Ixion2011-07-08 04:44:33

Arix2011-07-08 07:21:35
I remember one alt of tully that kept arguing about beer elementals with Arix. fun times
Unknown2011-07-08 16:02:12
(Clan): Sydney (from the Ethereal Plane) says, "I just touched the queens bush."
Unknown2011-07-08 18:10:02
QUOTE (Phred @ Jul 8 2011, 12:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The person who wrote this I'm keeping private, because I don't want people picking on him or her.
First time I've ever heard that!

First time I've ever heard that!
It's a good thing you didn't name names. Because when people mess with Tully, people mess with pretty much the entire Basin. We

Mnemosyne2011-07-08 23:44:54
From awhile ago:
(clan): Eritheyl says, "Iasmos is god ;~;."
(clan): Rivius says, "He just might be. I think I caught him creating a universe once, but he said he was just taking a leak."
(clan): Eritheyl says, "Iasmos is god ;~;."
(clan): Rivius says, "He just might be. I think I caught him creating a universe once, but he said he was just taking a leak."
Kolibri2011-07-09 03:40:12
(Ship): Haiden says, "I see your hiiineeey, it's bright and shiiiiineeey, it makes me giiiiggle, to see it wiiiiiiggle, I see your hiiiineeeeeeeeey! It's bright and shiney!"
(Ship): Haiden says, "..."
(Ship): Haiden says, "Mis."
(Ship): Haiden says, "..."
(Ship): Haiden says, "Mis."
Then later...
(Ship): Haiden says, "Man, wendy's chili is the :censor:."
Everiine2011-07-09 04:25:47
You'll find that some people are incapable of keeping their OOC communications where they belong. It's a shame role points don't get docked any more.
Xenthos2011-07-09 05:37:56
QUOTE (Everiine @ Jul 9 2011, 12:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You'll find that some people are incapable of keeping their OOC communications where they belong. It's a shame role points don't get docked any more.
Especially when it's someone who clearly keeps doing it on purpose.
Xiel2011-07-09 06:54:22
(*): Alys says, "If I traded in my pyramid I could get it .."
(*): Ragniliff says, "No trade pyramid."
(*): Ragniliff says, "Sound bag."
(*): You say, "Keep the pyramid."
(*): Ragniliff says, "Bad too."
(*): You say, "Just save for it."
(*): Alys says, "Okies."
(*): Kregarn (from the Aetherways) says, "I was trying hard to figure out what a sound bag
(*): Kregarn (from the Aetherways) says, "It sounded pretty kick ass."
(*): Druken says, "Haha, same."
(*): Ragniliff says, "Bagpipes, obviously."
(*): Ragniliff says, "Also, whoever came up with that at first must have been a total nut."
(*): Druken says, "Agreed."
(*): Druken says, "Same with the saxophone guy."
(*): Ragniliff says, ""Blimey, Shanahan, this sheep's bladder is too big and tough to boil.
What should we do with it?""
(*): Ragniliff says, ""Here, let me try blowing into it.""
(*): Kregarn (from the Aetherways) says, "Rofl."
(*): Kregarn (from the Aetherways) says, "Those are my people Raggy."
(*): Ragniliff says, "Rest assured."
(*): Ragniliff says, "Alcohol was involved."
(*): Ragniliff says, ":D."
(*): Ragniliff says, "No trade pyramid."
(*): Ragniliff says, "Sound bag."
(*): You say, "Keep the pyramid."
(*): Ragniliff says, "Bad too."
(*): You say, "Just save for it."
(*): Alys says, "Okies."
(*): Kregarn (from the Aetherways) says, "I was trying hard to figure out what a sound bag
(*): Kregarn (from the Aetherways) says, "It sounded pretty kick ass."
(*): Druken says, "Haha, same."
(*): Ragniliff says, "Bagpipes, obviously."
(*): Ragniliff says, "Also, whoever came up with that at first must have been a total nut."
(*): Druken says, "Agreed."
(*): Druken says, "Same with the saxophone guy."
(*): Ragniliff says, ""Blimey, Shanahan, this sheep's bladder is too big and tough to boil.
What should we do with it?""
(*): Ragniliff says, ""Here, let me try blowing into it.""
(*): Kregarn (from the Aetherways) says, "Rofl."
(*): Kregarn (from the Aetherways) says, "Those are my people Raggy."
(*): Ragniliff says, "Rest assured."
(*): Ragniliff says, "Alcohol was involved."
(*): Ragniliff says, ":D."
Oh, you guys. So full of chuckles tonight.
Edit: And another!
(*): Druken says, "I'm obsessed with artifacts lately. I don't know why."
(*): Druken says, "Like, screw curios. I want runes to kill people better with."
(*): Druken says, "I'll trade in my beetle for a light saber anyday."
(*): Druken says, "Like, screw curios. I want runes to kill people better with."
(*): Druken says, "I'll trade in my beetle for a light saber anyday."
Aison2011-07-09 08:58:14
Bloop tells you, "I cannot help but watch Burlesque whenever it pops up on tv."
Bloop tells you, "The amount of ghey in it is too much for me to resist."
Bloop tells you, "Like a moth to the flame, I get dragged to watch the sparkles ._."
Bloop tells you, "The amount of ghey in it is too much for me to resist."
Bloop tells you, "Like a moth to the flame, I get dragged to watch the sparkles ._."
Unknown2011-07-09 11:12:51
QUOTE (Mnemosyne @ Jul 8 2011, 07:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
From awhile ago:
(clan): Eritheyl says, "Iasmos is god ;~;."
(clan): Rivius says, "He just might be. I think I caught him creating a universe once, but he said he was just taking a leak."
(clan): Eritheyl says, "Iasmos is god ;~;."
(clan): Rivius says, "He just might be. I think I caught him creating a universe once, but he said he was just taking a leak."

