Sior2010-11-11 06:55:44
Post them here!
Test server: port 2000.
Use ADMINMESSAGE to check the list of current changes.
Test server: port 2000.
Use ADMINMESSAGE to check the list of current changes.
Rodngar2010-11-11 06:59:39
Is there a change log?
Furien2010-11-11 07:00:59
Keeping updated changelog here, accessible server-side via ADMINMESSAGE:
oO--------------------------( Welcome back, Batman! )--------------------------Oo
--> You can type RESTOREREINCARNATION to get free reincarnations. Infinitely.
--> Human knight: +3str +2dex +1con +1cha +1int (previously +4str +2dex +2con +1cha +1int)
--> Human monk: +2dex, +2str, +2int, +1con, +1char (previously +3dex, +2str, +2int, +2con, +1char)
--> Human caster: +3int, +2dex, +1con, +1str, +1cha (previously +4int, +2dex, +2con, +1str, +1char)
--> Dwarf dex raised to 11 from 10.
--> EQ/Bal levels: 7% per. (Previously 5). Vuln,Resist at 10% still.
--> Faeling sip bonus reduced from 3 to 2. Also, -1Str for shadowlord faelings.
--> Racial wounding boost moved to 7% from 5%.
--> Orclach +1int.
--> Igasho fire penalty lowered to level 1 from level 2.
--> Specced lucidian warriors lose 2 int instead of 3.
--> Merian equilibrium bumped to level 2 from level 1.
--> Tae'dae sip bonus increased to level 2.
--> Illithoid illdrain max lowered from 50*level to 40*level for max.
oO--------------------------( Welcome back, Batman! )--------------------------Oo
--> You can type RESTOREREINCARNATION to get free reincarnations. Infinitely.
--> Human knight: +3str +2dex +1con +1cha +1int (previously +4str +2dex +2con +1cha +1int)
--> Human monk: +2dex, +2str, +2int, +1con, +1char (previously +3dex, +2str, +2int, +2con, +1char)
--> Human caster: +3int, +2dex, +1con, +1str, +1cha (previously +4int, +2dex, +2con, +1str, +1char)
--> Dwarf dex raised to 11 from 10.
--> EQ/Bal levels: 7% per. (Previously 5). Vuln,Resist at 10% still.
--> Faeling sip bonus reduced from 3 to 2. Also, -1Str for shadowlord faelings.
--> Racial wounding boost moved to 7% from 5%.
--> Orclach +1int.
--> Igasho fire penalty lowered to level 1 from level 2.
--> Specced lucidian warriors lose 2 int instead of 3.
--> Merian equilibrium bumped to level 2 from level 1.
--> Tae'dae sip bonus increased to level 2.
--> Illithoid illdrain max lowered from 50*level to 40*level for max.
Unknown2010-11-11 07:48:59
In before how the changes make viscanti and kephera the Worst Race Ever.
Furien2010-11-11 07:51:46
In before 'Faeling's really high numbers are solely because of Domoths'
Llesvelt2010-11-11 08:19:52
Furien2010-11-11 08:33:13
These changes have a few effects:
o The more resistances you had, the more nerfed you became.
o Conversely, the more weaknesses you had, the more buffed you became.
o Also applies to eq/bal. Buffs were .... buffed, weaknesses were ... weakened further. Basically, the gap was widened.
Resistance-heavy races suffer, especially those with bal/eq maluses to offset it:
Tae'dae (epitome of this - EVERYTHING is worse for them save for magic weakness, no tradeoff whatsoever)
Dwarf (less so)
Viscanti (Same: bunch of resistances weakened across the board. The 'Viscanti's stats are bad' argument might bear some merit now.)
Igasho (Same)
Less so nerfed:
Orclach (several resistances, eq/bal malus made worse)
Lucidian (?) (several resistances, but nothing crippling lost)
Races with previously-crippling weaknesses are more viable:
Mugwump (better eq bonus, lowered lightning weakness. See also footnote: bard instagib potential)
So! What do?
