Druken2010-08-05 22:06:50
Ya know, this thread may just be the missing link all of us who aren't in Gaudiguch need in order to understand why a free city is just so frustrating.
Civil liberties are overrated. Bring on the imperialistic wyrd any day.
Civil liberties are overrated. Bring on the imperialistic wyrd any day.
Unknown2010-08-05 22:07:03
QUOTE (Kante @ Aug 5 2010, 05:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Edit: inb4everyonethinksimcrazyforbelievinginmagic
I think you'd be surprised by how many Lusternian (and, more generally, IRE/Mud) players are interested in the occult.
Xenthos2010-08-05 22:08:09
QUOTE (Sarvasti @ Aug 5 2010, 06:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ok, Clearly both sides (aka Admins and Players alike) need to step back from the thread. Lock it up, whatever but dear gods everyone just take a damn step back from this thread. Go grab a shower, pet your rock, drink some wine. Give things a good, long thought before coming back and lets try and talk like we're all civilized human beings capable of decent conversation without degrading into finger pointing, he said she said.
Honestly, this thread has descended to the point where I feel like there's not even a discussion any more. And that was even before Estarra came into the thread.
Unknown2010-08-05 22:09:30
And as a quick note, It seems like no one is actually stopping you from putting in laws. Gaudiguch is just ruled by politicians and not leaders. IMO a good leader would put in laws and reign in order without worry of their position or how others are going to view it. You're all afraid of having your position stripped if you do just that.
Estarra2010-08-05 22:13:47
QUOTE (Othero @ Aug 5 2010, 03:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
This thread's getting sad. I'm thinking Estarra honestly gave you guys some basic RP and leadership advice on how to balance Gaudiguch with the half that wants to lead the city and the half that is "FREEDOM!" and you've all become persecuted martyrs. Do what you want, impose some laws, and give them the right spin to please the "FREEDOM!" people. They're not laws, they're guidelines to a better party. Have the one rule and then explain what actions specifically go against that one rule.
Thank you for pointing out which should have been obvious.

I'm still a bit bent out of shape that the advice was so grossly mischaracterized but, oh well, I guess waiting for Godot would be more fulfilling than waiting for a straightforward admission and apology.
Rodngar2010-08-05 22:14:22
QUOTE (Kante @ Aug 5 2010, 05:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Coming from a practitioner of chaos magic, let me tell you how it works...
Chaos magic is about finding and utilizing what works best to achieve a desired result. This normally involves paradigm shifts, research, and just plain ####ing around with stuff until you find what does, in fact, work.
Chaos magic is about stripping away all of the gobbledygook of a system, finding the bare bones and the framework, and seeing what makes it work to begin with. Once you find the frame, you can embellish it however you deem fit.
Chaos magic can be likened to unverified personal gnosis. You may have seen a vision that's true for you, but it's not necessarily true for others.
Two chaotes are never the same.
Another edit: And to further expound upon this, chaos magic does not imply that it is without reason or any kind of form. The "chaos" chaos magic derives from the ancient Greek word "Χάος". Χάος was considered to be the fundamental building blocks of our world, and is said to be what the very gods themselves spawned from.
Edit: inb4everyonethinksimcrazyforbelievinginmagic
Chaos magic is about finding and utilizing what works best to achieve a desired result. This normally involves paradigm shifts, research, and just plain ####ing around with stuff until you find what does, in fact, work.
Chaos magic is about stripping away all of the gobbledygook of a system, finding the bare bones and the framework, and seeing what makes it work to begin with. Once you find the frame, you can embellish it however you deem fit.
Chaos magic can be likened to unverified personal gnosis. You may have seen a vision that's true for you, but it's not necessarily true for others.
Two chaotes are never the same.
Another edit: And to further expound upon this, chaos magic does not imply that it is without reason or any kind of form. The "chaos" chaos magic derives from the ancient Greek word "Χάος". Χάος was considered to be the fundamental building blocks of our world, and is said to be what the very gods themselves spawned from.
Edit: inb4everyonethinksimcrazyforbelievinginmagic
That actually sounds kind of cool. Thanks for the insight!
