Unknown2010-08-30 03:38:23
Geb2010-08-30 04:45:07
Amazing to see. It is almost like having people on speed dial.
seron2010-08-30 04:48:31
QUOTE (Gregori @ Aug 27 2010, 08:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Great, you accurately described what two skills do. Good on you. Badluck hinders curing and knocks you off balance 33% of the time. Yup, we know that. Thanks for making a 3 paragraph post to explain the obvious.
You have to turn off focus all the time. Well only in a bad system do you have to do that. This doesn't however stop you from that old fashioned manual curing.
Nor does it change the fact that you died to something wholly unrelated to badluck or even balance stacking. Nor were you balance loss stacked at any point in your log.
So basically the thread is "I don't like badluck keeping from my ez-mode monk train and I could have cured before dieing to a bugged instakill if badluck didn't stop me curing insanity faster"
Translation: waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh
You have to turn off focus all the time. Well only in a bad system do you have to do that. This doesn't however stop you from that old fashioned manual curing.
Nor does it change the fact that you died to something wholly unrelated to badluck or even balance stacking. Nor were you balance loss stacked at any point in your log.
So basically the thread is "I don't like badluck keeping from my ez-mode monk train and I could have cured before dieing to a bugged instakill if badluck didn't stop me curing insanity faster"
Translation: waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh
She's an ork?
Arix2010-08-30 05:01:02
no, I believe they pronounce it 'waugh'
Unknown2010-08-30 17:35:56
While I hate to make a pre-emptive whine, one of my challenges in PvP as a tae'dae was people would web me and my attack time would go up to like 5.5 seconds balance. The thought of getting hanged mans and webs combined with bad luck makes me a sad panda 

Nienla2010-08-30 19:39:47
You know the only thing that could make this thread better?
Someone making fun of someone else's mother. Let's see it guys.
Someone making fun of someone else's mother. Let's see it guys.
Aliod2010-08-30 19:40:47
QUOTE (Nienla @ Aug 30 2010, 08:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You know the only thing that could make this thread better?
Someone making fun of someone else's mother. Let's see it guys.
Someone making fun of someone else's mother. Let's see it guys.
Pssstt, Nienla.
Your mommmm
Unknown2010-08-30 19:48:14
QUOTE (Gregori @ Aug 28 2010, 11:36 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey Vey, remember that time, back pre KD nerf, when you were an axelord demigod trying to kill a -druid- on the -water- plane (Read: out of his meld without access to 90% of his skills)? Remember that time? Remember that druid standing there getting so bored with you unable to kill him that he told you to go invite some friends to come help you? Yeah, those were good times.
NOTE: The above could fit just as easily into the following threads:
'Druids are OP.'
'Axelords are UP.'
'Doubletap was fine.'
'Demigod is pointless.'
Malicia2010-08-31 19:54:02
Veyrzhul is probably one of the more reasonable and logical players in Lusty: I'd give this thread a little more credence, though I do realize that Gregori's overly-aggressive responses coupled with defensive Gaudi players make that difficult.
One thing that most people are in agreement with is that badluck -is- strong. Justifiably so? I'd say no. Xavius made a comment that went like 'Well, we only have this skill, that skill, this skill and that skill'. So, four skills. The same could be said of most skillsets that have a few gems. Just because a skillset has only 2-4 'good' abilities doesn't mean that they should be overpowered. And in the name of balance, I hope we get to the bottom of it. Balance stacking sounds terrible. With how many tweaks that have been made over the years to prevent the stacking and stealing of balance, I'm surprised this was implemented and the complaints have been abundant.
I don't think a power cost will address the issue. It'll only make it so rogue Gaudi's can't use it. I don't have any solutions at this time, beyond the usual 'delete!' which is hardly constructive.
One thing that most people are in agreement with is that badluck -is- strong. Justifiably so? I'd say no. Xavius made a comment that went like 'Well, we only have this skill, that skill, this skill and that skill'. So, four skills. The same could be said of most skillsets that have a few gems. Just because a skillset has only 2-4 'good' abilities doesn't mean that they should be overpowered. And in the name of balance, I hope we get to the bottom of it. Balance stacking sounds terrible. With how many tweaks that have been made over the years to prevent the stacking and stealing of balance, I'm surprised this was implemented and the complaints have been abundant.
I don't think a power cost will address the issue. It'll only make it so rogue Gaudi's can't use it. I don't have any solutions at this time, beyond the usual 'delete!' which is hardly constructive.
Unknown2010-08-31 20:15:26
As I said, once the bugs are fixed, and I believe they are already, the complaints should die off. (No pun intended.)