- Tae'dae are total crapsacks with these changes. Something needs to be given to compensate, as this really hurts.
- Warrior damage also sucks, still. I figure I might as well bring it up since Racial Revamp is invariably tied in with stats/damage. 200-300 damage from a 16str Shuyin, 400 or so on my Lucidian undeffed alt.
- With Mugwump now faster than normal, it's worth pointing out that the Perfectfifth side effect that lengthens the duration of earache may need looking at:
Basically, if I had been a few milliseconds short, Rika would have killed me because Blanknote's earache is slightly random (7-9 seconds range? I think) and because Perfectfifth extends that.
PS: I'll keep my topmost post updated with relevant changes as they crop up.
o The more resistances you had, the more nerfed you became.
o Conversely, the more weaknesses you had, the more buffed you became.
o Also applies to eq/bal. Buffs were .... buffed, weaknesses were ... weakened further. Basically, the gap was widened.
Resistance-heavy races suffer, especially those with bal/eq maluses to offset it:
Tae'dae (epitome of this - EVERYTHING is worse for them save for magic weakness, no tradeoff whatsoever)
Dwarf (less so)
Viscanti (Same: bunch of resistances weakened across the board. The 'Viscanti's stats are bad' argument might bear some merit now.)
Igasho (Same)
Less so nerfed:
Orclach (several resistances, eq/bal malus made worse)
Lucidian (?) (several resistances, but nothing crippling lost)
Races with previously-crippling weaknesses are more viable:
Mugwump (better eq bonus, lowered lightning weakness. See also footnote: bard instagib potential)
So! What do?
- Tae'dae are total crapsacks with these changes. Something needs to be given to compensate, as this really hurts.
- Warrior damage also sucks, still. I figure I might as well bring it up since Racial Revamp is invariably tied in with stats/damage. 200-300 damage from a 16str Shuyin, 400 or so on my Lucidian undeffed alt.
- With Mugwump now faster than normal, it's worth pointing out that the Perfectfifth side effect that lengthens the duration of earache may need looking at:
Mumbling softly to herself, Rika points a finger at you, and you are gripped by the undulating image of burning herbs.
5230h, 6530m, 7560e, 10p, 23400en, 26400w exkdbp-
Rika plays an auburn-hued rose violin, and you cry out as your deaf ears open up to the sound of a high-pitched note.
Your ears open up, though you lose your true hearing.
5230h, 6530m, 7560e, 10p, 23400en, 26400w exkbp-
Rika plays an auburn-hued rose violin and directs the exquisite notes towards you.
The lyrical sound invokes a strange longing for Rika.
» Perfect Fifth - Rika!
5230h, 6530m, 7560e, 10p, 23400en, 26400w exkbp-
"What stanza is this?" sings Rika, somber notes tumbling out of an auburn-hued rose violin, and she looks directly at you.
» Deathsong - Stage One - Rika - EAT EARWORT, RUB FEAR, OR GET OUT!
5230h, 6530m, 7560e, 10p, 23400en, 26400w exkbp-
Rika's eyes roll up in her head, as she sings a throbbing note. Unseen drums begin to beat and invisible spirits begin to chant, as mists rise up from the ground and swirl around you.
» Deathsong - Stage Two - Rika - EAT EARWORT, RUB FEAR, OR GET OUT!
5230h, 6530m, 7560e, 10p, 23400en, 26400w exkbp-
The ache in your ear canals clears up.
outr earwort
eat earwort
5230h, 6530m, 7560e, 10p, 23400en, 26400w exkbp-
You remove 1 earwort, bringing the total in the rift to 330.
5230h, 6530m, 7560e, 10p, 23400en, 26400w exkbp-
You eat a piece of black earwort.
A piece of black earwort turns to ash in your mouth, and you spit it out.
outr earwort
eat earwort
5143h, 6530m, 7560e, 10p, 23400en, 26400w exkbp-
You remove 1 earwort, bringing the total in the rift to 329.
