Neos2011-03-16 23:04:36
QUOTE (Esano @ Mar 16 2011, 07:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
And you still mostly died and didn't drop all the guards (or even Ardrak), which you cut out of the nogfx log!
You summoned more! And I cut nothing out. From when we walked into the room, to when everything went to hell.
Edit: Was mistaken where the log ended at.
Shulamit2011-03-17 09:08:19
The floor shakes as you fire a blast that slams into Nierrta, Gentle Winged
Beauty of the Wilde.
Nierrta, Gentle Winged Beauty of the Wilde suddenly collapses on herself!
Meer! Meer meer! I killed something! Vaguely! With a big gun! This makes me both happy, and feel slightly sick.
Beauty of the Wilde.
Nierrta, Gentle Winged Beauty of the Wilde suddenly collapses on herself!
Meer! Meer meer! I killed something! Vaguely! With a big gun! This makes me both happy, and feel slightly sick.
Razenth2011-03-17 09:12:05
There flares happen at the most awkward times.
Shulamit2011-03-17 09:19:47
I also killed Shofa earlier, it seems. Maybe O_o I think. I...feel so very funny. I think this partly cause it's early.
The floor shakes as you fire a blast that slams into Shofa.
Shofa suddenly collapses on herself!
Shofa has been destroyed by Methrenton's Hammer.
Different ship I was on, though. Meer...
The floor shakes as you fire a blast that slams into Shofa.
Shofa suddenly collapses on herself!
Shofa has been destroyed by Methrenton's Hammer.
Different ship I was on, though. Meer...
Shulamit2011-03-17 09:32:43
Wait, what? O_O
The vortex below The Rhassaphorian Mantra suddenly collapses in on itself,
forming a stream of pulsating energy which streaks down onto the world below,
blasting the energies within the Crystal Ring of the Elements.
Ixion has been obliterated by the orbital bombardment of The Rhassaphorian
You see the death occur at the Crystal Ring of the Elements.
A column of brilliant light shoots up from the Pool of Stars as it synchronises
with the energies of the Crystal Ring of the Elements.
You feel your soul well as it is imbued with a small portion of the Holy Light
of Celestia.
You have slain Eritheyl.
Your karma falls in response to your deeds.
How...did I keel you? Oh noesssss
The vortex below The Rhassaphorian Mantra suddenly collapses in on itself,
forming a stream of pulsating energy which streaks down onto the world below,
blasting the energies within the Crystal Ring of the Elements.
Ixion has been obliterated by the orbital bombardment of The Rhassaphorian
You see the death occur at the Crystal Ring of the Elements.
A column of brilliant light shoots up from the Pool of Stars as it synchronises
with the energies of the Crystal Ring of the Elements.
You feel your soul well as it is imbued with a small portion of the Holy Light
of Celestia.
You have slain Eritheyl.
Your karma falls in response to your deeds.
How...did I keel you? Oh noesssss
Xiel2011-03-17 09:42:03
Your bombard killed the people who were just sitting there, it seems. Dandy kill. Don't think I can claim that yet.
Ixion2011-03-17 09:48:44
The damage is pretty minor, though having multiple hit you while you lag out and have to restart your comp for 5 mins is annoying 

Siam2011-03-17 09:52:27
QUOTE (Shulamit @ Mar 17 2011, 05:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Wait, what? O_O
The vortex below The Rhassaphorian Mantra suddenly collapses in on itself,
forming a stream of pulsating energy which streaks down onto the world below,
blasting the energies within the Crystal Ring of the Elements.
Ixion has been obliterated by the orbital bombardment of The Rhassaphorian
You see the death occur at the Crystal Ring of the Elements.
A column of brilliant light shoots up from the Pool of Stars as it synchronises
with the energies of the Crystal Ring of the Elements.
You feel your soul well as it is imbued with a small portion of the Holy Light
of Celestia.
You have slain Eritheyl.
Your karma falls in response to your deeds.
