Furien2010-11-25 18:20:40
QUOTE (Veyrzhul @ Nov 25 2010, 08:27 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
PvE monk damage is dependant on dexterity only (of the character stats).
As for the planned changes, I'd prefer a race-by-race review to a general change to balance or resistance/weakness impact. It is more work for now, but will require less fine-tuning later.
The currently planned changes (resists/weaknesses down to 7% per level, speed boni/mali up to 7% each) would leave tae'dae and possibly Igasho in a worse state than mugwumps were ever in.
It would also unduly buff a few races that were already in discussion as being too strong when the race overhaul idea first came up earlier this year, namely faeling and aslaran.
As for the planned changes, I'd prefer a race-by-race review to a general change to balance or resistance/weakness impact. It is more work for now, but will require less fine-tuning later.
The currently planned changes (resists/weaknesses down to 7% per level, speed boni/mali up to 7% each) would leave tae'dae and possibly Igasho in a worse state than mugwumps were ever in.
It would also unduly buff a few races that were already in discussion as being too strong when the race overhaul idea first came up earlier this year, namely faeling and aslaran.
Are you certain on this? I recall discussing a change with Roark during monk development that weighted bashing 'mostly' on dexterity, but with strength still having a factor.
Unknown2010-11-26 01:18:40
QUOTE (Xenthos @ Nov 25 2010, 09:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You don't like that the damage penalty was reduced 3% per level for those fire weaknesses?
Oi, yes I do.
I wasn't informed of that, heh.
Unknown2010-11-26 01:27:45
Monk damage depends on strength and dexterity. We've been talking about how to fix monk damage outside of stats, though. Damage-bonus from wounds is what I'd like to fix first, but there's not enough information yet to make an informed report.
Current report is a hard cap on monk speed. Hopefully December report will be on wound damage bonus (not promising, because I refuse to pick something out of the air for this one.)
Current report is a hard cap on monk speed. Hopefully December report will be on wound damage bonus (not promising, because I refuse to pick something out of the air for this one.)
Furien2010-11-26 02:39:34
A .2 second speed downgrade sounds like a pretty hardcore nerf.
Sior: It was brought up earlier, I can't recall if you responded - is there any archaic legacy code that restricts us to only -3/-2/1/0/1/2/3 levels in terms of maluses/bonuses?
Sior: It was brought up earlier, I can't recall if you responded - is there any archaic legacy code that restricts us to only -3/-2/1/0/1/2/3 levels in terms of maluses/bonuses?
Sior2010-11-26 02:41:57
QUOTE (Furien @ Nov 25 2010, 09:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Sior: It was brought up earlier, I can't recall if you responded - is there any archaic legacy code that restricts us to only -3/-2/1/0/1/2/3 levels in terms of maluses/bonuses?
I don't believe so, but more coding would be needed to accommodate any additional levels.
Vadi2010-11-26 02:42:46
Nono, that's a 'max .2s'. The cap is mentioned at 2.2-2.4s, they want it at 2.4s, so people who were at 2.4s before are unaffected.
Casilu2010-11-26 02:43:24
QUOTE (Sior the Anomaly @ Nov 25 2010, 06:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I don't believe so, but more coding would be needed to accommodate any additional levels.
Can I get pi levels of balance recovery, then?
Veyrzhul2010-11-26 04:40:05
QUOTE (Furien @ Nov 25 2010, 07:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Are you certain on this? I recall discussing a change with Roark during monk development that weighted bashing 'mostly' on dexterity, but with strength still having a factor.
Well, I only tested it on a rather small scale, using the easiest tool to quickly alter those stats that a monk can get: Enhancement in Psychometabolism. That only allows for a change by two points, though. So if the impact of strength only changes very gragually every few points, I may not have noticed it. Within those two points, strength had no impact whatsoever, dexterity did, and faeling damage was quite a bit higher than dwarf damage (tested on my beast).
Ircria2010-11-26 07:26:01
QUOTE (Veyrzhul @ Nov 25 2010, 08:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well, I only tested it on a rather small scale, using the easiest tool to quickly alter those stats that a monk can get: Enhancement in Psychometabolism. That only allows for a change by two points, though. So if the impact of strength only changes very gragually every few points, I may not have noticed it. Within those two points, strength had no impact whatsoever, dexterity did, and faeling damage was quite a bit higher than dwarf damage (tested on my beast).