5143h, 6530m, 7560e, 10p, 23400en, 26400w exkbp-
You eat a piece of black earwort.
You now possess the gift of truehearing.
5143h, 6530m, 7560e, 10p, 23400en, 26400w exkdbp-
5230h, 6530m, 7560e, 10p, 23400en, 26400w exkdbp-
Rika plays an auburn-hued rose violin, and you cry out as your deaf ears open up to the sound of a high-pitched note.
Your ears open up, though you lose your true hearing.
5230h, 6530m, 7560e, 10p, 23400en, 26400w exkbp-
Rika plays an auburn-hued rose violin and directs the exquisite notes towards you.
The lyrical sound invokes a strange longing for Rika.
» Perfect Fifth - Rika!
5230h, 6530m, 7560e, 10p, 23400en, 26400w exkbp-
"What stanza is this?" sings Rika, somber notes tumbling out of an auburn-hued rose violin, and she looks directly at you.
» Deathsong - Stage One - Rika - EAT EARWORT, RUB FEAR, OR GET OUT!
5230h, 6530m, 7560e, 10p, 23400en, 26400w exkbp-
Rika's eyes roll up in her head, as she sings a throbbing note. Unseen drums begin to beat and invisible spirits begin to chant, as mists rise up from the ground and swirl around you.
» Deathsong - Stage Two - Rika - EAT EARWORT, RUB FEAR, OR GET OUT!
5230h, 6530m, 7560e, 10p, 23400en, 26400w exkbp-
The ache in your ear canals clears up.
outr earwort
eat earwort
5230h, 6530m, 7560e, 10p, 23400en, 26400w exkbp-
You remove 1 earwort, bringing the total in the rift to 330.
5230h, 6530m, 7560e, 10p, 23400en, 26400w exkbp-
You eat a piece of black earwort.
A piece of black earwort turns to ash in your mouth, and you spit it out.
outr earwort
eat earwort
5143h, 6530m, 7560e, 10p, 23400en, 26400w exkbp-
You remove 1 earwort, bringing the total in the rift to 329.
5143h, 6530m, 7560e, 10p, 23400en, 26400w exkbp-
You eat a piece of black earwort.
You now possess the gift of truehearing.
5143h, 6530m, 7560e, 10p, 23400en, 26400w exkdbp-
Basically, if I had been a few milliseconds short, Rika would have killed me because Blanknote's earache is slightly random (7-9 seconds range? I think) and because Perfectfifth extends that.
PS: I'll keep my topmost post updated with relevant changes as they crop up.
Malarious2010-11-11 08:46:07
Sip malus was not changed from previous.
EDIT: Shes forgiven for it bein so early
EDIT: Shes forgiven for it bein so early
Furien2010-11-11 08:48:42
Oh oops.
It's 1AM fggsbsrslbslbl
It's 1AM fggsbsrslbslbl
Malarious2010-11-11 09:11:14
With that corrected....
Based on these....
I deduced these....
Crap smacked pile:
Tae'dae, Took hits so hard I think history may alter to compensate. Time for affirmative action!
Dwarf, This is also based on if alcohol tolerance was changed. It not, still decent, but worse.
Viscanti, The big reason people were ok with low stats.. still sip penalties but now half the resistance.
Igasho, Tae'daes little brother, hit hard.
Orclach, Same as aboves Moved to the horrible group, all they had was resists.
Lightly tapped:
Lucidian, Resists halved but at least the penalties were too!
Krokani, More nerf than buff (lvl 2/3 resists lvl 1/1 weaknesses)
Taurian, already underused but the resistances they had took a bite.
Let me at em stack:
Mugwump, Poster child for improvement
Races back in the they are okay pile:
Aslaran, Speed is back!
Kephera? Resistances took a hit, but then again, so did weaknesses. Is it an equal trade?
