Victoria II

by Llesvelt

Back to The Real World.

Llesvelt2010-10-28 21:19:47
Anyone else here got Victoria II recently?

Playing as Croatia (released from Austria) currently, encouraging bomb-throwing Anarchists to hate me so I can get me some conciousness amongst the classes, need Socialists for Social Reforms to make my country not inherently suck.

Liberalists for some economy, first. Need to have some Capitalism and a proper economy before I can subvert it and give it to the people, afterall.

Building a school to generate me some class conciousness and an intellectual elite who will without doubt turn against me.

I like how you have to be an ass to make your country progress politically and socially. If everyone thinks everything is fine and dandy no one ever wants to change anything and you end up with an Absolute Monarchy with unlimited work days, no minimum wage, no voting and illiteracy.

Basically, a zero percent approval rating gambit is the quickest way to reform your country.