Arix2010-09-01 02:05:20
But people who can't beat it will still cry nerf
Gregori2010-09-01 02:08:02
QUOTE (geb @ Aug 31 2010, 07:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Do you yourself have good curing? If so, I would like to test that. I've heard of you dying to two novices who jumped you, is that true?
Yes, I died. I forgot to turn sparkleberry curing back on against a TK, was dressed like a hobo, and was in my influence mutation not my PVP mutation. I mostly died to my own stupidity and challenged Daj (one of your so called "novices" lololol that jumped me) to a duel right after that, to which he ran offline instead, then later dueled me when Pectus told him to and he died in about 30 seconds.
Geb2010-09-01 02:17:39
QUOTE (Gregori @ Sep 1 2010, 02:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yes, I died. I forgot to turn sparkleberry curing back on against a TK, was dressed like a hobo, and was in my influence mutation not my PVP mutation. I mostly died to my own stupidity and challenged Daj (one of your so called "novices" lololol that jumped me) to a duel right after that, to which he ran offline instead, then later dueled me when Pectus told him to and he died in about 30 seconds.
Ok, what about the other part of my statement? The part where I said, "I would like to test your curing".
Oh, and at the time Daj was a novice. He did not even have anything but minimalistic healing.
Gregori2010-09-01 02:20:52
QUOTE (geb @ Aug 31 2010, 08:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ok, what about the other part of my statement? The part where I said, "I would like to test your curing".
Oh, and at the time Daj was a novice. He did not even have anything but minimalistic healing.
Oh, and at the time Daj was a novice. He did not even have anything but minimalistic healing.
Fine by me. I probably need more Hallifax lines anyways.
Edit:: Daj was most certainly not a novice.
Edit:: Also if anything two hallifaxian "novices" managing to kill me proves one thing. 2 hallifaxians aeon locking you is OP and needs to be nerfed. Good thing you got that quicksilver change in.. oh wait.. that just makes it easier to aeon lock.
Unknown2010-09-01 02:43:15
QUOTE (Gregori @ Aug 31 2010, 10:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Fine by me. I probably need more Hallifax lines anyways.
Edit:: Daj was most certainly not a novice.
Edit:: Also if anything two hallifaxian "novices" managing to kill me proves one thing. 2 hallifaxians aeon locking you is OP and needs to be nerfed. Good thing you got that quicksilver change in.. oh wait.. that just makes it easier to aeon lock.
Edit:: Daj was most certainly not a novice.
Edit:: Also if anything two hallifaxian "novices" managing to kill me proves one thing. 2 hallifaxians aeon locking you is OP and needs to be nerfed. Good thing you got that quicksilver change in.. oh wait.. that just makes it easier to aeon lock.
You should post the log of the loss, thereby proving that aeonics is overpowered, naturally. Any argument to the counter would clearly be the result of over defensive or vitriolic bias of course. This is dealt with with attack upon the person, because envoy-liefest knows no sacred ground.
See- pyro/aero report. Gaudis are defensive with good precedent. The last time we weren't, "needed nerf" became lynch the one, and raise the other quite far up.
Consider the following-
Using Greg's badluck/paradigmatics curing (which is the only relevant portion of his curing for the purposes of these posts- in fact, if his curing has failures in other areas, it would only reinforce that badluck is utterly managable- because someone with "bad curing" could code around it), anyway, using Greg's curing, against him using Paradigmatics much as Egran did in the original log, I was able to kill him with TK vessels.
What does this show?
-If you're in the "lets pretend to be resonable while trying to ram an opposing skillset into the ground" side of it, it proves nothing, and was the result of a flukish statistical improbability.
-If you're on the gaudi side of the argument, it demonstrates that badluck is managable and nobody should complain ever.
-If you're a glom, it proves TK is overpowered- who cares about whatever the hell Gaudi and Halli are arguing about.
What it actually shows? Kalin's paradigmatics curing is sufficient to protect me against paradigmatics offense, and badluck did not hinder me enough to lock out my psionics offense. You'll draw from that whatever you will.
Geb2010-09-01 02:43:29
QUOTE (Gregori @ Sep 1 2010, 02:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Fine by me. I probably need more Hallifax lines anyways.
Edit:: Daj was most certainly not a novice.
Edit:: Also if anything two hallifaxian "novices" managing to kill me proves one thing. 2 hallifaxians aeon locking you is OP and needs to be nerfed. Good thing you got that quicksilver change in.. oh wait.. that just makes it easier to aeon lock.
