Nariah2010-11-20 06:01:49
QUOTE (Furien @ Nov 20 2010, 06:39 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I wondered this too. Why not just be a faeling?
I am pretty surprised by this question, is it really not obvious? Maybe if faeling was not an org-specific race and it was humans that had their stats, I could see but whilst they are faelings I cannot. Here is the answer:QUOTE
Faelings are not descended from an Elder God. Rather, they are the cross between an elfen and a creature of the fae.
This on its own is a no go for any Magnagoran roleplayer. Don't get me wrong we DO have faelings in Magnagora but they are all pretty much people who don't give a damn about what it means, and they are viewed with distaste (just yesterday we had Othero put a mask on a faeling Nihilist to hide their elfen blood because we find it disgusting)
Talan2010-11-20 06:05:42
I really hope that the races aren't going to be balanced around whoever screams the loudest. I really, really do.
Unknown2010-11-20 06:10:10
QUOTE (Talan @ Nov 20 2010, 01:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I really hope that the races aren't going to be balanced around whoever screams the loudest. I really, really do.
They won't be. Half of this discussion is a joke anyways. The admins are going to sift through the suggestions and most likely ignore the screaming. Nothing seems to turn them off more then screaming.
And what is the issue with an org-specific being a veritable all around? Those races are meant to be the most populous of that org. They're the symbol of that org. Shouldn't every org race be an attractive all around for the guilds of that org?
Xenthos2010-11-20 06:15:52
QUOTE (Othero @ Nov 20 2010, 01:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
And what is the issue with an org-specific being a veritable all around? Those races are meant to be the most populous of that org. They're the symbol of that org. Shouldn't every org race be an attractive all around for the guilds of that org?
More con for Faelings please!
(If meant to be great all around, clearly Faelings need more health.)
Edit: Essentially, I'm disagreeing with your assertion that a race needs to be all-around good; it's quite possible to have bonuses and maluses that still leave a race desired.
Furien2010-11-20 06:19:20
QUOTE (Xenthos @ Nov 19 2010, 10:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
More con for Faelings please!
(If meant to be great all around, clearly Faelings need more health.)
Edit: Essentially, I'm disagreeing with your assertion that a race needs to be all-around good; it's quite possible to have bonuses and maluses that still leave a race desired.
(If meant to be great all around, clearly Faelings need more health.)
Edit: Essentially, I'm disagreeing with your assertion that a race needs to be all-around good; it's quite possible to have bonuses and maluses that still leave a race desired.
o Heal faster from elixirs, level 3.
Your weaknesses are covered.
Unspecced faeling is a viable race for just about anything except warriors. It just gets better when specced.
Talan2010-11-20 06:21:58
QUOTE (Othero @ Nov 20 2010, 01:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
They won't be. Half of this discussion is a joke anyways. The admins are going to sift through the suggestions and most likely ignore the screaming. Nothing seems to turn them off more then screaming.
And what is the issue with an org-specific being a veritable all around? Those races are meant to be the most populous of that org. They're the symbol of that org. Shouldn't every org race be an attractive all around for the guilds of that org?
And what is the issue with an org-specific being a veritable all around? Those races are meant to be the most populous of that org. They're the symbol of that org. Shouldn't every org race be an attractive all around for the guilds of that org?
That's what we thought about the demi review. "Someone said 1/3... Problem?"
They should certainly be an attractive and useful race, but it's not like viscanti are utter rubbish as is. There's a difference between 'help where it's needed' and 'ooo. free cake.' Some people (who are named Malarious) are not seeing the difference.
Unknown2010-11-20 06:32:27
And how many times have people pointed out that Malarious isn't every Viscanti player? He isn't every Mag player either. Hell, half of Magnagora would agree he can be a bit of a twit. Don't use him as some scape goat for an argument that more then one person has put forward. Furien has said that a CHA buff would help Viscanti. Nariah has too. It isn't just Malarious arguing for it, in fact ignore Malarious. Just ignore him. Your replies make him think he's right. And he isn't. All Viscanti could really use is a stat readjustment with a CHA boost at the forefront. We don't need some sort of debating bonus. No one wants anything super fancy. We're just making the argument that with the reduction in resists the Viscanti's strong suit is gone and something should be given to them so that they can at the least stay at the level of being an ok race and people would like to see a CHA boost be that trade-off. People are even willing to drop some of the resists if it means better stats.
Xenthos2010-11-20 06:40:34
QUOTE (Furien @ Nov 20 2010, 01:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
o Heal faster from elixirs, level 3.
Your weaknesses are covered.
Unspecced faeling is a viable race for just about anything except warriors. It just gets better when specced.
