Gregori2010-08-05 06:30:41
QUOTE (Shaddus Mes'ard @ Aug 5 2010, 12:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think Gregori is an angel.
Oh you flatterer you.
Shaddus2010-08-05 06:33:42
QUOTE (Gregori @ Aug 5 2010, 01:30 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Oh you flatterer you.
I may just come to Gaudiguch to get into the
Furien2010-08-05 06:38:34
QUOTE (Shaddus Mes'ard @ Aug 4 2010, 11:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I may just come to Gaudiguch to get into thecorruption debauchery fun.
I may just come to Gaudiguch to get into the
I have this feeling that, with your army of alts, you're already in here, somewhere!
Gregori2010-08-05 06:40:51
QUOTE (Furien @ Aug 5 2010, 12:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have this feeling that, with your army of alts, you're already in here, somewhere!
he is in the monkey cage. Don't feed him a banana after midnight.
Shaddus2010-08-05 06:57:31
Or get me wet.
seron2010-08-05 07:00:23
QUOTE (Shaddus Mes'ard @ Aug 5 2010, 12:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Or get me wet.
your thinkin celest now
Aicuthi2010-08-05 07:31:41
I feel like there is a grain of truth to both sides of the story. On one hand we have a bunch of citizens who act and behave completely out-of-line because they can, scaring away any potentially invested players. Then we have a bunch of leaders who are saying, "Well what do we do about this, that, and everything? It isn't our fault."
Well, it isn't anyone's fault(probably). Just neither of them are right.
Well, it isn't anyone's fault(probably). Just neither of them are right.
Dysolis2010-08-05 07:51:08
Oh snap my post was removed. Who saw that coming?
Unknown2010-08-05 07:56:44
QUOTE (Dysolis @ Aug 5 2010, 03:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Oh snap my post was removed. Who saw that coming?
Trust me, I'm sure it wasn't because of how right and perfect you were.
As for Gaudiguch, I think it suffers from the same thing every org suffers from. It just has it in greater numbers. For every member of Celest who sees the light as zealotry and a strive to eradicate evil there are ten members who see it as a reason to hug. Hallifax has a bunch of members who think science means long names and rip offs of portal jokes. It also has five who realize the Hallifax is meant to be based almost fanatically on logic. They are those militant atheists you know. Magnagora has ten members who are "rawr evil" over those who actually RP around the Demon Lords and Taint. Gaudiguch's only issue is that instead of being ten to one they are about thirty to one.
Shaddus2010-08-05 07:57:34
You know, no offense Dysolis but you're basically lived, breathed, and shat Gaudiguch since I've known you for the last few years. Now that its out, what did you do to try and help it? Did you try to work with the leaders and improve it, or did you contest, cause trouble, and basically do your own thing because you "knew Gaudiguch better than anyone else"?
You said you didn't know it cost 1k power to connect your manse. You lived in Celest and Magnagora long enough to have read the power scrolls for each, and you never thought it would be the same in Gaudiguch?
You said you didn't know it cost 1k power to connect your manse. You lived in Celest and Magnagora long enough to have read the power scrolls for each, and you never thought it would be the same in Gaudiguch?
Kante2010-08-05 08:02:13
QUOTE (Shaddus Mes'ard @ Aug 5 2010, 03:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You know, no offense Dysolis but you're basically lived, breathed, and shat Gaudiguch since I've known you for the last few years. Now that its out, what did you do to try and help it? Did you try to work with the leaders and improve it, or did you contest, cause trouble, and basically do your own thing because you "knew Gaudiguch better than anyone else"?
You said you didn't know it cost 1k power to connect your manse. You lived in Celest and Magnagora long enough to have read the power scrolls for each, and you never thought it would be the same in Gaudiguch?
You said you didn't know it cost 1k power to connect your manse. You lived in Celest and Magnagora long enough to have read the power scrolls for each, and you never thought it would be the same in Gaudiguch?
Yeah, but it's Gaudiguch. It should be free, man. That whole manse costing power thing in Gaudiguch is something Kalin put in, so as to keep all of us down. INFORMATION SHOULD BE FREE.
Shaddus2010-08-05 08:03:58
QUOTE (Kante @ Aug 5 2010, 03:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yeah, but it's Gaudiguch. It should be free, man. That whole manse costing power thing in Gaudiguch is something Kalin put in, so as to keep all of us down. INFORMATION SHOULD BE FREE.
Lol. Freedom isn't free. If it's not worth fighting over, it's not worth having and if you won't fight for something, you don't deserve to have it.