Edit:: Daj was most certainly not a novice.
Edit:: Also if anything two hallifaxian "novices" managing to kill me proves one thing. 2 hallifaxians aeon locking you is OP and needs to be nerfed. Good thing you got that quicksilver change in.. oh wait.. that just makes it easier to aeon lock.
Daj was a mage at the time. How could he help aeon lock you? Natalissa was a sentinel, and she was a novice too.
Xenthos2010-09-01 02:45:50
TK is OP.
The End.
The End.
Geb2010-09-01 02:50:13
QUOTE (Rainydays @ Sep 1 2010, 02:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You should post the log of the loss, thereby proving that aeonics is overpowered, naturally. Any argument to the counter would clearly be the result of over defensive or vitriolic bias of course. This is dealt with with attack upon the person, because envoy-liefest knows no sacred ground.
See- pyro/aero report. Gaudis are defensive with good precedent. The last time we weren't, "needed nerf" became lynch the one, and raise the other quite far up.
Consider the following-
Using Greg's badluck/paradigmatics curing (which is the only relevant portion of his curing for the purposes of these posts- in fact, if his curing has failures in other areas, it would only reinforce that badluck is utterly managable- because someone with "bad curing" could code around it), anyway, using Greg's curing, against him using Paradigmatics much as Egran did in the original log, I was able to kill him with TK vessels.
What does this show?
-If you're in the "lets pretend to be resonable while trying to ram an opposing skillset into the ground" side of it, it proves nothing, and was the result of a flukish statistical improbability.
-If you're on the gaudi side of the argument, it demonstrates that badluck is managable and nobody should complain ever.
-If you're a glom, it proves TK is overpowered- who cares about whatever the hell Gaudi and Halli are arguing about.
What it actually shows? Kalin's paradigmatics curing is sufficient to protect me against paradigmatics offense, and badluck did not hinder me enough to lock out my psionics offense. You'll draw from that whatever you will.
See- pyro/aero report. Gaudis are defensive with good precedent. The last time we weren't, "needed nerf" became lynch the one, and raise the other quite far up.
Consider the following-
Using Greg's badluck/paradigmatics curing (which is the only relevant portion of his curing for the purposes of these posts- in fact, if his curing has failures in other areas, it would only reinforce that badluck is utterly managable- because someone with "bad curing" could code around it), anyway, using Greg's curing, against him using Paradigmatics much as Egran did in the original log, I was able to kill him with TK vessels.
What does this show?
-If you're in the "lets pretend to be resonable while trying to ram an opposing skillset into the ground" side of it, it proves nothing, and was the result of a flukish statistical improbability.
-If you're on the gaudi side of the argument, it demonstrates that badluck is managable and nobody should complain ever.
-If you're a glom, it proves TK is overpowered- who cares about whatever the hell Gaudi and Halli are arguing about.
What it actually shows? Kalin's paradigmatics curing is sufficient to protect me against paradigmatics offense, and badluck did not hinder me enough to lock out my psionics offense. You'll draw from that whatever you will.
Please Akui. How in the world can you even stand and try to talk about what is balanced or not, when you could not even do well as a fully artifacted pureblade, who had Moonaura?
Also, ask Wuylinfe if he can build anything on me, with me having no defenses up, using nothing from my skillsets but a web or aeon once in awhile. Oh, and the other funny part is you do know that Illuminati have access to Aeon too in the form of astrology and tarot. Aeonics aeon was on more powerful than aeon from other sources, and in fact was slower actively than astrology aeon since it is on a base 4 second recovery. There is the AeonField, but that is only a problem in groups with stacking and that has already been envoyed to be changed.
Unknown2010-09-01 03:11:56
QUOTE (geb @ Aug 31 2010, 10:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Please Akui. How in the world can you even stand and try to talk about what is balanced or not, when you could not even do well as a fully artifacted pureblade, who had Moonaura?
Which really only reinforces the point that badluck is managable, right? If a noncom scrub can handle it, after all, certainly it should be a pebble in the road for the big scary folk.
Furthermore, for all my scrubbiness, when you first attacked badluck, and Kalin put it on himself, and allowed several of us, including yourself, to wail on him while he was under it, I managed more against him than you did. What does that say?
The answer- nothing about real combat, plenty about dry mechanical testing, which is the better measure of the ability itself, without the impossible variables of volitile confrontation.
