Mudlet 'Plugins'

by Anisu

Back to Mechanic's Corner.

Enyalida2011-12-20 04:31:52
You realize they may now change it so that you can't do that. There is an artifact that has logins/logouts.
Lilia2011-12-20 10:03:47
If you look at the picture he posted, you'll see that it's just the RSS feed of articles posted to the website. And having the IRE browser add-on already invalidates that arti.
Vadi2011-12-20 10:34:08

You realize they may now change it so that you can't do that. There is an artifact that has logins/logouts.

Make it so you can't read the RSS feed... ?
Unknown2011-12-20 10:38:41
Calixa2011-12-23 12:54:58
If players do things that supposedly break arties, by using information that is available to everyone, I can only see this as a good thing. The opportunity is there. Draylor just puts it out there for everyone, but I dare to bet he's not the only coder who likes to "exploit" these things. People will use them and not report them, either intentional or unintentional, and that creates a possible imbalance. Just in this case, the admin staff gets to see what is used and can intervene at any time. If they don't, it's a sign of either silently approving, or other work being deemed more important.

Just my 2 cents :)
Calixa2011-12-27 19:44:08
XP counter 1.1


* Fetches the experience value from GMCP rather than the output of QSC.
* Counts the last five rather than ten kills or influences.
* Some lines for influencing were added, but the list is incomplete (easy to add them yourself).
* Should in theory work for essence, will however give a stupid output for kills and time to next level.


* Add missing influence lines.
* Make output make sense for Demis.

If anyone feels like providing me with the missing lines, please send me a PM. As for Demi, I know it's just a matter of having the script check your level, but that'll be for the next year.


Unknown2011-12-30 13:17:28
On the new xp_counter I just got Demi and upgraded to that one and it just keeps stating that I got my first kill (influence) over and over again, won't give me any statistics. Any way to fix that or do Demis just not work well yet?
Unknown2011-12-30 21:13:19

* Add missing influence lines.
* Make output make sense for Demis.
Unknown2012-01-02 18:58:37
Small update.
Vadi2012-01-03 09:57:35

XP counter 1.1

Hm! Could you make this be into an m&m custom prompt tag as well?
Unknown2012-01-05 04:39:02
*edit* I've just noticed that I've been posting in the wrong thread all this time. :( Sorry everyone!
Unknown2012-01-15 22:38:46
This handy little function will display the directions from a to b.
The only caveat is that you need to know both room vnums. (I may add more functionality at a later date.)

To use, simply do something like:

showpath 1964 2770

Which will return:

(mapper): Directions from THE POOL OF STARS to CORAL FORTRESS:
(mapper): e, e, e, e, e, e, e, down, e, e, e, e, e, e, e, e, s, s, se, down, se, s, se, se, ne, se, se, se, se

The echoPath() function will also return the directions as a table should you wish to utilise this another way.

Forums are being funky, so you'll have to grab it from my dropbox.
Chade2012-01-16 14:13:01
Simple debating script:

function newDebate()
local ms = math.random(1, 3)
local db = math.random(1, 3)
if ms == 1 then
mindset = "cautious"
send("mindset "..mindset)
elseif ms == 2 then
mindset = "pedantic"
send("mindset "..mindset)
elseif ms == 3 then
mindset = "analytical"
send("mindset "..mindset)
if db == 1 then
debate = "pettifoggery"
send("debate "" with "..debate)
elseif db == 2 then
debate = "pontification"
send("debate "" with "..debate)
elseif db == 3 then
debate = "passion"
send("debate "" with "..debate)


This will randomly change your mindset and perform a random attack on whoever is set on your target variable. Remember to change if you use something else!
Vadi2012-01-18 05:59:55
Added showpath to the latest mapper script!
Aldani2012-01-20 00:28:26
I'm using Draylor's changes to the mapper script, if that makes a difference. The problem I'm seeing is this:

List of all rooms in Blue City Bay (4):
24611: Blue City Stables.
25027: A vaulted amethyst hall.
26606: A very boring room. Change this.

List of all rooms in Mobile Research Laboratory (4):
21714: The Helm.
23665: Maintenance Deck.
23796: Bow Gunnery Station.

In both these cases, it's the first room which was added to the area that doesn't show in the list. I'm sure the fix is simple, but Lua and I are not yet acquianted.
Calixa2012-01-21 01:16:54

Hm! Could you make this be into an m&m custom prompt tag as well?

Oh, that is a great idea to save some screen space. Noted!


On the new xp_counter I just got Demi and upgraded to that one and it just keeps stating that I got my first kill (influence) over and over again, won't give me any statistics. Any way to fix that or do Demis just not work well yet?

What kind of influencing were you doing? But yes, I've not taken the time to make it make sense for Demis yet. Also nobody has sent me influence lines so I'm a bit stuck here until I go and get them myself.
Neos2012-02-21 16:31:33
Now that makes me really miss my laptop. Been wanting something that did that forever, but I didn't/don't know enough to do it myself.