How did I miss this conversation?
Unknown2011-07-09 13:34:29
QUOTE (Everiine @ Jul 9 2011, 01:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You'll find that some people are incapable of keeping their OOC communications where they belong. It's a shame role points don't get docked any more.
I've been docked rolepoints for things several times! If it's clan to clan, sometimes it's understandable. It happens to me every once in a while, though luckily it's been from one OOC clan to another. Except for that one time on the Aqua Council, when the Big E was listening. -.-
Mnemosyne2011-07-09 17:24:56
QUOTE (Zarquan @ Jul 9 2011, 07:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

How did I miss this conversation?
Must've been too engrossed in that univer- I mean, what universe?

Lawliet2011-07-09 18:33:28
QUOTE (Mnemosyne @ Jul 9 2011, 06:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Must've been too engrossed in that univer- I mean, what universe? 

I was docked rolepoints for using the word "quest" once, what else am I supposed to call them? Great Adventures?
Casilu2011-07-09 18:35:37
QUOTE (Lawliet @ Jul 9 2011, 11:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I was docked rolepoints for using the word "quest" once, what else am I supposed to call them? Great Adventures?
An abritrary set of tasks you must do to help some denizen that is too damn lazy to finish their own problem.
Unknown2011-07-09 19:11:32
QUOTE (Lawliet @ Jul 9 2011, 07:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I was docked rolepoints for using the word "quest" once, what else am I supposed to call them? Great Adventures?
I think that was likely a major part of the reason for the removal of it. Sadly, some people are just too downright dumb and immature to have the use of such a mechanic.
Unknown2011-07-09 19:53:32
I was docked once when I accidently activated auto say. I didn't even know auto say was a THING! I mean, yes, saying random commands in says as you're trying to figure out what just happened is definitely OOC, but after a certain point it should be obvious it wasn't some intentional garbage.
Worse, its not like I could even move, since I didn't have any clue what was wrong, and naturally, directional commands came out in says. Eventually someone figured out what happened and told me how to fix it.
And they removed the penalty as well, but it was like, I'm already having a tough time with this thing going wrong, and then you get docked on top of it? Was like "Wow. Thanks."
Worse, its not like I could even move, since I didn't have any clue what was wrong, and naturally, directional commands came out in says. Eventually someone figured out what happened and told me how to fix it.
And they removed the penalty as well, but it was like, I'm already having a tough time with this thing going wrong, and then you get docked on top of it? Was like "Wow. Thanks."
Lawliet2011-07-09 21:40:19
QUOTE (Draylor @ Jul 9 2011, 08:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think that was likely a major part of the reason for the removal of it. Sadly, some people are just too downright dumb and immature to have the use of such a mechanic.
Removed? This happened fairly recently, when was it removed?
Unknown2011-07-09 22:36:57
I was just cleaning the deer for ticks and I didn't expect this reaction!
Sorry... I didn't realize how easily people are spooked over game plagues.
You say, "We gotta check these boyos for ticks, like I saw."
You hear a rustling and turn to see Malendre emerging from the undergrowth.
Enyalida inclines her head politely to Malendre.
You say, "Can't get the Razine fever."
Archdruid Qistrel Starleaf, Queen of Harts says to you, "What's that?"
You say, "Anyway, I'm gonna go around in a few days and maybe set off some
fireworks in a few of the villages, anything to cheer the common folk up from
the wounded sky."
"I'm sorry!" Xiran says to Anita with a blush.
Anita flashes Xiran a joyous smile.
You say, "It's a gnomish device, it makes fireworks."
Lendren Starfall says, "Gads, another plague?"
Initiate of the Moon, Anita says, "It's ok."
Anita nods her head sagely.