Obviously, I'm not going to stand here and pretend I'm a scary combatant. I will say though, and the envoy selection process does seem to agree with me, that being a scary combatant is not the alpha and omega of balance commentary. Indeed, for very many things, dillegent testing serves far more the interests of balance than the preening and peening that active combatants tend to engage in.
Therefore, attacking an argument based on an opinion of the poster making it is an illogical strategy that doesn't demonstrate anything at all.
Finally, if you want to talk about inappropriate balance commentary, tend to your own garden. This argument is split along organizational/alliance lines. Kalin's even taking steps to adjust his own ability- but that's not good enough for the ravening mob. You'll notice that we aren't making threads, except in this one, in largely jest, about destroying Halli's abilities. This isn't because they do or do not need adjustment- it is because it is only the one side/alliance that is, and has, since pyromancy (which did need some changes, of course), been on a frequently illfounded crusade to smash the other side's abilities silly before they even see any sort of real vigorous use.
Sidebar, semi off topic- as I understand it, a "scrub" (a term which I've found laugably juvenile since someone linked that half-baked article to me once upon a time) is someone who, rather than coping with an ability, assumes it is overpowered and complains about it. Obviously, by such a definition, many people, myself included, could be called one. But when one side of the argument calls the other a scrub, and then that same side proceeds to engage in the stated behavior, while the other side doesn't? It is rather odd.
(Because there is no such thing as a scrub, naturally. A shallow term used by shallow people for shallow arguments.)
Diamondais2010-09-01 03:12:21
Have you by chance ever considered making an alt to learn about how Badluck works?
Geb2010-09-01 03:14:48
Kalin is:
Kalin currently has 6530 out of 6550 health.
bleeding for 182 health.
cursed with the healthleech.
overcome by dizziness.
violently ill.
an insomniac.
The time of this communique was:
Kalin is:
Kalin currently has 5788 out of 6550 health.
bleeding for 70 health.
plagued by a bedeviling sickness.
cursed with the healthleech.
an insomniac.
The time of this communique was:
Kalin is:
Kalin currently has 5105 out of 6550 health.
bleeding for 80 health.
plagued by a bedeviling sickness.
an insomniac.
The time of this communique was:
Kalin is:
Kalin currently has 4800 out of 6550 health.
bleeding for 102 health.
plagued by a bedeviling sickness.
afflicted with the curse of the Aeon.
an insomniac.
The time of this communique was:
Kalin is:
Kalin currently has 4698 out of 6550 health.
bleeding for 92 health.
plagued by a bedeviling sickness.
violently ill.
an insomniac.
very lonely.
The time of this communique was:
Kalin is:
Kalin currently has 3885 out of 6550 health.
bleeding for 145 health.
plagued by a bedeviling sickness.
afflicted with the curse of the Aeon.
violently ill.
an insomniac.
very lonely.
The time of this communique was:
Kalin is:
Kalin currently has 4016 out of 6550 health.
bleeding for 95 health.
plagued by a bedeviling sickness.
afflicted by unbearable shyness.
violently ill.
an insomniac.
very lonely.
The time of this communique was:
Kalin is:
Kalin currently has 4213 out of 6550 health.
bleeding for 27 health.
plagued by a bedeviling sickness.
afflicted with the curse of the Aeon.
afflicted by unbearable shyness.
violently ill.
an insomniac.
very lonely.
The time of this communique was:
Kalin is:
Kalin currently has 4344 out of 6550 health.
plagued by a bedeviling sickness.
afflicted with the curse of the Aeon.
violently ill.
an insomniac.
very lonely.
The time of this communique was:
Kalin is:
Kalin currently has 3447 out of 6550 health.
bleeding for 57 health.
plagued by a bedeviling sickness.
afflicted with the curse of the Aeon.
afflicted by unbearable shyness.
violently ill.
an insomniac.
very lonely.
The time of this communique was:
Kalin is:
Kalin currently has 3717 out of 6550 health.
bleeding for 46 health.
plagued by a bedeviling sickness.
afflicted with the curse of the Aeon.
violently ill.
an insomniac.
very lonely.
The time of this communique was:
Kalin is:
Kalin currently has 3070 out of 6550 health.
bleeding for 113 health.
afraid of the world.
stricken by the vapors.
plagued by a bedeviling sickness.
devoid of senses.
violently ill.
an insomniac.
very lonely.