Your weaknesses are covered.
Unspecced faeling is a viable race for just about anything except warriors. It just gets better when specced.
Unspecced (and even specced) Faeling is pretty weak versus burst damage actually. Sip bonus doesn't address such things (nor is it meant to); it's more of a long-term over-time benefit.
"Covered" is, thus, not the correct wording here. The race is still frailer than others as far as high-damage output goes.
I do feel it is quite possible for races to have maluses and benefits that focus what they are able to achieve (with specializations modifying that). Shadowlords, for example, are not excellent influencers or users of magic-source attacks (at 13 cha, 12 int).
Do note that I am not actually trying to push Faeling upgrades here, just that I disagree that org races need to be all-around good at everything. I'm much more willing to buy that org races should be good at what their guild in specific focuses on; the warrior spec being good at being healthy, strong, not so good at thinking or persuasion (even Shadowlords just have 13 base cha). If I wanted to focus more on influencing, I'd probably want to pick another race (or go tracker, I suppose, at which point I wouldn't be the org race).
Maybe this is what was meant as the bit I quoted could be read this way, it's just not how it's coming across to me. This is, however, why I don't agree with just slapping +cha onto the Viscanti race as a whole. Figure out which specs need tweaks and start there. Only if all specs require something should it be something that is given to Viscanti in general, I feel.
Rika2010-11-20 06:45:44
I'd easily trade 3 con for the 3 levels of sipping.
Xenthos2010-11-20 06:49:02
QUOTE (rika @ Nov 20 2010, 01:45 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'd easily trade 3 con for the 3 levels of sipping.
Then by all means, go Faeling.

Rika2010-11-20 06:50:01
QUOTE (Xenthos @ Nov 20 2010, 07:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Then by all means, go Faeling. 

Meh. I'm tired. I meant the other way around.

<-- Been an unspecced and squishy faeling for a long time, even as a warrior.
Xiel2010-11-20 06:50:17
QUOTE (Othero @ Nov 19 2010, 10:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We're just making the argument that with the reduction in resists the Viscanti's strong suit is gone and something should be given to them so that they can at the least stay at the level of being an ok race and people would like to see a CHA boost be that trade-off.
I thought the last summary went something along the lines of thus for Viscanti:
o Sip malus: 2 -> 1
o Viscanti +2 base dex
o Viscanti +1 base int or cha (charisma is assumed this time)
o Master Viscanti: +1 int (for a total of +4)
o Brood Viscanti: (No further change)
o Irontongue Viscanti: +1 int, +1 cha, +1 dex (for a total of +3, +3, +1).
o Magic resistance: 2 -> 1
o Blunt resistance: 2 -> 1
o Cutting resistance: 2 -> 1
By which I don't agree that neither the INT nor CHA needed to be added, but don't mind the DEX and sip malus altering for the resistance changes. And now folk want to get rid of the sip malus and DEX stuff for more CHA instead? I'm afraid I'm getting confused.
And to Alianna: that sipping bonus doesn't help you when you die between the hit and your chance to sip back your health. The CON is piddling as I'm sure Xenthos posted about by now.
Furien2010-11-20 06:53:23
Piddling CON didn't stop Sidd from reaching over 10,000 health as a shadowlord faeling.
Doesn't stop Fillin from fighting as a faeling. (Almost all the time, really, even without barrier. He's just changeself'd to be human.)
Also doesn't stop Malarious or most other monks from fighting as a faeling, all successfully.
Doesn't stop bards from being successful unspecced faelings, either - Shadowsingers just have it even better.
Doesn't stop Fillin from fighting as a faeling. (Almost all the time, really, even without barrier. He's just changeself'd to be human.)
Also doesn't stop Malarious or most other monks from fighting as a faeling, all successfully.
Doesn't stop bards from being successful unspecced faelings, either - Shadowsingers just have it even better.
Veyrzhul2010-11-20 06:53:52
I also think asking for all org races to be good influencers doesn't make sense. Why can't some people accept having to make a choice? On a sidenote, you can influence in village revolts just fine as a krokani, just leave influencing the REALLY tough mobs to people with higher charisma and stick to diverting in those cases.
Unknown2010-11-20 06:56:07
Are....are you guys saying that people can't have their cake and eat it too?
Stop it, you guys are being nonsensical and good thing you don't decide the race revamp.
Stop it, you guys are being nonsensical and good thing you don't decide the race revamp.
Unknown2010-11-20 06:56:09
double post of smugness
Xenthos2010-11-20 06:56:58
QUOTE (Furien @ Nov 20 2010, 01:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Piddling CON didn't stop Sidd from reaching over 10,000 health as a shadowlord faeling.