How...did I keel you? Oh noesssss
The vortex below The Rhassaphorian Mantra suddenly collapses in on itself,
forming a stream of pulsating energy which streaks down onto the world below,
blasting the energies within the Crystal Ring of the Elements.
Ixion has been obliterated by the orbital bombardment of The Rhassaphorian
You see the death occur at the Crystal Ring of the Elements.
A column of brilliant light shoots up from the Pool of Stars as it synchronises
with the energies of the Crystal Ring of the Elements.
You feel your soul well as it is imbued with a small portion of the Holy Light
of Celestia.
You have slain Eritheyl.
Your karma falls in response to your deeds.
How...did I keel you? Oh noesssss
You can't hide it anymore, Shulamit. That's crystal clear evidence of you being the feminine aspect of Lyreth. Your fire powers just can't be hidden from us mortals and half-mortals anymore! Admit it!

Shulamit2011-03-17 10:03:53
When I become a demigod, in a billion years, I'll admit it, and beg Lord Lyreth to make me his firey feminine aspect *solemnnod*
Esano2011-03-17 10:29:43
My kill of the day:
You jolt the aetherdock here with deadly blasts of jinsun fire.
The spluttering form of Archangel flies out of the aetherdock, trailing a plume of heavy smoke.
Bolts of jagged energy strike out at Archangel from the ruptured fabric of aetherspace.
Archangel suddenly collapses on herself!
You jolt the aetherdock here with deadly blasts of jinsun fire.
The spluttering form of Archangel flies out of the aetherdock, trailing a plume of heavy smoke.
Bolts of jagged energy strike out at Archangel from the ruptured fabric of aetherspace.
Archangel suddenly collapses on herself!
Ileein2011-03-17 10:58:31
QUOTE (Razenth @ Mar 17 2011, 05:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
There flares happen at the most awkward times.
Don't they, though?
Lendren2011-03-17 12:26:38
There has never been a flare at any time other than the middle of the night, my time. I wonder if they precess at all, or if they do, if they do it really, really slowly.
Arath2011-03-17 12:39:17
A plush doll of Scuchidira Tliwx leaps onto Within your mind, a roaring, draconic voice's back, who takes flight briefly - after circling overhead once, a plush doll of the Guardian Drachou lands, wheezing loudly, muttering something about cookies and dieting.
You know, this being Gaudiguch, that almost seems intentional.
Within your mind, a roaring, draconic voice exclaims, "Who am I? WHO AM I? I am the Guardian of the Eternal Flame! I am the almighty, the eternal, the undiscernable, the beautiful, the magnificent Drachou!"
Drachou is Mushu. Cool.
Neos2011-03-17 15:58:33
QUOTE (Razenth @ Mar 17 2011, 05:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
There flares happen at the most awkward times.
They do. I've been present for two flares: the first one, when all of them flared, and one other, but couldn't help, due to being stuck on nexus.
They need to go off during the day my time, and for some reason love to go off just when I go to sleep. I've been anticipating this flare for a few days, and when I finally go to sleep early(ish), they flare.

Lehki2011-03-17 16:01:05
They've said that when Flares occur is random, I hope they've double checked on that though. =/
Malicia2011-03-17 16:15:10
QUOTE (Shulamit @ Mar 17 2011, 04:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The floor shakes as you fire a blast that slams into Nierrta, Gentle Winged
Beauty of the Wilde.
Nierrta, Gentle Winged Beauty of the Wilde suddenly collapses on herself!
Meer! Meer meer! I killed something! Vaguely! With a big gun! This makes me both happy, and feel slightly sick.
Beauty of the Wilde.
Nierrta, Gentle Winged Beauty of the Wilde suddenly collapses on herself!
Meer! Meer meer! I killed something! Vaguely! With a big gun! This makes me both happy, and feel slightly sick.
All in our evil plan to turn you into a killer!

Unknown2011-03-17 19:27:31
A high-pitched chorus of shouts rise up, celebrating the reign of Old Cashel Connlaodh, King of the Leprechauns, who died 33 and 1/3 years ago.