Archdruid Qistrel Starleaf, Queen of Harts says, "No, the Razine fever!"
Xiran blinks.
Silver Font, Xiran L'Eternae, of Wilder Winter says, "W-what?"
Lendren Starfall says, "Time to go back to hiding, I guess."
You say, "No, not a plague, just something ticks can give ye."
Lendren's hands become a blur as he twists and turns a folding puzzle of
Starfall family portraits until each side is made up of the same colour, solving
the puzzle in mere moments. His eyes take on a glossy appearance as he begins to
stare off into the aether.
A centaur hunter taps his forehead with his spear as Lendren leaves.
A kephera nature warder touches his headdress in salute towards Lendren as he
Head bobbing, a humble song sparrow suddenly darts off to the ether, leaving
behind snatches of melody.
Nervously, Silver Font, Xiran L'Eternae, of Wilder Winter says, "What--?"
Initiate of the Moon, Anita says, "Ticks?"
You say, "I mean checking the deer for ticks."
Silver Font, Xiran L'Eternae, of Wilder Winter says, "The deer here are
Xiran pats a handsome, dark brown stag with a short white tail in a friendly
A handsome, dark brown stag with a short white tail shifts his eyes over Xiran
with a look of suspicion.
Xiran's eyes sparkle with amusement at a handsome, dark brown stag with a short
white tail.
A handsome, dark brown stag with a short white tail nods his head at Xiran.
Malendre kneels and reverently places a palm on the ground, her form suddenly
blending into the background.
You say, "Yes, because I check for them sometimes! I can't be too careful."
You nod your head emphatically.
You say, "I'm sure White Hart makes his deer tick-free, but ye can't be too
You hear a rustling and turn to see Malendre emerging from the undergrowth.
Enyalida inclines her head politely to Malendre.
You say, "Can't get the Razine fever."
Archdruid Qistrel Starleaf, Queen of Harts says to you, "What's that?"
You say, "Anyway, I'm gonna go around in a few days and maybe set off some
fireworks in a few of the villages, anything to cheer the common folk up from
the wounded sky."
"I'm sorry!" Xiran says to Anita with a blush.
Anita flashes Xiran a joyous smile.
You say, "It's a gnomish device, it makes fireworks."
Lendren Starfall says, "Gads, another plague?"
Initiate of the Moon, Anita says, "It's ok."
Anita nods her head sagely.
Archdruid Qistrel Starleaf, Queen of Harts says, "No, the Razine fever!"
Xiran blinks.
Silver Font, Xiran L'Eternae, of Wilder Winter says, "W-what?"
Lendren Starfall says, "Time to go back to hiding, I guess."
You say, "No, not a plague, just something ticks can give ye."
Lendren's hands become a blur as he twists and turns a folding puzzle of
Starfall family portraits until each side is made up of the same colour, solving
the puzzle in mere moments. His eyes take on a glossy appearance as he begins to
stare off into the aether.
A centaur hunter taps his forehead with his spear as Lendren leaves.
A kephera nature warder touches his headdress in salute towards Lendren as he
Head bobbing, a humble song sparrow suddenly darts off to the ether, leaving
behind snatches of melody.
Nervously, Silver Font, Xiran L'Eternae, of Wilder Winter says, "What--?"
Initiate of the Moon, Anita says, "Ticks?"
You say, "I mean checking the deer for ticks."
Silver Font, Xiran L'Eternae, of Wilder Winter says, "The deer here are
Xiran pats a handsome, dark brown stag with a short white tail in a friendly
A handsome, dark brown stag with a short white tail shifts his eyes over Xiran
with a look of suspicion.
Xiran's eyes sparkle with amusement at a handsome, dark brown stag with a short
white tail.
A handsome, dark brown stag with a short white tail nods his head at Xiran.
Malendre kneels and reverently places a palm on the ground, her form suddenly
blending into the background.
You say, "Yes, because I check for them sometimes! I can't be too careful."
You nod your head emphatically.
You say, "I'm sure White Hart makes his deer tick-free, but ye can't be too
Sorry... I didn't realize how easily people are spooked over game plagues.
Neos2011-07-09 22:40:24
a folding puzzle of Starfall family portraits until each side is made up of the same colour