Unknown2011-10-01 01:36:05
Edit: I fixed it by deleting everything m&m and mudlet related, at least it seems to work. I think I screwed over the mapper somehow, though.
Though another question: Whoever's using the m&m influencer, is it possible to change what type of influence you use with INF ALL? And what's the third thing the alias matches?
Though another question: Whoever's using the m&m influencer, is it possible to change what type of influence you use with INF ALL? And what's the third thing the alias matches?
Vadi2011-10-04 00:24:42
inf all determines automatically what should be used. The third thing is for something like 'inf nighthag empower', should do all nighthags with empowering (will be the same as 'empower nighthag' when I change it to do all)
Vadi2011-10-04 01:05:25
New updates! Mostly for those who use a custom prompt, adds a bunch of nice essence tags in time for the crazy xp week.
Tervic2011-10-06 03:05:59
EDIT: I'm a stupid.
Vadi2011-10-09 01:54:36
Added the Avarice Horn. Already! 

Unknown2011-10-22 01:44:38
A thoughtful scholar presses a crumpled page back into your hands.
100%h, 100%m, 100%e, 10p, 16756e, 22205w, 5%E, 94x exbkput page in pack
You put a crumpled page into a black velvet backpack.
3881h, 4839m, 5907e, 10p, 16796en, 22205w exkb-read page
You read what is written on a crumpled page:
| the Dvarsh Deathmonger |
| |
| S.rangely, there had .een nothing left.of the|
|creature. that had once thrive. within.the |
|wonder.and of B.eena's fiel.s .f golden |
|flowers exc.pt the .pray of blood whi.h |
|lingered, .v.n n.w, i. the air,.a fin. mist of|
|drople.s that soon covered the faces of the |
|remain.ng three f.rriki. coll.gium-s.udents. |
| |
| A deep .ha.ow flashed.overhead, a.d the wind |
|fe.l awfully still and.stale. r.ch with the |
|g.t-wren.ching .roma of rot.en flesh and |
|death. A .light whisper lifted from the.very |
|bla.es of.grass themselves,.foretel..ng of the|
|doom that .ould soon .all over the.shards that|
|dar.d to have tres.ass.d wi.hin the Gla.e of |
|the Lord. . |
| |
| A flas. .f s.lver .nd gold.stru.k down .pon |
3881h, 4839m, 5907e, 10p, 16796en, 22205w exkb-put page in pack
You put a crumpled page into a black velvet backpack.
3881h, 4839m, 5907e, 10p, 16816en, 22205w exkb-read page
You read what is written on a crumpled page:
| an involved study of multi-planar tunnels |
| |
| acce...ng the alm.st limitless sup.ly of |
|energy t.at is .vai.able .hrough .he Astral |
|plane, we p.opo.e th. th.ory tha. it is now |
|p.ssible.to crea.e a tu.nel that co...etely |
|by.asses one, or more, .lanes o. ex.stance |
|in .r.er to directly l.nk to ano.h.r level of |
|vibrat.onal harmonic that is.other..se |
|inacces..ble. |
| |
| Our c.rr.nt pro..sal.t.eters o. the edg., and|
|we wa.t up.n the cur.ent.researc. into .ow the|
|res.na.ce o. t..e planes .alls into flux as |
|you .ierce m.re than one.h.rm..ic. It .s |
|assum.d to be pos.ible .. embed an acc.ptable |
|sy.pa.hetic r..on.nce wit..n the gate itself |
|tha. mi.ht st.bi.ise th..faults, but .ll |
|exp.ri.e.tal da.a has thus.far prove. this to |
|be a flawed .pini... |
Reading pages from the bookwurm quest broke the customprompt, it seems.
100%h, 100%m, 100%e, 10p, 16756e, 22205w, 5%E, 94x exbkput page in pack
You put a crumpled page into a black velvet backpack.
