Mudlet Questions

by Rika

Back to Mechanic's Corner.

Near2012-03-11 02:27:47

A regular trigger is fine.

If you use m&m:
^You have slain

mm.dofirst("get "")

should be
mm.dofirst("get "

Also, simply "You have slain" with "Beginning of line substring" chosen is faster than perl regex.
Vadi2012-03-11 03:29:25

News! Importing scripts still doesn't work, but the package manager has started working again. I don't know what changed, but I can use that to import scripts now.

Did you do an Apple update in between? (or does the mac autoupdate without notifying you)
Aldani2012-03-11 03:35:07

Did you do an Apple update in between? (or does the mac autoupdate without notifying you)

I did, though I'm not sure if that's what made the difference. I do manage the updates myself, and after the last one I tested the script importer but not the package manager. The importer still doesn't work, but I thought I'd try the package manager again, and that did.
Unknown2012-03-13 01:09:22
With Mudlet's mapper, I'm having a weird thing with mmp.LocateandEcho .

An ur'dead field marshal has made Akuno taste steel.
You see the death occur at central crypt. (central crypt)

You sense the following people:
Haiden - a well-traveled dirt road (Bottledowns) >> a well-traveled dirt road
Near - a well-traveled dirt road (Bottledowns) >> a well-traveled dirt road
Neos - a well-traveled dirt road (Bottledowns) >> a well-traveled dirt road
Nicholo - a well-traveled dirt road (Bottledowns) >> a well-traveled dirt road
(*) Currently, there are 4 Lusternians on this Plane and 88 on other Planes.

Lua error::1: ')' expected near 'crypt

Those clickable number things are the room names and I get the Lua error when I click them. Anyone know what my problem might be?
Vadi2012-03-13 03:20:57
Are you on the latest?
Unknown2012-03-13 09:55:55
I am, actually. And if I recall properly, this seemed to happen after one of my updates. Which one, I'm not entirely certain. I think I'm the only one having this problem, though?
Unknown2012-03-16 23:57:12
Can someone remind me how to see the big list of all the possible colours in Mudlet?
Unknown2012-03-17 00:01:59
Eritheyl2012-03-25 15:11:53
Is there an effective method of colouring an echoLink? I've gone through the Mudlet forum, but tinkering with the only given answer has gotten me nowhere :S
Unknown2012-03-28 21:24:07
I know this is very basic, but I cannot seem to retain any scripting knowledge.

How can I make an alias that 'hits' a target if I don't specify anything, but otherwise 'hits' the matches if I do?
ps bob = point staff bob
but also
ps = point staff bob
Neos2012-03-28 21:26:56

I know this is very basic, but I cannot seem to retain any scripting knowledge.

How can I make an alias that 'hits' a target if I don't specify anything, but otherwise 'hits' the matches if I do?
ps bob = point staff bob
but also
ps = point staff bob

send("point staff " .. matches or target)
Unknown2012-03-28 21:37:42
Wow thank you for such a speedy reply! I was going to append another question onto that actually haha. What is wrong with this alias?

^psaw( \\w+)?$

if matches == nil then
send("play ancestralwatch")
elseif matches == "dis" then
send("play ancestralwatch dismiss")

I can make the alias fire 'play ancestralwatch' with 'psaw' but not 'play ancestralwatch dismiss' with 'psaw dismiss'

Don't laugh at me...
Neos2012-03-28 21:40:08

Wow thank you for such a speedy reply! I was going to append another question onto that actually haha. What is wrong with this alias?

^psaw(?: (\\w+))?$

if matches == nil then
send("play ancestralwatch")
elseif matches == "dis" then
send("play ancestralwatch dismiss")

I can make the alias fire 'play ancestralwatch' with 'psaw' but not 'play ancestralwatch dismiss' with 'psaw dismiss'

Don't laugh at me...

That should work, but can't test it unfortunately, sorry.
Unknown2012-03-28 21:41:57
Wow it did! I never would've figured that out. Thanks Neos :)
Vadi2012-03-29 02:38:06

Is there an effective method of colouring an echoLink? I've gone through the Mudlet forum, but tinkering with the only given answer has gotten me nowhere :S

fg/bg before it, and add true at the end of the echoLink
Vadi2012-03-29 07:23:32

I did, though I'm not sure if that's what made the difference. I do manage the updates myself, and after the last one I tested the script importer but not the package manager. The importer still doesn't work, but I thought I'd try the package manager again, and that did.

Hm... I got two Lion users today and both features worked for both of them. :(
saraxus2012-03-29 07:56:22
Hi everyone,

I'm completely new to Mudlet and m&M, so I'll be overwhelming you with questions the coming weeks.

My first question is.. I've noticed that people have scripts to pick up everything in a room. I want one too!
So, what'd be the cleanest way to make one?
Zyreil2012-03-29 08:15:49

Hi everyone,

I'm completely new to Mudlet and m&M, so I'll be overwhelming you with questions the coming weeks.

My first question is.. I've noticed that people have scripts to pick up everything in a room. I want one too!
So, what'd be the cleanest way to make one?

That might just be 'acquisitio' a skill or enchantment that people have access to.
saraxus2012-03-29 08:29:25
Not what I was looking for. :D

Acquisitio just picks one item every now and then, I want an alias to pick everything of either GMCP or INFO HERE.
Unknown2012-03-29 11:00:55
The easiest (but albeit extremely crude) way would be to simply parse the gmcp.Char.Items.List table.

Something like this would work for you, I guess:

for i, v in ipairs(gmcp.Char.Items.List.items) do send("get " .. v) end

Shove that into an alias. Gag the fail messages and you're good to go.