Gregori2010-08-05 08:28:55
QUOTE (Shaddus Mes'ard @ Aug 5 2010, 02:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Edit: as for him holding against you the fact that you raided one of his alt's divine... what? Why would he care OOC what you did? I realize some people take IC things OOC and hold it against them (case in point, someone unfriended me from Facebook because one of my alts killed them. True story.) but a majority of us don't. Also, your doing something against Gregori's divine doesn't shield you from things that might happen with Kalin, and you act like they should.
"Well, Gregori IC hates me, so if Kalin pisses me off, I'm going to say it's OOC bias."
Uh, no.
"Well, Gregori IC hates me, so if Kalin pisses me off, I'm going to say it's OOC bias."
Uh, no.
Just to clarify... Charune wss never Gregori's Divine and the incidents that Dysolis is trying to claim I hold a grudge over... I was never around for.
Talan2010-08-05 08:32:35
From what it sounds like, this is a situation where a clique might be well employed, provided your standards for entry into it are limited to a. not deliberately annoying and b. attempt to be helpful. Get it a clan, keep it ic of course, and use this clan channel as your ct. Develop your rules and your culture there, amongst people who understand that there must be some, as well as leaders to make the decisions, and won't fight the very notion of it. Freely welcome anyone who is remotely keen.
Ignore the rabble coming from outside as best as you can. Let them act like fools, just tune them out as much as you're able. Accept that there is going to be some degree of idiocy in the org. After all, not everyone who indulges in the various vices featured in Gaudiguch will come out enlightened - some will just come out as drunken sluts and blithering morons, and that's fine. I don't claim to know much about how things work in Gaudiguch, but from the outside looking in, it seems like there would be several veils of mystery to lift. So make the first one, 'where do you find the good people?'
You won't be able to eliminate all the drama this way, but at the very least you might be able to raise the level of the argument to what is right for Gaudiguch, as opposed to what is right for me, and me, and me, and me, right now! You will not be able to get everyone on the same page, but at least you will have a place where everyone is reading the same book.
As far as getting along in the new-city group, you might need to be a bit forgiving. While some people are born idiots, other people can learn from negative experiences and shouldn't be perennially excluded if they've shown they can. If they even try, they are the kind of people you want to work with.
Since this seemed to be an honest plea for advice, that's mine.
Ignore the rabble coming from outside as best as you can. Let them act like fools, just tune them out as much as you're able. Accept that there is going to be some degree of idiocy in the org. After all, not everyone who indulges in the various vices featured in Gaudiguch will come out enlightened - some will just come out as drunken sluts and blithering morons, and that's fine. I don't claim to know much about how things work in Gaudiguch, but from the outside looking in, it seems like there would be several veils of mystery to lift. So make the first one, 'where do you find the good people?'
You won't be able to eliminate all the drama this way, but at the very least you might be able to raise the level of the argument to what is right for Gaudiguch, as opposed to what is right for me, and me, and me, and me, right now! You will not be able to get everyone on the same page, but at least you will have a place where everyone is reading the same book.

As far as getting along in the new-city group, you might need to be a bit forgiving. While some people are born idiots, other people can learn from negative experiences and shouldn't be perennially excluded if they've shown they can. If they even try, they are the kind of people you want to work with.
Since this seemed to be an honest plea for advice, that's mine.
Aicuthi2010-08-05 08:34:46
There are cliques in every org. Talnaras in Serenwilde, Skyplumes and Shavatts in Hallifax, Jhagar in Magnagora. People just naturally gravitate to one another. You can't really change that.
Dysolis2010-08-05 08:37:22
Look tell me one complaint from the previous organizations that Dysolis has spent his life in and I will retract my previous statements. Seriously I have done more for Gaudiguch then anyone has in that city and in fact I've been Dracnari longer then most of you punks who think it's cool to change to just fit in. I've been the most loyal person to that city even before it came out and I dedicated my entire life to it so before you go on to think who hasn't done anything for the city it is most certainly not me. I could of been in leadership positions in other cities but because of my ties to Gaudiguch I was unable to make it into something more. Yes I had ties to Gaudgiuch while being part of New Celest or Magnagora but have I once heard anything from Gregori or Kalin wanting to part of Gaudiguch? I don't think I have and in fact people from Serenwilde had attacked the nomad camp and they are our allies now. That is the weirdest part of all though I must admit in all of this chaos.