The time of this communique was:
Kalin is:
Kalin currently has 2274 out of 6550 health.
bleeding for 63 health.
afraid of the world.
plagued by a bedeviling sickness.
violently ill.
an insomniac.
very lonely.
The time of this communique was:
L'eau de Brume, a mist dragon tells you, "Kalin just exited to the west."
The time of this communique was:
Kalin is:
Kalin currently has 1125 out of 6550 health.
bleeding for 33 health.
afraid of the world.
plagued by a bedeviling sickness.
an insomniac.
very lonely.
The time of this communique was:
Keep in mind nothing I have hinders aeon curing but the normal stuff like anorexia and stupdity. Aurawarp and Bedevil do not do anything to stop aeon curing. I also did not use Aeonfield. The only thing that stopped me from killing him was Badluck firing many times on things like scrubbing, and offensive actions. Oh, and I gave him a chance to prove it was not BadLuck that saved him, and he refused. He said it was aurawarp and bedevil that did it, even though I have nothing to stop him from really just moving away and curing those. So, I gave him the chance to prove both by saying I would not use Bedevil and Aurawarp if he did not use BadLuck. Guess what his answer to that was?
Kalin currently has 6530 out of 6550 health.
bleeding for 182 health.
cursed with the healthleech.
overcome by dizziness.
violently ill.
an insomniac.
The time of this communique was:
Kalin is:
Kalin currently has 5788 out of 6550 health.
bleeding for 70 health.
plagued by a bedeviling sickness.
cursed with the healthleech.
an insomniac.
The time of this communique was:
Kalin is:
Kalin currently has 5105 out of 6550 health.
bleeding for 80 health.
plagued by a bedeviling sickness.
an insomniac.
The time of this communique was:
Kalin is:
Kalin currently has 4800 out of 6550 health.
bleeding for 102 health.
plagued by a bedeviling sickness.
afflicted with the curse of the Aeon.
an insomniac.
The time of this communique was:
Kalin is:
Kalin currently has 4698 out of 6550 health.
bleeding for 92 health.
plagued by a bedeviling sickness.
violently ill.
an insomniac.
very lonely.
The time of this communique was:
Kalin is:
Kalin currently has 3885 out of 6550 health.
bleeding for 145 health.
plagued by a bedeviling sickness.
afflicted with the curse of the Aeon.
violently ill.
an insomniac.
very lonely.
The time of this communique was:
Kalin is:
Kalin currently has 4016 out of 6550 health.
bleeding for 95 health.
plagued by a bedeviling sickness.
afflicted by unbearable shyness.
violently ill.
an insomniac.
very lonely.
The time of this communique was:
Kalin is:
Kalin currently has 4213 out of 6550 health.
bleeding for 27 health.
plagued by a bedeviling sickness.
afflicted with the curse of the Aeon.
afflicted by unbearable shyness.
violently ill.
an insomniac.
very lonely.
The time of this communique was:
Kalin is:
Kalin currently has 4344 out of 6550 health.
plagued by a bedeviling sickness.
afflicted with the curse of the Aeon.
violently ill.
an insomniac.
very lonely.
The time of this communique was:
Kalin is:
Kalin currently has 3447 out of 6550 health.
bleeding for 57 health.
plagued by a bedeviling sickness.
afflicted with the curse of the Aeon.
afflicted by unbearable shyness.
violently ill.
an insomniac.
very lonely.
The time of this communique was:
Kalin is:
Kalin currently has 3717 out of 6550 health.
bleeding for 46 health.
plagued by a bedeviling sickness.
afflicted with the curse of the Aeon.
violently ill.
an insomniac.
very lonely.
The time of this communique was:
Kalin is:
Kalin currently has 3070 out of 6550 health.
bleeding for 113 health.
afraid of the world.
stricken by the vapors.
plagued by a bedeviling sickness.
devoid of senses.
violently ill.
an insomniac.
very lonely.
The time of this communique was:
Kalin is:
Kalin currently has 2274 out of 6550 health.
bleeding for 63 health.
afraid of the world.
plagued by a bedeviling sickness.
violently ill.
an insomniac.
very lonely.
The time of this communique was:
L'eau de Brume, a mist dragon tells you, "Kalin just exited to the west."
The time of this communique was:
Kalin is:
Kalin currently has 1125 out of 6550 health.
bleeding for 33 health.
afraid of the world.
plagued by a bedeviling sickness.
an insomniac.
very lonely.