Unknown2010-08-05 22:15:58

Kaalak2010-08-05 22:16:39
QUOTE (Estarra @ Aug 5 2010, 03:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I guess waiting for Godot would be more fulfilling ...
I lolled.
Furien2010-08-05 22:26:43
I'd like to think I've been reasonably receptive to this whole thing... and I've been writing enough lately to help change things, but the reactions and frustration building up in this thread are making me want to just throw my arms up and go 'Bah!'.
Well, not much I can do about it, I guess, except keep trying.
Well, not much I can do about it, I guess, except keep trying.
Eventru2010-08-05 22:32:35
QUOTE (Furien @ Aug 5 2010, 06:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'd like to think I've been reasonably receptive to this whole thing... and I've been writing enough lately to help change things, but the reactions and frustration building up in this thread are making me want to just throw my arms up and go 'Bah!'.
Well, not much I can do about it, I guess, except keep trying.
Well, not much I can do about it, I guess, except keep trying.
I think/hope a lot of people got the release they felt they needed . Hopefully things are only 'up' from here on out!
Kante2010-08-05 22:41:52
Am I the only person who hears Oompa Loompas when he reads the title of this thread?
Rodngar2010-08-05 22:44:50
QUOTE (Kante @ Aug 5 2010, 06:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Am I the only person who hears Oompa Loompas when he reads the title of this thread?
Now I do. Thanks.

Unknown2010-08-05 23:41:41
QUOTE (Kante @ Aug 5 2010, 04:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Another edit: And to further expound upon this, chaos magic does not imply that it is without reason or any kind of form. The "chaos" chaos magic derives from the ancient Greek word "Χάος". Χάος was considered to be the fundamental building blocks of our world, and is said to be what the very gods themselves spawned from.
Well, technically, both are correct. Chaos (chaino in Attic Greek) is the fundamental building material of the world AND is without reason or any kind of form. The imposition of form is cosmos.
Unformed chaos is ordered into cosmos which, itself, gives way to the eschaton, or glorified/fully realized cosmos.
Unknown2010-08-06 01:55:17
QUOTE (Rodngar @ Aug 5 2010, 08:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It would never work - the costs are astronomical, amongst other things.
Similarly, why MUST a chaos theme (if we even have one, I decline to comment lest I flip my lid about it) have ANYTHING to do with our political structure? Moreover, why MUST we have a chaos theme in general? If I wanted a city of chaos, I'd go to Ashtan in Achaea, frankly. I'm here for fire, enlightenment, and possibility - not chaos. Just because somebody got it in their heads to write 'chaos magic' in the Paradigmatics help file doesn't mean we must put chaos everywhere. Especially not in the places where stability is REQUIRED to function.
Similarly, why MUST a chaos theme (if we even have one, I decline to comment lest I flip my lid about it) have ANYTHING to do with our political structure? Moreover, why MUST we have a chaos theme in general? If I wanted a city of chaos, I'd go to Ashtan in Achaea, frankly. I'm here for fire, enlightenment, and possibility - not chaos. Just because somebody got it in their heads to write 'chaos magic' in the Paradigmatics help file doesn't mean we must put chaos everywhere. Especially not in the places where stability is REQUIRED to function.
Talked about this at length once, there's a thread here somewhere, about Chaos and Gaudiguch. It's not chaos in the "OoOgGaH BOOGAH FOOBLENAP! I wear gnoogkanks on my head." It's chaos more in the classical greek sense of that point of pre-creation preceeding infinite potential.
QUOTE (Xavius @ Aug 5 2010, 09:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You heard it here first, people! Gaudiguch is the new New Glomdoring! All we need are Pyro upgrades that include insanity, a bard guild with a 2p song that gives 4-6 applications of insanity, a proper demizerg, and a real construct, and we'll be pwnzorz! From Estarra's lips to your xp!
Silly Xavius, only one org is allowed super synergy. If you point out the discrepency, you're a "scrub". If you get some of your own synergy, you're clearly OP and thus lynched.