Doesn't stop Fillin from fighting as a faeling. (Almost all the time, really, even without barrier. He's just changeself'd to be human.)
Also doesn't stop Malarious or most other monks from fighting as a faeling, all successfully.
Doesn't stop bards from being successful unspecced faelings, either - Shadowsingers just have it even better.
Doesn't stop Fillin from fighting as a faeling. (Almost all the time, really, even without barrier. He's just changeself'd to be human.)
Also doesn't stop Malarious or most other monks from fighting as a faeling, all successfully.
Doesn't stop bards from being successful unspecced faelings, either - Shadowsingers just have it even better.
When we drop Ceren's barrier, he actually tends to die pretty fast when we focus on him. If we fail to drop the barrier he just stays up forever. For a while we were going, "Wow, that was quick..." when it went through.
Barrier and high ego is rough.
Monks and balance bonus have already been discussed in-depth.
Finally, Sidd's health as a non-Faeling would be drastically higher; all of those health buff bonuses are % based, so the higher the base, the bigger the bonus.
Frankly, I don't know what your point is. Mages with barrier can get around low health issues? Overpowered monks are even more overpowered when they are faster? Warriors have higher health than non-warriors? What?
Sylphas2010-11-20 07:02:45
QUOTE (Xenthos @ Nov 20 2010, 01:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
When we drop Ceren's barrier, he actually tends to die pretty fast when we focus on him. If we fail to drop the barrier he just stays up forever. For a while we were going, "Wow, that was quick..." when it went through.
Barrier and high ego is rough.
Monks and balance bonus have already been discussed in-depth.
Finally, Sidd's health as a non-Faeling would be drastically higher; all of those health buff bonuses are % based, so the higher the base, the bigger the bonus.
Frankly, I don't know what your point is. Mages with barrier can get around low health issues? Overpowered monks are even more overpowered when they are faster? Warriors have higher health than non-warriors? What?
Barrier and high ego is rough.
Monks and balance bonus have already been discussed in-depth.
Finally, Sidd's health as a non-Faeling would be drastically higher; all of those health buff bonuses are % based, so the higher the base, the bigger the bonus.
Frankly, I don't know what your point is. Mages with barrier can get around low health issues? Overpowered monks are even more overpowered when they are faster? Warriors have higher health than non-warriors? What?
I don't see why warriors have higher health except as a fantasy stereotype, but that's a discussion for another day.
Sidd's health getting that high as a faeling is an argument against health/con buffs, not really a racial thing.
Same for the rest. So uh, yeah, I agree with Xenthos, I guess.
Furien2010-11-20 07:02:51
QUOTE (Xenthos @ Nov 19 2010, 10:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Frankly, I don't know what your point is.
"You are making out the CON problem to be greater than it actually is."
Xiel2010-11-20 07:04:37
QUOTE (Furien @ Nov 19 2010, 10:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Piddling CON didn't stop Sidd from reaching over 10,000 health as a shadowlord faeling.
You mean...the warrior spec who has access to the Surge which is fed by the INT that faelings have?
QUOTE (Furien @ Nov 19 2010, 10:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Doesn't stop Fillin from fighting as a faeling. (Almost all the time, really, even without barrier. He's just changeself'd to be human.)
I feel like I don't need to mention Forcefield being fed through CHA and that ungodly rune of his here.
QUOTE (Furien @ Nov 19 2010, 10:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Also doesn't stop Malarious or most other monks from fighting as a faeling, all successfully.
Monks and speed likewise share the same note as above there.
QUOTE (Furien @ Nov 19 2010, 10:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Doesn't stop bards from being successful unspecced faelings, either - Shadowsingers just have it even better.
Talan has 4800 max health as a faeling with a life rune. You don't think that's a setback?
All in all, faelings are made for influencing unless you have a method to transform what INT and CHA they do have into something to cover for your health. Spec'd faeling casters don't have this luxury, so yes, the CON is indeed piddling.
Edit: Oh, and before people become silly, no, I'm not asking for Faeling changes. God knows they're fine and the tradeoff of CHA and CON is something people accept. The same thought process applies to what the Viscanti folk want for their own CON and CHA argument and unless they want to address the issue for ALL of the org specs, the suggestion won't fly by me.
Still up for the rest about the dex/sip malus lessening for the resistance lessening though.
EditEdit: Oh, and before people forget: merians need love. Insert whatever Catarin's post said here since I don't hear people complaining about it and don't want the admin to forget about it either. That and the trill/dracnari terrain regen thing.