3881h, 4839m, 5907e, 10p, 16796en, 22205w exkb-read page
You read what is written on a crumpled page:
| the Dvarsh Deathmonger |
| |
| S.rangely, there had .een nothing left.of the|
|creature. that had once thrive. within.the |
|wonder.and of B.eena's fiel.s .f golden |
|flowers exc.pt the .pray of blood whi.h |
|lingered, .v.n n.w, i. the air,.a fin. mist of|
|drople.s that soon covered the faces of the |
|remain.ng three f.rriki. coll.gium-s.udents. |
| |
| A deep .ha.ow flashed.overhead, a.d the wind |
|fe.l awfully still and.stale. r.ch with the |
|g.t-wren.ching .roma of rot.en flesh and |
|death. A .light whisper lifted from the.very |
|bla.es of.grass themselves,.foretel..ng of the|
|doom that .ould soon .all over the.shards that|
|dar.d to have tres.ass.d wi.hin the Gla.e of |
|the Lord. . |
| |
| A flas. .f s.lver .nd gold.stru.k down .pon |
3881h, 4839m, 5907e, 10p, 16796en, 22205w exkb-put page in pack
You put a crumpled page into a black velvet backpack.
3881h, 4839m, 5907e, 10p, 16816en, 22205w exkb-read page
You read what is written on a crumpled page:
| an involved study of multi-planar tunnels |
| |
| acce...ng the alm.st limitless sup.ly of |
|energy t.at is .vai.able .hrough .he Astral |
|plane, we p.opo.e th. th.ory tha. it is now |
|p.ssible.to crea.e a tu.nel that co...etely |
|by.asses one, or more, .lanes o. ex.stance |
|in .r.er to directly l.nk to ano.h.r level of |
|vibrat.onal harmonic that is.other..se |
|inacces..ble. |
| |
| Our c.rr.nt pro..sal.t.eters o. the edg., and|
|we wa.t up.n the cur.ent.researc. into .ow the|
|res.na.ce o. t..e planes .alls into flux as |
|you .ierce m.re than one.h.rm..ic. It .s |
|assum.d to be pos.ible .. embed an acc.ptable |
|sy.pa.hetic r..on.nce wit..n the gate itself |
|tha. mi.ht st.bi.ise th..faults, but .ll |
|exp.ri.e.tal da.a has thus.far prove. this to |
|be a flawed .pini... |
Reading pages from the bookwurm quest broke the customprompt, it seems.
Vadi2011-10-22 01:52:55
It seems to happen just before that. Thanks though
vorld2011-11-04 03:04:54
I am having problems installing M&M. I type mminstall and nothing happens I am so confused
Nevermind I fixed it
Nevermind I fixed it
Unknown2011-11-05 18:06:36
1.) For the influencer, how do you add the missing lines?
2.) How do you make the influencer use the 'best type' of influencing on a mob after analyzing, since I see something on the mmi Analysis folder group that's locked?
3.) There will be notifications for updates on the influencer, right?
and finally
4.) Customprompt seems to not be taking my esteem into consideration:
100%h, 99%m, 86%e, 10p, 21790en, 24580w, 0E, 33xp exbk(-1 Mana)
You confide in a dark nighthag how much you admire her dazzling mental and physical skills.
A dark nighthag puffs up her chest and a crazy gleam enters her eyes as she vigorously agrees with
you that her intelligence and strength far surpass anyone else's.
100%h, 99%m, 83%e, 10p, 21790en, 24575w, 0E, 34xp xbk(-286 Ego)
You have recovered equilibrium.
100%h, 99%m, 83%e, 10p, 21790en, 24580w, 0E, 34xp exbk(-3 Mana)
100%h, 99%m, 83%e, 10p, 21790en, 24580w, 0E, 34xp exbk(-2 Mana)
100%h, 99%m, 86%e, 10p, 21790en, 24580w, 0E, 34xp exbk(+3 Mana, +229 Ego)
100%h, 100%m, 88%e, 10p, 21790en, 24580w, 0E, 34xp exbk(+6 Mana, +154 Ego) qsc
| Nicholo Nightshade, Prelude of the Wyrd -------------------------- #236 |
| Level : 93 (34.03%) Power: 10p ( 60%) Karma: 9% Esteem: 8 |
| Health : 5860/5860 Mana : 6386/6386 Ego : 7107/7725 Pedantic |
|----------------------------------------------------------- --------------|
100%h, 100%m, 92%e, 10p, 21790en, 24580w, 0E, 34xp exbk(+304 Ego)
2.) How do you make the influencer use the 'best type' of influencing on a mob after analyzing, since I see something on the mmi Analysis folder group that's locked?
3.) There will be notifications for updates on the influencer, right?
and finally
4.) Customprompt seems to not be taking my esteem into consideration:
100%h, 99%m, 86%e, 10p, 21790en, 24580w, 0E, 33xp exbk(-1 Mana)
You confide in a dark nighthag how much you admire her dazzling mental and physical skills.