Actually, just fix pyros to be more offensive than aeros like they are supposed to be and I'll shut up.
And Estarra, though I wasn't there for that talk at all, insight is still appreciated. Especially for someone like me who admires people like Eugene Debs and such.

Edit: Here's that thread on chaos and gaudiguch! http://forums.lusternia.com/index.php?showtopic=18538
Aubrey2010-08-06 03:51:58
I'm surprised this thread has stayed open so long. Funny how when the opposite viewpoint is the starter of the thread, it gets shut down immediately, but when it's this side of the story, it plays out forever. But I'm glad it did because no matter who started the thread, the topic merits discussion as much as the Serenwilde thread did. And I apologize for the length of this post but I hope at least one person will take the time to read it and consider it with an open mind.
They really should. It would save a lot of "this" and "QTF" posts, too.
First, the bolded part there just sounds wrong. Second, good advice, that's what I did. When I finally got around to reading the rest of the thread tonight (took forever; didn't anyone else sleep?!), I noticed a few things that might need pointing out.
Sahmiam mentioned rights-based wording in the laws. This would be an excellent idea, and a way to explain the structure of the city while seeming congruent to its RP. For example, "Citizens have the right to contest their leaders including respectful and reasonable contention posts," or, "City leaders have the right to enemy a guest who has caused trouble and refused to leave when asked." Really enhances the sense of freedom for all citizens, from peasant up to grand duke. You could make it a Rights and Responsibilities thing too. Like you have the responsibility to alert the city if you hear your guild-specific NPCs being attacked via loyalsays, for example.
When I've had questions as to whether a decision might be against game rules, I just issue myself and explain the situation and ask "can I do this?" The one time I didn't do that, I apparently made the wrong choice according to Estarra, so I had to undo it. And that's fine, probably my fault for not double-checking in the first place. I still know I did nothing intentionally wrong, but if it's perceived that way (in my case due to unfortunate timing), that's what matters, and sometimes you just have to pick your battles. If you have to ask on a case-by-case basis, do so. It's not hard. And I could be wrong but I think the admins would rather answer a quick yes/no now and then (unless you have to ask every day in which case I don't know what to tell you), than deal with explosive messes like this. An ounce of prevention...
No, I'm not going to "latch onto" Estarra's posts. I have no reason to. The one thing I will say about them is that this is a prime example of what happens with this group of people (it's not only Kalin, he's just perceived as the ringleader and therefore his name is used most). When they get called out on something they've done wrong, whether by a citizen, guild member, player on the forums, or even admin, they kick up a huge fuss and cry bloody murder, claiming total innocence and twisting words and accusing the other person of the very same things they've done. I'm sorry but if this topic continues to come up so often and so many times, there is some seed of truth to it, however large or small. It baffles me that so few otherwise intelligent people have considered this.
An example of twisting words is this whole idea that the opposition is using freedom as an excuse to do atrocious things. They're not. When someone writes a normal contention post ("Our current leader has done a b and c things right, and we thank him/her for that, but he/she has done x y and z things not-so-right, which is why I think we need a change. This is my experience with leadership, this is why I would do if you elect me.") and you fly off the handle about it, and they say "what's wrong with what I did? I have the right to do that, don't I?" they're not using freedom as a flimsy excuse for something horrible; they're just using common sense. I don't know why this "snugglers" thing keeps coming up, because I haven't seen much excessive affection (and Aubrey is from Seren, I know excessive affection when I see it), or at least haven't heard of it being a problem. Maybe I just missed it, but I haven't heard Kalin & Co. ever directly say that's the problem either. It seems like people have just assumed that sort of thing is the issue, and Kalin etc have been happy to let them think that, while conveniently failing to mention what's actually happening.