I do happen to have a larger dataset than that. Let me post it up on google docs for you. These tests were done with a kick to avoid the variables that weapons seem to bring in. All unarmored(at least in this set), and we tried to rid ourselves of most of the variables.
Just a note, the data collection and math was Malarious. Thank him for this.
Edit: ACH! Sorry for another derail...
Edit2: This data set is incomplete, and more data is needed. From what we had there, though, it seems the pattern is apparent.
Edit3: How the

Edit4: Also, before anybody asks, the levelling out at around 4k wounds seems to be a cap on the damage/wound ratio. Seems to be unchanging. Again, more testing needed.
Edit5: Not a real edit, but if I leave it at four, it will drive me crazy all night...
Janalon2010-11-26 08:10:56
QUOTE (Veyrzhul @ Nov 25 2010, 11:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well, I only tested it on a rather small scale, using the easiest tool to quickly alter those stats that a monk can get: Enhancement in Psychometabolism. That only allows for a change by two points, though. So if the impact of strength only changes very gragually every few points, I may not have noticed it. Within those two points, strength had no impact whatsoever, dexterity did, and faeling damage was quite a bit higher than dwarf damage (tested on my beast).
From what I've tested, Oothai damage (i.e. monk choke) is based largely on strength. It has a static, non-wounding, asphyxiation damage baseline that cannot be modded by kata strength soft or hard. For every point of strength added, damage output is increased by 50. So an illithoid would produce 200 more damage than a faeling. A lobo would place 350 damage over a faeling. A mortal tae'dae 550 damage over a faeling (then add psymet, high magic strength, demi, and prone damage and you have a Thul). At least this is what I've been able to test... not all monk damage is calculated the same.
Placeus2010-11-26 08:37:15
QUOTE (casilu @ Nov 26 2010, 01:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Can I get pi levels of balance recovery, then?
Stop being so irrational, Casilu.
Faymar2010-11-26 12:41:20
QUOTE (Ixion @ Nov 22 2010, 08:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Indeed, high strength is utterly worthless in both damage and wounds.
That's one of the reasons why the Taurian racial trait is almost worthless (it's not in the HELP file because it used to be weighted and it got changed during the last race changes, I suggested it!). I didn't notice any difference after the change to damage, so I just stopped using it.
I think Taurians can become more attractive if the way warrior damage scales with strength is changed, like others have suggested it (Nydekion suggested moving the damage scaling with wounds from monks to warriors, for example), and I totally agree that is something wrong with warrior damage (especially when you compare it to what monks can dish out).
If warrior damage formula is not changed (which I hope won't happen too soon. There are other things for the admins to do, like fixing monks), Taurians can be made more attractive by increasing they dexterity by one, maybe by two, so they can become a viable race for monks. Someone said in an old thread that according to their tests, any race with less than 14 dex will be at a disadvantage as a monk, that's why I am suggesting +2 Dex. Their resistances are useful, the weakness can be almost entirely alleviated, and strength matters quite a lot for monks.
Regarding Illithoids. I've been thinking about it for a long time. My ego as a Titan with 8 charisma is about 8,600 without any kind of stat buffs. That is just too much, reducing it in half would mean that instead of 4,950 (5,000! at demi) ego bonus I receive 2,475 (2,500 at demi). That's about 6,300 ego, which seems more than reasonable, since I can increase it further with throne/blessing/platters?/highmagic.
On the other hand, that means that I can lose all my ego bonus in half the time, literally forcing me to hunt and illdrain corpses. Seeing how Illithoids are barely played as it is (probably one of the reasons is because they are an ugly race - someone told me that she would never play an Illithoid because they are disgusting), I would like to suggest that the ego drain be cut in half, meaning one ego every two minutes (as a side note, all the ego bonus used to disappear on logout, but Celina bugged the admins to change it to a constant drain while you are online).
I refrain from commenting on their other stats simply because I am very biased when it comes to Illithoids.
EDIT: Also, I think that one of the problems with Taurians is their racial RP as a stubborn, elitist race. Throw in racial tackle to offset it?