One could argue that there are many stronger abilities in the game, too, but there will always be plenty of people to defend them. BadLuck hardly seems like the worst thing to come along.
One could argue that there are many stronger abilities in the game, too, but there will always be plenty of people to defend them. BadLuck hardly seems like the worst thing to come along.
Malicia2010-08-31 20:18:09
QUOTE (Zarquan @ Aug 31 2010, 03:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
As I said, once the bugs are fixed, and I believe they are already, the complaints should die off. (No pun intended.)
One could argue that there are many stronger abilities in the game, too, but there will always be plenty of people to defend them. BadLuck hardly seems like the worst thing to come along.
One could argue that there are many stronger abilities in the game, too, but there will always be plenty of people to defend them. BadLuck hardly seems like the worst thing to come along.
Have you had much experience against it? And note, I didn't say one thing about temporal insanity. Just balance stacking issues. The hampering of curing while badlucked is very very strong.
Edit: Sorry for the add-ons, but you can't focus mind, focus body, change stances or even attack while under badluck or it stacks- and then you're just chilling off balance for a time. Is that correct?
Unknown2010-08-31 20:21:23
It's easy to fix the balance stacking, on the server side or the client side. The thing about BadLuck is that it can randomly be a pain in the butt or it can randomly be like nothing at all. Have you had experience with it recently?
Malicia2010-08-31 20:29:52
I have, yes. And I'm running a few tests with it right now with Veracruz.
Veyrzhul2010-08-31 20:43:10
You can't 'fix' the balance stacking, you can avoid it at high costs.
I'm not saying Gregori is wrong about the function of Badluck as a hinderance to focus mind to make Illumination feasible. But that could be just as well achieved if Badluck procced only on focus mind and nothing else. It's still a bit problematic that balance-using classes are impacted more, especially since they tend to be the ones relying on an active offense. Maybe it would work to have Badluck cause either equilibrium or balance loss.
I'm not saying Gregori is wrong about the function of Badluck as a hinderance to focus mind to make Illumination feasible. But that could be just as well achieved if Badluck procced only on focus mind and nothing else. It's still a bit problematic that balance-using classes are impacted more, especially since they tend to be the ones relying on an active offense. Maybe it would work to have Badluck cause either equilibrium or balance loss.
Malicia2010-08-31 20:52:02
Each day is an adventure. Just going to toggle focusing off and stancing...and just not attack until it clears. High cost, indeed. In groups it surpasses roomwide choke, certainly. Badlucked targets will be fodder for monks/warriors.
Unknown2010-08-31 21:01:56
I wasn't attempting to be argumentative, though it may seem that way. I'm simply saying I don't believe the balance stacking can be quite so terrible as everyone thinks (i.e., it was a bug and has been fixed). I'll be interested to see the results from your testing. And, it's still quite possible that the ability needs adjustment.
Malicia2010-08-31 21:07:30
Oh it was just a simple test. I wanted to double-check what it procs on so I can know what -not- to do while under it.
Gregori2010-08-31 21:30:46
Just to clarify, again, I have pondered solutions to the problem since it came up. In fact, I spoke with Sior today about one such solution that he has graciously said he will look into this weekend to see if it is even doable, so I don't envoy it and wind up envoying something that can't be coded anyways (wasting a month).
This doesn't change the fact that good curing and knowing when not to do something goes a long way. Good curing also includes the occasional manual curing, btw.
This doesn't change the fact that good curing and knowing when not to do something goes a long way. Good curing also includes the occasional manual curing, btw.
Geb2010-09-01 01:58:55
QUOTE (Gregori @ Aug 31 2010, 09:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
This doesn't change the fact that good curing and knowing when not to do something goes a long way. Good curing also includes the occasional manual curing, btw.
Do you yourself have good curing? If so, I would like to test that. I've heard of you dying to two novices who jumped you, is that true?
Malarious2010-09-01 02:01:04
QUOTE (Zarquan @ Aug 31 2010, 05:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I wasn't attempting to be argumentative, though it may seem that way. I'm simply saying I don't believe the balance stacking can be quite so terrible as everyone thinks (i.e., it was a bug and has been fixed). I'll be interested to see the results from your testing. And, it's still quite possible that the ability needs adjustment.
1) Ectoplasm
2) Passive that cures before ectoplasm
3) Hekoskeri if you try to run (yes its a chance)
4) Several passives that cause insanity and afflictions
5) Temp insanity already helps stick other affs
Give ectoplasm a cost of about 2p.
Give badluck a power cost as requested, make it only fire against curing/defense (not offense, that makes it similar to dodges while being far superior), make it a 1s loss, and dont let it stack with itself. Ta da, a skill that is rather useful but isnt the end of the game!