When I mention this, they tell me to shut up because I don't know anything about it. They say I'm just making things up to be sensationalist (why would I care about doing that? I've never met Gregori IC, I don't know most of these people outside of these situations, I have no score to settle from the past or anything). In fact I've bit my tongue on this whole thing until this thread. And it's been hard. Why? Because I know a lot more about it than they think I do. And why don't they know this? Because I have specifically avoided getting involved in-game. I'm not sure what on Earth would lead someone to think I metagame, but if I did metagame, you would have heard of my alt, you would have heard from me outside the game. But you haven't because I don't do that stuff. That doesn't mean I don't know about things though. That doesn't mean I don't see the more public stuff first-hand and see logs from others of the behind-closed-doors stuff. I've just showed a hell of a lot of restraint in discussing it publicly or acting on it in-game.
And knowing these things from seeing it first-hand is what makes it so frustrating, it's what led me to be so ticked off last night, because those of you who haven't seen it for yourselves buy into everything these guys say, without considering how unrealistic it sounds. When one person is brave enough to speak up and say "this is untrue/wrong," they get the verbal beatdown from multiple people, which makes others who agree with that isolated person be afraid to speak up in support (and yes, there are many others who do agree), which then gives further support for the claim that it's just a "vocal minority."
The excuse that "Kalin continues to win elections so everything must be peachy" is ludicrous. They're joke elections. Literally, one of Kalin's friends will make a contention post saying, "Teehee, Kalin's corrupt, oh noes! ... Don't actually vote for me, this is a joke, duh." And then Kalin wins. That doesn't count, folks. I'm hoping most people just sincerely didn't know that the elections are like this...
Also to clarify, I know there's a lot more to this than just the recent Illuminati thing. It's just that these now-shrubbed alts you mentioned posted a while back, and I didn't expect you'd still be this upset about those things. I mean really what I don't get is why certain leaders there feel the need to go on such a tyrade against opposition, if you think the opposition is that weak to begin with. If you were really secure, you wouldn't have to do that, would you? From what I've seen, the things people do to earn your ire have been exceedingly mild, and your reactions seem highly exaggerated in proportion. (I'm sure someone will step in here to point out that they think I do the same thing. Well that's nice, you're welcome to think that, that's not the topic of discussion here.) Since you were only recently spoken to by the admins about these things, I assumed the more recent events were the focus. Apparently that was a poor assumption and I apologize for making it.
The point still stands though, whether it's the Illuminati election or any number of other things in Gaudi (Illuminati is still part of Gaudi, there's an overlap between city leaders and guild leaders, so you can only separate them to an extent, and this problem transcends those categories). If other cities and the communes aren't having these problems, why do you think you are? My advice will probably go ignored like the other decent suggestions here, but that just proves you're here to whine and get sympathy and make the admins look bad, rather than sincerely be open to trying new things. Regardless:
Stop giving so much negative attention to, well, everything. If an obvious alt makes a painful-to-read post, ignore it IC and report alt abuse. You did the latter - or someone did, because they got shrubbed - but not the former, which just exacerbates the problem. If someone contests you and you think they're telling false information in their contention post, engage them like a civil adult, say "actually you're wrong, this is why," instead of insulting and threatening them. It seems like you're doing decent jobs in other areas, as far as getting work done and all that, but this other behavior is the main problem and it's overshadowing anything good you might do. So why is it so hard to just chill out? I mean, they're contesting or speaking against you because of specific behavior, so you respond by doing that very behavior, and then wonder why it doesn't work? Also mocking the whole thing (calling Kalin corrupt in passing conversation as a 'joke') really does not help. Projecting an image of maturity and calmness and security would really get you far.
And calling people trolls for disagreeing with you OOC really doesn't help either. Just sayin'.
So there's a real answer, take it or leave it, mock and insult me more if you'd like, but I've said my thought-out genuine response, and I won't bite bait.
QUOTE (Elostian @ Aug 5 2010, 03:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It's times like these that I really miss the fact that these forums do not have a 'like' button.
They really should. It would save a lot of "this" and "QTF" posts, too.
QUOTE (Sarvasti @ Aug 5 2010, 06:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ok, Clearly both sides (aka Admins and Players alike) need to step back from the thread. Lock it up, whatever but dear gods everyone just take a damn step back from this thread. Go grab a shower, pet your rock, drink some wine. Give things a good, long thought before coming back and lets try and talk like we're all civilized human beings capable of decent conversation without degrading into finger pointing, he said she said.