No idea but prolly needs changes for spec if nothing else:
Dracnari, 3 nerfs and 1 buff for resists/weakness
Merian, weakness drop but does that make them worth it?
Exceedingly epic now lounge:
Illithoid, Magic weakness means less, but magic already scales damage to their con.......
Faeling, Never had any weaknesses, but a fairly potent buff to speed.
Illithoids brother Loboshigaru is in an unknown area, the magic resist drop is nice but magic already scales to con so they took more to begin with!
My thoughts on it all?
I think Illithoids issue may be innerworm more than anything, but thats because of how magic scales. Faeling could take a stat nerf or a weakness. Merian/Drac need stat adjustments. Taurian needs love. The resist races need quite a bit of love, specially eq/bal penalty races. Viscanti fits mostly with the resist races. Krokani, Kephera, Lucidian I have no idea.
I do not believe damage is being looked at so much in these. But I will say this, you want 800-1000 damage a combo instead of the present amount you gave (500 average)? I dont know about you but 1000 damage is a good way to just be insta-gibbed. Blanknote/earache issue is valid, as a mugwump I could solo deathsong because of it (pfifth was a waste of time for me). Although you need to put in time stamps or something as your post shows us nothing.
Based on these....
These changes have a few effects:
o The more resistances you had, the more nerfed you became.
o Conversely, the more weaknesses you had, the more buffed you became.
o Also applies to eq/bal. Buffs were .... buffed, weaknesses were ... weakened further. Basically, the gap was widened.
o The more resistances you had, the more nerfed you became.
o Conversely, the more weaknesses you had, the more buffed you became.
o Also applies to eq/bal. Buffs were .... buffed, weaknesses were ... weakened further. Basically, the gap was widened.
I deduced these....
Crap smacked pile:
Tae'dae, Took hits so hard I think history may alter to compensate. Time for affirmative action!
Dwarf, This is also based on if alcohol tolerance was changed. It not, still decent, but worse.
Viscanti, The big reason people were ok with low stats.. still sip penalties but now half the resistance.
Igasho, Tae'daes little brother, hit hard.
Orclach, Same as aboves Moved to the horrible group, all they had was resists.
Lightly tapped:
Lucidian, Resists halved but at least the penalties were too!
Krokani, More nerf than buff (lvl 2/3 resists lvl 1/1 weaknesses)
Taurian, already underused but the resistances they had took a bite.
Let me at em stack:
Mugwump, Poster child for improvement
Races back in the they are okay pile:
Aslaran, Speed is back!
Kephera? Resistances took a hit, but then again, so did weaknesses. Is it an equal trade?
No idea but prolly needs changes for spec if nothing else:
Dracnari, 3 nerfs and 1 buff for resists/weakness
Merian, weakness drop but does that make them worth it?
Exceedingly epic now lounge:
Illithoid, Magic weakness means less, but magic already scales damage to their con.......
Faeling, Never had any weaknesses, but a fairly potent buff to speed.
Illithoids brother Loboshigaru is in an unknown area, the magic resist drop is nice but magic already scales to con so they took more to begin with!
My thoughts on it all?
I think Illithoids issue may be innerworm more than anything, but thats because of how magic scales. Faeling could take a stat nerf or a weakness. Merian/Drac need stat adjustments. Taurian needs love. The resist races need quite a bit of love, specially eq/bal penalty races. Viscanti fits mostly with the resist races. Krokani, Kephera, Lucidian I have no idea.
I do not believe damage is being looked at so much in these. But I will say this, you want 800-1000 damage a combo instead of the present amount you gave (500 average)? I dont know about you but 1000 damage is a good way to just be insta-gibbed. Blanknote/earache issue is valid, as a mugwump I could solo deathsong because of it (pfifth was a waste of time for me). Although you need to put in time stamps or something as your post shows us nothing.
Unknown2010-11-11 09:32:37
Anyone else having trouble logging into the test server? Or is it just me?