Talan2010-08-05 08:38:27
QUOTE (Aicuthi @ Aug 5 2010, 04:34 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
There are cliques in every org. Talnaras in Serenwilde, Skyplumes and Shavatts in Hallifax, Jhagar in Magnagora. People just naturally gravitate to one another. You can't really change that.
Right... I'm saying make the "clique" everyone in the org who is not a complete idiot or a dedicated trouble-maker. There will be sub-groups of ic/ooc friends in any org, but I'm describing a different sort of beast, here.
Dysolis2010-08-05 08:38:41
Yeah I know your from Lisaera's order but your still in the same Commune.
Dysolis2010-08-05 08:41:40
QUOTE (Gregori @ Aug 5 2010, 03:28 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just to clarify... Charune wss never Gregori's Divine and the incidents that Dysolis is trying to claim I hold a grudge over... I was never around for.
so wait a minute your not holding a grudge on anything? and yet you continue to ignore me? If you ask me that sounds like a grudge. Generally if someone wants to talk to me I'm more than happy to respond.
Shaddus2010-08-05 08:43:16
QUOTE (Dysolis @ Aug 5 2010, 03:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Look tell me one complaint from the previous organizations that Dysolis has spent his life in and I will retract my previous statements. Seriously I have done more for Gaudiguch then anyone has in that city and in fact I've been Dracnari longer then most of you punks who think it's cool to change to just fit in. I've been the most loyal person to that city even before it came out and I dedicated my entire life to it so before you go on to think who hasn't done anything for the city it is most certainly not me. I could of been in leadership positions in other cities but because of my ties to Gaudiguch I was unable to make it into something more. Yes I had ties to Gaudgiuch while being part of New Celest or Magnagora but have I once heard anything from Gregori or Kalin wanting to part of Gaudiguch? I don't think I have and in fact people from Serenwilde had attacked the nomad camp and they are our allies now. That is the weirdest part of all though I must admit in all of this chaos.
Basically that you won't respect those above you, that you attack other citizens in fits of rage, that you cause trouble in other orgs and then don't help in defense. You excelled at hit and run raids much like Urazial, and you didn't really even try to advance. What did you do for Gaudiguch? Seriously? What does Gaudiguch have now that it wouldn't have if you weren't there? I realize you had that clan and you kept raising the node and all that, but.. you do realize OOC that it didn't make Gaudi come back any faster, right?
Also, the bolded area. Isn't that what I just talked about, how you thought Gaudiguch owed you something?
QUOTE (Shaddus Mes'ard @ Aug 5 2010, 03:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Look, I really don't know what Dysolis has or hasn't done to be enemied. I'm just saying that it's my personal belief that you tried to rest on your accolades as "the leading member of Gaudiguch when it returns" that you've rp'd as for the last few years. You expected to be honoured for it, and respected, when the rest of the people were trying to make Gaudiguch better.
Shaddus2010-08-05 08:44:03
QUOTE (Dysolis @ Aug 5 2010, 03:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
so wait a minute your not holding a grudge on anything? and yet you continue to ignore me? If you ask me that sounds like a grudge. Generally if someone wants to talk to me I'm more than happy to respond.
Uhm, he ignores you because you annoy him. Just sayin'.
Dysolis2010-08-05 08:46:03
QUOTE (Shaddus Mes'ard @ Aug 5 2010, 03:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Basically that you won't respect those above you, that you attack other citizens in fits of rage, that you cause trouble in other orgs and then don't help in defense. You excelled at hit and run raids much like Urazial, and you didn't really even try to advance. What did you do for Gaudiguch? Seriously? What does Gaudiguch have now that it wouldn't have if you weren't there? I realize you had that clan and you kept raising the node and all that, but.. you do realize OOC that it didn't make Gaudi come back any faster, right?
Also, the bolded area. Isn't that what I just talked about, how you thought Gaudiguch owed you something?
Also, the bolded area. Isn't that what I just talked about, how you thought Gaudiguch owed you something?
Yeah seriously , I knew that. I kept doing it because I was making a point.