First, the bolded part there just sounds wrong. Second, good advice, that's what I did. When I finally got around to reading the rest of the thread tonight (took forever; didn't anyone else sleep?!), I noticed a few things that might need pointing out.
Sahmiam mentioned rights-based wording in the laws. This would be an excellent idea, and a way to explain the structure of the city while seeming congruent to its RP. For example, "Citizens have the right to contest their leaders including respectful and reasonable contention posts," or, "City leaders have the right to enemy a guest who has caused trouble and refused to leave when asked." Really enhances the sense of freedom for all citizens, from peasant up to grand duke. You could make it a Rights and Responsibilities thing too. Like you have the responsibility to alert the city if you hear your guild-specific NPCs being attacked via loyalsays, for example.
When I've had questions as to whether a decision might be against game rules, I just issue myself and explain the situation and ask "can I do this?" The one time I didn't do that, I apparently made the wrong choice according to Estarra, so I had to undo it. And that's fine, probably my fault for not double-checking in the first place. I still know I did nothing intentionally wrong, but if it's perceived that way (in my case due to unfortunate timing), that's what matters, and sometimes you just have to pick your battles. If you have to ask on a case-by-case basis, do so. It's not hard. And I could be wrong but I think the admins would rather answer a quick yes/no now and then (unless you have to ask every day in which case I don't know what to tell you), than deal with explosive messes like this. An ounce of prevention...
No, I'm not going to "latch onto" Estarra's posts. I have no reason to. The one thing I will say about them is that this is a prime example of what happens with this group of people (it's not only Kalin, he's just perceived as the ringleader and therefore his name is used most). When they get called out on something they've done wrong, whether by a citizen, guild member, player on the forums, or even admin, they kick up a huge fuss and cry bloody murder, claiming total innocence and twisting words and accusing the other person of the very same things they've done. I'm sorry but if this topic continues to come up so often and so many times, there is some seed of truth to it, however large or small. It baffles me that so few otherwise intelligent people have considered this.
An example of twisting words is this whole idea that the opposition is using freedom as an excuse to do atrocious things. They're not. When someone writes a normal contention post ("Our current leader has done a b and c things right, and we thank him/her for that, but he/she has done x y and z things not-so-right, which is why I think we need a change. This is my experience with leadership, this is why I would do if you elect me.") and you fly off the handle about it, and they say "what's wrong with what I did? I have the right to do that, don't I?" they're not using freedom as a flimsy excuse for something horrible; they're just using common sense. I don't know why this "snugglers" thing keeps coming up, because I haven't seen much excessive affection (and Aubrey is from Seren, I know excessive affection when I see it), or at least haven't heard of it being a problem. Maybe I just missed it, but I haven't heard Kalin & Co. ever directly say that's the problem either. It seems like people have just assumed that sort of thing is the issue, and Kalin etc have been happy to let them think that, while conveniently failing to mention what's actually happening.
When I mention this, they tell me to shut up because I don't know anything about it. They say I'm just making things up to be sensationalist (why would I care about doing that? I've never met Gregori IC, I don't know most of these people outside of these situations, I have no score to settle from the past or anything). In fact I've bit my tongue on this whole thing until this thread. And it's been hard. Why? Because I know a lot more about it than they think I do. And why don't they know this? Because I have specifically avoided getting involved in-game. I'm not sure what on Earth would lead someone to think I metagame, but if I did metagame, you would have heard of my alt, you would have heard from me outside the game. But you haven't because I don't do that stuff. That doesn't mean I don't know about things though. That doesn't mean I don't see the more public stuff first-hand and see logs from others of the behind-closed-doors stuff. I've just showed a hell of a lot of restraint in discussing it publicly or acting on it in-game.