Ashteru2010-11-11 09:51:33
For Tae'dae:
Sip bonus back to level 3
Con raised by a point.
See, they can tank again.
Sip bonus back to level 3
Con raised by a point.
See, they can tank again.

Raeri2010-11-11 10:42:53
QUOTE (Ashteru @ Nov 11 2010, 08:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
For Tae'dae:
Sip bonus back to level 3
Con raised by a point.
See, they can tank again.
Sip bonus back to level 3
Con raised by a point.
See, they can tank again.

That's not really enough. All resists lowered across the board, and got slowed by the equivalent amount to what mugwumps are sped up by. I'm not sure the sip bonus would even out the loss of resists, tankiness-wise (perhaps throw in extra resist types?). I also suspect with the speed drop certain things become impossible too - i.e. beating faeleaf to stick afterimage, or beating quicksilver for aeon. Would need someone to go check though.
EDIT: EQ/Balance loss abilities and writhing. Adding in a racial ability that helps with this would be good.
Catarin2010-11-11 12:43:10
Nevermind, is clarified.
Nydekion2010-11-11 12:51:40
I'd like to add that imperial merian's main selling point (high intelligence) is pretty unusable even considering the current changes since the extra int really means very little in actual damage seen but low survivability has pretty significant ramifications to the playability of the race.
Xenthos2010-11-11 12:55:13
QUOTE (Catarin @ Nov 11 2010, 07:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
As a note this did not drop the Merian weakness. Merian have a level 2 susceptibility to fire/electricity. Prior to this change that would have been 10%. Now it's 14%. They have a level 1 equilibrium bonus so now they regain 7% faster instead of 5% faster.
A 2% gain in equilibrium recovery for a 4% increase in weakness to 2 very common damage types makes Merian even worse. Some sort of very nice racial ability (like resistance to being tossed about in water) would be needed if there is a goal to make people even consider playing Merian for something outside of RP reasons (and they would still be sacrificing utility for RP).
A 2% gain in equilibrium recovery for a 4% increase in weakness to 2 very common damage types makes Merian even worse. Some sort of very nice racial ability (like resistance to being tossed about in water) would be needed if there is a goal to make people even consider playing Merian for something outside of RP reasons (and they would still be sacrificing utility for RP).
10 + 10 == 20?
Sounds like they went from 20% to 14% on each, not from 10% to 14%, unless their weaknesses got bumped upwards un-announced.
Weaknesses were not 5%, they were 10%, according to the note in this very thread.
Siam2010-11-11 12:56:51
Question: Does each race have a base amount for health, mana and ego? Or do they depend entirely on stats?
Catarin2010-11-11 13:03:45
QUOTE (Xenthos @ Nov 11 2010, 05:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
10 + 10 == 20?
Sounds like they went from 20% to 14% on each, not from 10% to 14%, unless their weaknesses got bumped upwards un-announced.
Weaknesses were not 5%, they were 10%, according to the note in this very thread.
Sounds like they went from 20% to 14% on each, not from 10% to 14%, unless their weaknesses got bumped upwards un-announced.
Weaknesses were not 5%, they were 10%, according to the note in this very thread.
Ah I see. Was taking the: (Previously 5/5/10/10) to be a universal graduated type thing for each of the different types, not a static number for each.
Ayisdra2010-11-11 13:25:18
do the help files show what has been applied?
I tried help lucidian but caused an untrap error before the server kicked me ....
I like the lucidian resists as they were...
I tried help lucidian but caused an untrap error before the server kicked me ....

I like the lucidian resists as they were...
Unknown2010-11-11 13:29:57
do the help files show what has been applied?
I tried help lucidian but caused an untrap error before the server kicked me ....
I like the lucidian resists as they were...
I tried help lucidian but caused an untrap error before the server kicked me ....

I like the lucidian resists as they were...
Try not to do Help anything too many times... it kills the server ^^; I don't think there will be any word on the changes for each race just yet... at least in file form.. or if there are, likely in the admin message