The time of this communique was:
Keep in mind nothing I have hinders aeon curing but the normal stuff like anorexia and stupdity. Aurawarp and Bedevil do not do anything to stop aeon curing. I also did not use Aeonfield. The only thing that stopped me from killing him was Badluck firing many times on things like scrubbing, and offensive actions. Oh, and I gave him a chance to prove it was not BadLuck that saved him, and he refused. He said it was aurawarp and bedevil that did it, even though I have nothing to stop him from really just moving away and curing those. So, I gave him the chance to prove both by saying I would not use Bedevil and Aurawarp if he did not use BadLuck. Guess what his answer to that was?
Geb2010-09-01 03:15:53
QUOTE (diamondais @ Sep 1 2010, 04:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Have you by chance ever considered making an alt to learn about how Badluck works?
Already spoken to those who are in the guild but do not want me to mention their names because of the problems it would cause them. People who understand just how powerful the combination of abilities they have are.
Prav2010-09-01 03:18:00
QUOTE (Gregori @ Aug 31 2010, 05:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good curing also includes the occasional manual curing, btw.
Cool, thanks for the tip bro.
Diamondais2010-09-01 03:18:01
QUOTE (geb @ Aug 31 2010, 11:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Already spoken to those who are in the guild but do not want me to mention their names because of the problems it would cause them. People who understand just how powerful the combination of abilities they have are.
This defence line gets thrown around a lot in Gaudiguch, these "people" must be a wise and powerful group indeed.
Unknown2010-09-01 03:20:41
Clearly, the answer is that researchers are woefully overpowered.
Prav2010-09-01 03:22:02
QUOTE (Rainydays @ Aug 31 2010, 11:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Clearly, the answer is that researchers are woefully overpowered.
Hey, have you tried having good curing (that means manualling sometimes). Someone gave me that tip, figured I'd pay it forward.
Gregori2010-09-01 03:25:50
QUOTE (geb @ Aug 31 2010, 09:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Bunch of stuff that proves nothing at all, other than healers using aurawarp and bedevil are crazy OP when they have passive affs.
Keep in mind nothing I have hinders aeon curing but the normal stuff like anorexia and stupdity. Aurawarp and Bedevil do not do anything to stop aeon curing. I also did not use Aeonfield. The only thing that stopped me from killing him was Badluck firing many times on things like scrubbing, and offensive actions. Oh, and I gave him a chance to prove it was not BadLuck that saved him, and he refused. He said it was aurawarp and bedevil that did it, even though I have nothing to stop him from really just moving away and curing those. So, I gave him the chance to prove both by saying I would not use Bedevil and Aurawarp if he did not use BadLuck. Guess what his answer to that was?
Keep in mind nothing I have hinders aeon curing but the normal stuff like anorexia and stupdity. Aurawarp and Bedevil do not do anything to stop aeon curing. I also did not use Aeonfield. The only thing that stopped me from killing him was Badluck firing many times on things like scrubbing, and offensive actions. Oh, and I gave him a chance to prove it was not BadLuck that saved him, and he refused. He said it was aurawarp and bedevil that did it, even though I have nothing to stop him from really just moving away and curing those. So, I gave him the chance to prove both by saying I would not use Bedevil and Aurawarp if he did not use BadLuck. Guess what his answer to that was?
Lol the -only- thing this proves is that passive affs under aurawarp and bedevil can stack up fast. Anybody at all shocked by that? If they are, they should go to the school of Geb for combat training. He has the same sort of mindset.
Also, "I won't use aurawarp and bedevil if you don't use badluck" = "I will using healing auras and succor to cure myself while you can't build up insanity cause I can focus mind" then trying to wrap it up in a pretty bow for the ignorant to say "oh god geb is so amazing, he offered to cripple himself in a spar"
also lol@passive shielding
Gregori2010-09-01 03:26:55
QUOTE (Prav @ Aug 31 2010, 09:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey, have you tried having good curing (that means manualling sometimes). Someone gave me that tip, figured I'd pay it forward.
Oh look at prav trying to earn his Trolling badge.
Unknown2010-09-01 03:29:08
I can't wait to get aurawarp and bedevil
delicious OPness

Prav2010-09-01 03:32:39
QUOTE (Gregori @ Aug 31 2010, 11:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If they are, they should go to the school of Geb for combat training. He has the same sort of mindset.
Does he have good tips like, "Have good curing?" If not, I will likely stay enrolled in my current program.