And knowing these things from seeing it first-hand is what makes it so frustrating, it's what led me to be so ticked off last night, because those of you who haven't seen it for yourselves buy into everything these guys say, without considering how unrealistic it sounds. When one person is brave enough to speak up and say "this is untrue/wrong," they get the verbal beatdown from multiple people, which makes others who agree with that isolated person be afraid to speak up in support (and yes, there are many others who do agree), which then gives further support for the claim that it's just a "vocal minority."
The excuse that "Kalin continues to win elections so everything must be peachy" is ludicrous. They're joke elections. Literally, one of Kalin's friends will make a contention post saying, "Teehee, Kalin's corrupt, oh noes! ... Don't actually vote for me, this is a joke, duh." And then Kalin wins. That doesn't count, folks. I'm hoping most people just sincerely didn't know that the elections are like this...
Also to clarify, I know there's a lot more to this than just the recent Illuminati thing. It's just that these now-shrubbed alts you mentioned posted a while back, and I didn't expect you'd still be this upset about those things. I mean really what I don't get is why certain leaders there feel the need to go on such a tyrade against opposition, if you think the opposition is that weak to begin with. If you were really secure, you wouldn't have to do that, would you? From what I've seen, the things people do to earn your ire have been exceedingly mild, and your reactions seem highly exaggerated in proportion. (I'm sure someone will step in here to point out that they think I do the same thing. Well that's nice, you're welcome to think that, that's not the topic of discussion here.) Since you were only recently spoken to by the admins about these things, I assumed the more recent events were the focus. Apparently that was a poor assumption and I apologize for making it.
The point still stands though, whether it's the Illuminati election or any number of other things in Gaudi (Illuminati is still part of Gaudi, there's an overlap between city leaders and guild leaders, so you can only separate them to an extent, and this problem transcends those categories). If other cities and the communes aren't having these problems, why do you think you are? My advice will probably go ignored like the other decent suggestions here, but that just proves you're here to whine and get sympathy and make the admins look bad, rather than sincerely be open to trying new things. Regardless:
Stop giving so much negative attention to, well, everything. If an obvious alt makes a painful-to-read post, ignore it IC and report alt abuse. You did the latter - or someone did, because they got shrubbed - but not the former, which just exacerbates the problem. If someone contests you and you think they're telling false information in their contention post, engage them like a civil adult, say "actually you're wrong, this is why," instead of insulting and threatening them. It seems like you're doing decent jobs in other areas, as far as getting work done and all that, but this other behavior is the main problem and it's overshadowing anything good you might do. So why is it so hard to just chill out? I mean, they're contesting or speaking against you because of specific behavior, so you respond by doing that very behavior, and then wonder why it doesn't work? Also mocking the whole thing (calling Kalin corrupt in passing conversation as a 'joke') really does not help. Projecting an image of maturity and calmness and security would really get you far.
And calling people trolls for disagreeing with you OOC really doesn't help either. Just sayin'.
So there's a real answer, take it or leave it, mock and insult me more if you'd like, but I've said my thought-out genuine response, and I won't bite bait.
Diamondais2010-08-06 03:53:21
Oh my god, the thread was freaking dying.
Rodngar2010-08-06 03:56:30
.. and Aubrey gave it a defib.
Gregori2010-08-06 03:57:00
This thread can be closed now. It's been trolled so hard there is no point in recovery. Besides I had an AWESOME talk with Estarra tonight and the misconceptions we as leaders felt have been cleared up. So despite the Trolls who have it wrong in more ways than one, this thread has served a beneficial purpose.
Unknown2010-08-06 03:58:52
QUOTE (Aubrey @ Aug 5 2010, 10:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
First, the bolded part there just sounds wrong.
Hey, hey! Don't diss the pet rock man! They are lovable, and they give you so much comfort and love in return so long as you give them sunlight and love, man. LOVE I TELL YOU.
Would you have preferred me saying "go snuggle a Garrus Vakarian" personally I really want to do that. *cries that her me2 disc is being held hostage by a horrible friend*
--edited, editing, edits, edit. Can't spell, or type or think properly kk?
Razenth2010-08-06 03:58:59
Lendren, Sylphas, and now Gregori. I think there was one before this too. Sweet. It seems to be working, though it sets a dangerous precendent.