Mudlet Questions

by Rika

Back to Mechanic's Corner.

saraxus2012-03-29 11:57:53
does that attempt to pick every item in the room, or every item in the world? :D

this gmcp looks scary.
Unknown2012-03-29 12:40:13
LOL. That'll attempt to pick up -every- item that is in the current room.

Note: It will not pick up "new" items. (Items that have appeared/been dropped, etc)

You can refresh the list by just typing LOOK.
saraxus2012-03-30 06:37:50
Tested and it works fine. Thanks!

On a side note, you just missed a perfect opportunity to troll me good!
Unknown2012-03-30 07:46:46
I did? Am I missing something here?
saraxus2012-03-30 07:51:28
well, you could have posted some very long code, where it was really just one statement that did anything. And I wouldn't know!

Or you could have made me make an alias that spammed me real good whenever I tried to pick something.

What you did was give me exactly what I needed!
Aldani2012-03-30 20:07:51

Hm... I got two Lion users today and both features worked for both of them. :(

Well, now it all seems to be working for me, too. I'm positive I haven't updated anything since last time I checked, so I'm left with the conclusion that we have experienced the same phenomenon that haunted me in my QA days. I break things no one else can break, and an explanation is never found.
Unknown2012-04-01 22:46:13
Is anyone able to come up with a script that will be able to warn you when your song is about to fade away at 20 seconds, 10 seconds, etc? I have no idea how to go about it.
Lilia2012-04-02 02:47:32
Show me what songstatus looks like, and I can probably make you something basic.
Unknown2012-04-02 07:06:46
^Without further performance\\, the song will end in (\\d+) seconds\\.$


songtime = tempTimer((matches - 20), ])

Simple enough, but it works.

Give me an hour or two and I'll package up my song stuff for you. Much better then.
Unknown2012-04-02 10:23:57
Thanks Lilia, Draylor's going to send me his nifty bard song script.

Last question for today: How can I gag command echoes? I don't want to gag everything i.e. toggle off command echoes in the preferences pane, just want to do it for some specific lines or a specific alias.
Iosai2012-04-02 10:43:45
send("command", false)

False equates to "do not echo".
Unknown2012-04-04 18:36:42
Question: Is there a GMCP module for shop rifts?
Unknown2012-04-04 20:26:12
With the way shops and shop rifts work, I don't think you could reasonably use them the way you do personal rifts.
Unknown2012-04-05 06:31:15

Question: Is there a GMCP module for shop rifts?

There is not, but what are you trying to accomplish? Scripting most things for this is pretty trivial.
Zalandrus2012-04-12 02:11:51
Just reinstalled Mudlet after a long absence and am having a strange problem...I can't get the triggers/aliases/scripts window to open. When I click one of the buttons to open the window, it shows up on my taskbar, but I can't get the actual window to show up. I can get other windows like the notepad and the packages manager to show up though. Perhaps related, I also seem to be randomly disconnecting. Anybody else experience these problems before?

This is what you get for taking a long hiatus...
Unknown2012-04-12 07:32:19
I can't say that I have ever heard of such an issue as this. It would help if you could provide details of:

1. Operating System.
2. Mudlet version.
3. Screen resolution.

It may be the fact that the window is actually appearing, but is "off the screen" so to speak.
Zalandrus2012-04-12 15:56:06
Thanks Draylor. Strangely I guess it was "off the screen" somehow. For future reference, I just toggled my laptop between different 'projection' modes and the window popped up after a couple of rounds of changes, strangely enough!

Now on to actually using Mudlet and getting stuck with real problems...
Unknown2012-04-20 04:40:27

There is not, but what are you trying to accomplish? Scripting most things for this is pretty trivial.

(Oops. Late response but) I'm trying to mash together totals of commodities from my rift plus two shops. Output preferably a list in a text file.

Edit: Do I make some sort of generic (\\w+):\\s+(\\d+) trigger and then stick them in an associated array?
Unknown2012-04-26 03:50:13
I have been trying to figure out how to do this for a while now.

I want an alias with a finite loop. Balance doesn't matter as the action does not require it.

To put it in context, although my intention is really not to spam anyone, let's say I want to have it output 'say hi' twice, but I don't want to alias it so that I have a singular alias that has two lines of 'say hi' or something like that. I want everything to be neat and tidy so that when I enter the alias, it will loop twice and then stop.
Unknown2012-04-26 04:16:14