Mudlet Questions

by Rika

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Israafiyl2012-08-30 23:56:54
anyone have any alchemy\\brewmeister scripts they would be down to share or sell me for Mudlet? also any type of song timer I could use that counts down from when the song starts and then when 10 seconds are left it refrains, I saw Talans example and whenever I song status it refrines:


currentsongtime = tonumber(matches - 20)
if songtimer then
songtimer = tempTimer(currentsongtime, expandAlias("do perform refrain drinkingsong1"))
any ideas or help would be awesome thank you very much :)
Eritheyl2012-09-01 07:35:16
After updating m&m (and having a run-in with Norton to follow), my Mudlet mapper suddenly does...nothing.

I have updated the mapper script, and disabled my repositioning script in a last-ditch attempt to kick it back into working...but no result. I've uninstalled and reinstalled the most recent mapper script about three times now, and I still keep getting "No map or no valid position".

Help? :(
Rakor2012-09-01 10:17:33
Do you have the latest map file?
Eritheyl2012-09-01 12:11:04
Oh, I forgot that was even a thing! Usually the mapper yells at me, so I forgot to check.

Aaaand yep, that was it! Thanks!
Ushaara2012-09-18 16:40:47
Is there a list of inbuilt events you can hook things onto anywhere?
Unknown2012-09-18 17:39:07
There is not, really. Not to my knowledge, anyway. If you tell me what you are trying to do, I can tell you if there is an event for such a thing, however.
Neos2012-09-18 18:05:48

Is there a list of inbuilt events you can hook things onto anywhere?

There are some(all?) of them listed on the wiki.
Ushaara2012-09-18 18:28:20
Unknown2012-09-18 18:47:14
<- Wants to know which one you are using now.