EDIT2: Racial tackle sounds like a very interesting perk for Taurians. I really want to see racial tackle for Taurians. I think a Taurian with tackle and 13 or 14 dex makes for a very interesting monk (since there are better choices for warriors, like aslaran, lobo, specced races). We are talking about a race which NOBODY (zero people) plays, so every bit of help counts.
Vadi2010-11-26 14:36:18
QUOTE (Ircria @ Nov 26 2010, 02:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Edit4: Also, before anybody asks, the levelling out at around 4k wounds seems to be a cap on the damage/wound ratio. Seems to be unchanging. Again, more testing needed.
Is that 4k per one hit or total combo? Sahmiam claims he knows how to get 7k damage in a go.
Faymar2010-11-26 14:56:49
QUOTE (Vadi @ Nov 26 2010, 04:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Is that 4k per one hit or total combo? Sahmiam claims he knows how to get 7k damage in a go.
And yet the admins are still playing with something else instead of fixing monks.
Veyrzhul2010-11-26 15:08:30
QUOTE (Ircria @ Nov 26 2010, 08:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I do happen to have a larger dataset than that. Let me post it up on google docs for you. These tests were done with a kick to avoid the variables that weapons seem to bring in. All unarmored(at least in this set), and we tried to rid ourselves of most of the variables.
My testing and my last statement were only regarding damage to mobs (I used my beast).
My prior statement about the impact of strength and dexterity on damage to players was mostly based on what Placeus once told me after he had done alot of testing himself. Your data seems to support what he said, too.
Although this is all somewhat off topic...
Furien2010-11-26 15:09:27
QUOTE (Vadi @ Nov 26 2010, 06:36 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Is that 4k per one hit or total combo? Sahmiam claims he knows how to get 7k damage in a go.
The way it was explained to me, any wounds beyond 4,000 do not contribute to the overall damage.
Sahmiam (and Ninjakari in general) can get insane damage between all their damage modifiers. 50% extra damage from prone, some high % extra damage from wounds, 10-15% from their version of lunge, 10-15% from the Hard modifier (more dmg, less wounds). They can break 100% easily.
Veyrzhul2010-11-26 15:11:11
QUOTE (Vadi @ Nov 26 2010, 03:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Is that 4k per one hit or total combo? Sahmiam claims he knows how to get 7k damage in a go.
Neither, it's the cap of wounds having an impact on the damage. You can get a zillion wounds after that, damage per hit won't go any higher (1975 per kick in the last sample, for instance; against an unarmoured enemy, mind you).
Unknown2010-11-27 03:35:52
QUOTE (Vadi @ Nov 26 2010, 09:36 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Is that 4k per one hit or total combo? Sahmiam claims he knows how to get 7k damage in a go.
It's true, although it would never happen in actual combat as it requires a person to literally have their curing off.
QUOTE (Furien @ Nov 26 2010, 10:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The way it was explained to me, any wounds beyond 4,000 do not contribute to the overall damage.
Sahmiam (and Ninjakari in general) can get insane damage between all their damage modifiers. 50% extra damage from prone, some high % extra damage from wounds, 10-15% from their version of lunge, 10-15% from the Hard modifier (more dmg, less wounds). They can break 100% easily.
Sahmiam (and Ninjakari in general) can get insane damage between all their damage modifiers. 50% extra damage from prone, some high % extra damage from wounds, 10-15% from their version of lunge, 10-15% from the Hard modifier (more dmg, less wounds). They can break 100% easily.
All of that is standard to monks, not Ninjakari. Tahtetso and Shofangi, mechanically, can out damage a Ninkakari Ceteris paribus.
I achieve the 7k on low DMP targets with full health that are sensitive, sprawled, paralyzed, stunned, with >4000 wounds. In addition to that, every damage mod possible combined with the highest damage attacks. That would never happen in actual combat as the fight would be over before all of those conditions were met, but that doesn't mean I don't want to bring that number far lower.
Nono, that's a 'max .2s'. The cap is mentioned at 2.2-2.4s, they want it at 2.4s, so people who were at 2.4s before are unaffected.
Not fully true. People who were at 2.4 sec are less affected than those that were faster. Some skills are faster than others, so if the average skill is 2.4s, the faster skills will be hard capped.
Unknown2010-11-27 03:38:55
Ceteris paribus.
Unknown2010-11-27 03:44:00