A leprechaun clad in light green shouts, "Poor Olllo *hic* C *hic* cashel, he was a zejrecchaun ammonng luprechauns,, aye."
A smug, darkly-dressed leprechaun shouts, "Ay *hic* e, he''l *hic* ll be soreLy missed, t'vve sure. A toast tae the Oll' Kinj - 'e de *hic* sefrvush that much."
A leprechaun clad in light green shouts, "Pityy luheen Ekleen qoesN't hhave the Oole CAseem'S t *hic* ouch. Shhe be a rregularr duhll vIke a dryAdn thaat one."
A green-garbed leprechaun shouts, "Ye scamps doN't ewven know what ye be Shpeakins abbouT!"
A leprechaun clad in light green shouts, "Seh *hic* mus? You be tojccHed a bit py ole Suu *hic* hn. Now, Giil *hic* ligan wouqda been a right as rain."
A green-garbed leprechaun shouts, "Eileen's the rightful Queen, and haas srrvEd ushh wvll! Not a oon *hic* e of pe has been lbft ter want!"
A smug, darkly-dressed leprechaun shouts, "Ooh, ye shgt yes goob, ye m *hic* isehable Sot, itis iddjits like you yot *hic* 've got us intae thIis mess ta *hic* e Begin witth!"
A leprechaun clad in light green shouts, "Eileen haS had h *hic* er roign, itt's time fpr another! Let Gilligan have a Chance, *hic* we wan *hic* ts sshxme fuhnn!"
A green-garbed leprechaun shouts, "Now let uhs Alll be Havpn' a drnnk, c *hic* nd hear nt morE o' thrs rebellious nonsense *hic* !"
A smug, darkly-dressed leprechaun shouts, "SshEaPus! Good old Sea *hic* muus! Let 'im tAke us intae a *hic* a new ioldeen age, aye! ThE whhelp an' the lassh dgnnae stand a chance!"
A leprechaun clad in light green shouts, "Seamuhss can kisS ny sshomrocz *hic* s."
A green-garbed leprechaun shouts, "Quheen EilleEn! Qu *hic* een EilEen! First borrn, rightful heir! *hic* Qsheen Eeleen! Queen Eileen! May she serr''e'er reign!"
A smug, darkly-dressed leprechaun shouts, "Oh, why you rotten *hic* blalney-filled ale-- *hic* soakedi..!"
A leprechaun clad in light green shouts, "Gqlligan! Gilliggan! Gilligan!"
A smug, darkly-dressed leprechaun shouts, "Se *hic* amuUs! SeamUus forq'er! LOng live the rrigghtoul King!"
A green-garbed leprechaun shouts, "Freeev ale forr everryyone who Votet hor Eilten."
A smug, darkly-dressed leprechaun shouts, "AcH, wot ye Talkin *hic* ' abbout, ye're *hic* alj's Like w *hic* ater an' no mistAke!"
A leprechaun clad in light green shouts, "TiMe for A nEc elwctTjon! *hic* Down wiith Eilsen! Up wwith Gilligan!"
A smug, darkly-dressed leprechaun shouts, "New electioon! New King! SEamus'lL sshcw these lloonnixs whhat's rigHtt aye!"
A green-garbed leprechaun shouts, "Och! Scoutdrels! You've no right! No rpght *hic* says me!"
A sombre, muted rainbow descends gracefully from amidst the clouds, coming to gently rest below Avechna's Peak.
Accompanied by bobbing, ephemeral peeps, a candy-coloured rainbow pops out of the clouds, coming to rest just below Avechna's Peak.
A leprechaun clad in light green shouts, "Poor Olllo *hic* C *hic* cashel, he was a zejrecchaun ammonng luprechauns,, aye."
A smug, darkly-dressed leprechaun shouts, "Ay *hic* e, he''l *hic* ll be soreLy missed, t'vve sure. A toast tae the Oll' Kinj - 'e de *hic* sefrvush that much."
A leprechaun clad in light green shouts, "Pityy luheen Ekleen qoesN't hhave the Oole CAseem'S t *hic* ouch. Shhe be a rregularr duhll vIke a dryAdn thaat one."