A dark nighthag puffs up her chest and a crazy gleam enters her eyes as she vigorously agrees with
you that her intelligence and strength far surpass anyone else's.
100%h, 99%m, 83%e, 10p, 21790en, 24575w, 0E, 34xp xbk(-286 Ego)
You have recovered equilibrium.
100%h, 99%m, 83%e, 10p, 21790en, 24580w, 0E, 34xp exbk(-3 Mana)
100%h, 99%m, 83%e, 10p, 21790en, 24580w, 0E, 34xp exbk(-2 Mana)
100%h, 99%m, 86%e, 10p, 21790en, 24580w, 0E, 34xp exbk(+3 Mana, +229 Ego)
100%h, 100%m, 88%e, 10p, 21790en, 24580w, 0E, 34xp exbk(+6 Mana, +154 Ego) qsc
| Nicholo Nightshade, Prelude of the Wyrd -------------------------- #236 |
| Level : 93 (34.03%) Power: 10p ( 60%) Karma: 9% Esteem: 8 |
| Health : 5860/5860 Mana : 6386/6386 Ego : 7107/7725 Pedantic |
|----------------------------------------------------------- --------------|
100%h, 100%m, 92%e, 10p, 21790en, 24580w, 0E, 34xp exbk(+304 Ego)
Vadi2011-11-05 22:49:57
1) Add them to the Completed and completed triggers (one is inside another)
2) by doing 'inf all'
3) yes
4) You need to have GMCP enabled for the @esteem tag to work
2) by doing 'inf all'
3) yes
4) You need to have GMCP enabled for the @esteem tag to work
Unknown2011-11-06 23:02:20
At the Illithoid Prison, and they're listed as 'greedy buggers' when I manually analyze, so Weaken is the best influence there. But when I try INF ALL, it doesn't analyze and continues using Empower. How can I fix this? mmi Analysis is locked, didn't touch it.
Vadi2011-11-13 02:51:56
The line for sipping things changes, but I've already sent out an update for it. Enjoy.
Unknown2011-11-13 04:07:59
The line for sipping things changes, but I've already sent out an update for it. Enjoy.
Beautiful, thank you.
Vadi2011-11-13 22:20:09
Vadi2011-12-05 22:47:04
Unknown2011-12-19 11:02:33
Is anyone having any trouble with the parry/stance system? It doesn't seem to work for me, and I have it set-up properly, I think. Here are my settings:
(m&m): Parry & Stance report:
(m&m): Available stance skills we can use: legs, left, right, arms, gut, chest, head, lower, middle,
(m&m): Action levels:
(m&m): chest: parry 1100, stance 825
(m&m): rightleg: parry 550, stance 1650
(m&m): gut: parry 1925, stance 1925
(m&m): leftleg: parry 275, stance 1375
(m&m): leftarm: parry 825, stance 275
(m&m): rightarm: parry 1650, stance 550
(m&m): head: parry 1375, stance 1100
(m&m): Limb priorities: leftarm, leftleg, rightleg, head, chest, gut, rightarm
(m&m): Parry strategy: distributed weighted (currently parrying leftleg 100)
(m&m): Stance strategy: mostside (current stance is legs)
It stays on one stance, one parrying one thing.
(m&m): Parry & Stance report:
(m&m): Available stance skills we can use: legs, left, right, arms, gut, chest, head, lower, middle,
(m&m): Action levels:
(m&m): chest: parry 1100, stance 825
(m&m): rightleg: parry 550, stance 1650
(m&m): gut: parry 1925, stance 1925
(m&m): leftleg: parry 275, stance 1375
(m&m): leftarm: parry 825, stance 275
(m&m): rightarm: parry 1650, stance 550
(m&m): head: parry 1375, stance 1100
(m&m): Limb priorities: leftarm, leftleg, rightleg, head, chest, gut, rightarm
(m&m): Parry strategy: distributed weighted (currently parrying leftleg 100)
(m&m): Stance strategy: mostside (current stance is legs)
It stays on one stance, one parrying one thing.
Vadi2011-12-21 23:13:26
Looks fine, should change to head if it gets to critical and other limbs don't have wounds, for example.
Vadi2011-12-21 23:15:19
Vadi2012-01-02 10:04:16
System already updated for the new Zenos effect, enjoy!
Vadi2012-01-03 06:41:03
m&m updated for Shamanism lines, already :)