Dysolis2010-08-05 08:05:25
QUOTE (Shaddus Mes'ard @ Aug 5 2010, 02:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You know, no offense Dysolis but you're basically lived, breathed, and shat Gaudiguch since I've known you for the last few years. Now that its out, what did you do to try and help it? Did you try to work with the leaders and improve it, or did you contest, cause trouble, and basically do your own thing because you "knew Gaudiguch better than anyone else"?
You said you didn't know it cost 1k power to connect your manse. You lived in Celest and Magnagora long enough to have read the power scrolls for each, and you never thought it would be the same in Gaudiguch?
You said you didn't know it cost 1k power to connect your manse. You lived in Celest and Magnagora long enough to have read the power scrolls for each, and you never thought it would be the same in Gaudiguch?
To back that up Shaddus I have never used the privileges as a power aide other than to check power which the Minister of power wouldn't even let me do that. They said it wasn't for just "checking power amounts" anyhoo, I only used it to check power and no I didn't read up on anything I hadn't intended on doing. Anyway past is past and that's fine I got to do the intro with Scuchi which was cool.
Dysolis2010-08-05 08:06:19
Would it be better if I just returned the 1000 power now? Would it make a difference? I don't think so. Let's just say I didn't see this coming , it bit me in the ass when I found out he made an alt. Yes I probably deserved this when I went around killing some of those that where part of Serenwilde and yes maybe defiling Charune's shrines played a part in this grudge. Does it really have to come to ousting me from the city that I waited for 5 years for? I mean come on give me a freakin break everyone raids and everyone kills people and I know you hold grudges so just admit it.
Rodngar2010-08-05 08:09:18
QUOTE (Dysolis @ Aug 5 2010, 04:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Would it be better if I just returned the 1000 power now? Would it make a difference? I don't think so.
No, because you've made it perfectly clear you've got a myriad of baggage that Gaudiguch doesn't have the strength or inclination to carry.
EDIT: This isn't about Gregori's existent or non-existent grudge against you. This thread isn't even about you acting like a fool and making yourself clearly troublesome for Gaudiguch despite you claiming to be oh so devoted to it. You did nothing, you provided nothing, you gave no reason to keep you around. The trouble you cause has inclined me to want to make sure you don't get back in because you are a complete headache, and I don't understand why you aren't thankful you aren't enemied. In fact, I'm not even sure you ARE unenemied.
Dysolis2010-08-05 08:12:29
Yes i'm an enemy moron. I'm not even really sure what your talking about but that just proves how much more your out to get me and how much more you side with Gregori wait i'm sorry , Gregori,Kalin but that was already obvious.
Gregori2010-08-05 08:13:36
You have also made it clear that you can't control yourself, that you can't act with any sense of decency, and that you are not above abusing alts and harassing people via OOC means, to get your way. In this case I am quite clearly going to take an OOC viewpoint of what is best for Gaudiguch and you being out of it is the better option.
If the Administration comes and tells me that I am Wrong, then I will change my mind.
If the Administration comes and tells me that I am Wrong, then I will change my mind.
Dysolis2010-08-05 08:15:34
QUOTE (Gregori @ Aug 5 2010, 03:13 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You have also made it clear that you can't control yourself, that you can't act with any sense of decency, and that you are not above abusing alts and harassing people via OOC means, to get your way. In this case I am quite clearly going to take an OOC viewpoint of what is best for Gaudiguch and you being out of it is the better option.
If the Administration comes and tells me that I am Wrong, then I will change my mind.
If the Administration comes and tells me that I am Wrong, then I will change my mind.
Change your mind for what exactly?
Kante2010-08-05 08:15:53

Shaddus2010-08-05 08:16:07
Look, I really don't know what Dysolis has or hasn't done to be enemied. I'm just saying that it's my personal belief that you tried to rest on your accolades as "the leading member of Gaudiguch when it returns" that you've rp'd as for the last few years. You expected to be honoured for it, and respected, when the rest of the people were trying to make Gaudiguch better.
Edit: as for him holding against you the fact that you raided one of his alt's divine... what? Why would he care OOC what you did? I realize some people take IC things OOC and hold it against them (case in point, someone unfriended me from Facebook because one of my alts killed them. True story.) but a majority of us don't. Also, your doing something against Gregori's divine doesn't shield you from things that might happen with Kalin, and you act like they should.
"Well, Gregori IC hates me, so if Kalin pisses me off, I'm going to say it's OOC bias."
Uh, no.
Edit: as for him holding against you the fact that you raided one of his alt's divine... what? Why would he care OOC what you did? I realize some people take IC things OOC and hold it against them (case in point, someone unfriended me from Facebook because one of my alts killed them. True story.) but a majority of us don't. Also, your doing something against Gregori's divine doesn't shield you from things that might happen with Kalin, and you act like they should.
"Well, Gregori IC hates me, so if Kalin pisses me off, I'm going to say it's OOC bias."
Uh, no.