMSG B2 for Beauty-domoth entermessage 2, for instance. Or just POWERS SET ENTERMSG BEAUTY 2.
Eventru2010-08-10 02:56:36
QUOTE (Ssaliss @ Aug 9 2010, 10:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
As a hindsight idea (and possibly not likely to be changed), I think it would be better to have them choosable by POWERS SET ENTERMSG B2 for Beauty-domoth entermessage 2, for instance. Or just POWERS SET ENTERMSG BEAUTY 2.
It's easier/easiest the way it is.

(...For me. Which is all that matters, right? Right? *crickets*)
Ssaliss2010-08-10 02:59:36
QUOTE (Eventru @ Aug 10 2010, 04:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It's easier/easiest the way it is. 
(...For me. Which is all that matters, right? Right? *crickets*)

(...For me. Which is all that matters, right? Right? *crickets*)
Sure, it's easiest code-wise, but since when have players started caring about ease of coding? Isn't everything doable overnight? Or heck, you can have two nights for big projects, like redesigning Aetherspace to allow people to use airlocks and shoot aetherbeasts with aether-charged laser rifles. Just because you're lazy, of course, not because you need that much time.

Rika2010-08-10 03:00:18
So instead of getting more to customise, demigods got even less. 35 weight just to get my old zap back, compared to 30 for divinefire? Basically demigods are nothing but people with stats of a level 100 unless you are willing to grind even harder than before.