Gregori2010-08-05 08:46:50
QUOTE (Shaddus Mes'ard @ Aug 5 2010, 02:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Uhm, he ignores you because you annoy him. Just sayin'.
Also because someone has separation issues between OOC and IC. Forum PMs, Facebook, taking the forums IC, this thread all point at a deep issue that I quite frankly want to stay away from.
Dysolis2010-08-05 08:47:20
QUOTE (Gregori @ Aug 5 2010, 03:46 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Also because someone has separation issues between OOC and IC. Forum PMs, Facebook, taking the forums IC, this thread all point at a deep issue that I quite frankly want to stay away from.
Also because someone has separation issues between OOC and IC. Forum PMs, Facebook, taking the forums IC, this thread all point at a deep issue that I quite frankly want to stay away from.
OH but I so want to be close to you!
Shaddus2010-08-05 08:48:41
QUOTE (Dysolis @ Aug 5 2010, 03:47 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
OH but I so want to be close to you!
Apparently not, didn't you say he was fodder earlier? >.>
Dysolis2010-08-05 08:49:38
QUOTE (Shaddus Mes'ard @ Aug 5 2010, 03:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Uhm, he ignores you because you annoy him. Just sayin'.
Then he annoyed me the second I talked to him like everyone else he doesn't like and now i'm afraid he sucked you into this web of lies and deceit. I don't think I ever had a decent conversation with the guy but if that ever happened well I think there is a chance at winning the lottery then.
Unknown2010-08-05 08:50:16
QUOTE (Talan @ Aug 5 2010, 04:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Right... I'm saying make the "clique" everyone in the org who is not a complete idiot or a dedicated trouble-maker. There will be sub-groups of ic/ooc friends in any org, but I'm describing a different sort of beast, here.
This, this whole idea would probably help. Cliques form because like-minded people gravitate to each other but when those like-minded people also band up they gain a lot of power. They can be influential if they want and be a good way to A. change the city and B. Keep in those who might initially get scared off by "I DO WUT I WANT"
Dysolis2010-08-05 08:50:41
QUOTE (Shaddus Mes'ard @ Aug 5 2010, 03:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Apparently not, didn't you say he was fodder earlier? >.>
No I said everyone is fodder and I was joking.
Furien2010-08-05 08:52:07
QUOTE (Othero @ Aug 5 2010, 01:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
This, this whole idea would probably help. Cliques form because like-minded people gravitate to each other but when those like-minded people also band up they gain a lot of power. They can be influential if they want and be a good way to A. change the city and B. Keep in those who might initially get scared off by "I DO WUT I WANT"
I've thought about this.
It would work -really- well with Gaudiguch and the Illuminati/Templar 'secret society' theme, but it also has the potential to make things worse when the like-minded people start disagreeing about who they'd like inside, in addition to issues of overall exclusion and replacing the aether entirely.
Gregori2010-08-05 08:52:24
On the clique idea.. it is a yes and no situation.
On the one hand everyone in the OOC clan (omg yes there are ooc clans) + a half a dozen extra people would be in this 'clique', making it basically the OOC clan taken IC. On the other hand you give validation to the people crying "Kalin's clique runs Gaudiguch!"
On the one hand everyone in the OOC clan (omg yes there are ooc clans) + a half a dozen extra people would be in this 'clique', making it basically the OOC clan taken IC. On the other hand you give validation to the people crying "Kalin's clique runs Gaudiguch!"
Dysolis2010-08-05 08:52:31
im sorry...what was that? all hail Hallifax! erm...right then.
Shaddus2010-08-05 08:52:40
QUOTE (Dysolis @ Aug 5 2010, 03:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Then he annoyed me the second I talked to him like everyone else he doesn't like and now i'm afraid he sucked you into this web of lies and deceit. I don't think I ever had a decent conversation with the guy but if that ever happened well I think there is a chance at winning the lottery then.
ROFL wut.
Dude. Quit acting the martyr, we're not all out to "get you", and everyone else on the forums isn't in an Anti-Dysolis clan. He hasn't "sucked me into his web of lies and deceits". Honestly, what have you done for the city that it couldn't do on its own? When Kalin was elected, did you try to help Gaudiguch grow and prosper, or did you butt heads with Kalin?
Basically... what reason would Kalin have for putting up with the way you act? I'm not trying to be mean, but still.