A green-garbed leprechaun shouts, "Ye scamps doN't ewven know what ye be Shpeakins abbouT!"
A leprechaun clad in light green shouts, "Seh *hic* mus? You be tojccHed a bit py ole Suu *hic* hn. Now, Giil *hic* ligan wouqda been a right as rain."
A green-garbed leprechaun shouts, "Eileen's the rightful Queen, and haas srrvEd ushh wvll! Not a oon *hic* e of pe has been lbft ter want!"
A smug, darkly-dressed leprechaun shouts, "Ooh, ye shgt yes goob, ye m *hic* isehable Sot, itis iddjits like you yot *hic* 've got us intae thIis mess ta *hic* e Begin witth!"
A leprechaun clad in light green shouts, "Eileen haS had h *hic* er roign, itt's time fpr another! Let Gilligan have a Chance, *hic* we wan *hic* ts sshxme fuhnn!"
A green-garbed leprechaun shouts, "Now let uhs Alll be Havpn' a drnnk, c *hic* nd hear nt morE o' thrs rebellious nonsense *hic* !"
A smug, darkly-dressed leprechaun shouts, "SshEaPus! Good old Sea *hic* muus! Let 'im tAke us intae a *hic* a new ioldeen age, aye! ThE whhelp an' the lassh dgnnae stand a chance!"
A leprechaun clad in light green shouts, "Seamuhss can kisS ny sshomrocz *hic* s."
A green-garbed leprechaun shouts, "Quheen EilleEn! Qu *hic* een EilEen! First borrn, rightful heir! *hic* Qsheen Eeleen! Queen Eileen! May she serr''e'er reign!"
A smug, darkly-dressed leprechaun shouts, "Oh, why you rotten *hic* blalney-filled ale-- *hic* soakedi..!"
A leprechaun clad in light green shouts, "Gqlligan! Gilliggan! Gilligan!"
A smug, darkly-dressed leprechaun shouts, "Se *hic* amuUs! SeamUus forq'er! LOng live the rrigghtoul King!"
A green-garbed leprechaun shouts, "Freeev ale forr everryyone who Votet hor Eilten."
A smug, darkly-dressed leprechaun shouts, "AcH, wot ye Talkin *hic* ' abbout, ye're *hic* alj's Like w *hic* ater an' no mistAke!"
A leprechaun clad in light green shouts, "TiMe for A nEc elwctTjon! *hic* Down wiith Eilsen! Up wwith Gilligan!"
A smug, darkly-dressed leprechaun shouts, "New electioon! New King! SEamus'lL sshcw these lloonnixs whhat's rigHtt aye!"
A green-garbed leprechaun shouts, "Och! Scoutdrels! You've no right! No rpght *hic* says me!"
A sombre, muted rainbow descends gracefully from amidst the clouds, coming to gently rest below Avechna's Peak.
Accompanied by bobbing, ephemeral peeps, a candy-coloured rainbow pops out of the clouds, coming to rest just below Avechna's Peak.
Ytran2011-03-17 20:21:49
QUOTE (Lendren @ Mar 17 2011, 07:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
There has never been a flare at any time other than the middle of the night, my time. I wonder if they precess at all, or if they do, if they do it really, really slowly.
They've seemed to be moving forward by an hour-ish each time, from what I remember.
Lendren2011-03-17 22:12:05
Well, at that rate, I might see one before autumn.
Ssaliss2011-03-17 22:23:45
QUOTE (Ytran @ Mar 17 2011, 09:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
They've seemed to be moving forward by an hour-ish each time, from what I remember.
That doesn't seem to match at all... The flares so far have been:
12/22/2010 at 5:07 (Politics 2227)
1/28/2011 at 2:25 (Politics 2281)
2/9/2011 at 18:05 (Politics 2300)
2/20/2011 at 8:03 (Politics 2316)
3/4/2011 at 10:12 (Politics 2338)
3/17/2011 at 8:23 (Politics 2367)
The first flare was, of course, the mother of all flares where all eight were freed.