m&m system

by Vadi

Back to Mechanic's Corner.

Vadi2012-02-26 22:06:43

New update, making m&m the first system with Stratagem support!


Stratagem is a new skill in Combat that's basically a do/dofree queue like in m&m, but on the server. The first and obvious advantage of this is that when you regain balance and eq, the server does the queued Stratagem action right away, without the delay of sending you the text saying you got balance back, and the system sending back a command to do. Stratagems are not like Kata forms - you don't have to 'pre-make' them, just adding any command to be done works. See ab combat stratagem for more info on how it works.

This has many, many applications and this update is the first one of it's series of Stratagem support - enable its use with mmconfig stratagem on, and m&m's own do/dor queues will be making use it for you.

Future updates will bring Stratagem support to curing actions (cleanse, getting up and etc) and elsewhere applicable. It will mean that some actions will migrate from the physical priority list to misc however, as they'll need to be queued into Stratagem while off-balance for optimum efficiency.

tip: In your own personal offensive aliases, you can chain things like sm add discern target;attack target to be done at once!

Knighthood fixes

Some knighthood lines were a bit too frugal in allowing the verbs of striking - that's been fixed now.

Defup timer

Defup will now say how long it took! Boast to your friends as to who's the fastest to get out of bed and ready for fighting.

Note that this time doesn't apply to keepup, so if you put all your defs on keepup and none on defup, the time won't reflect how long it took to get everything up.

mmconfig scrollid 0

m&m now allows you to set the scrollid option to 0 - which means that it'll just read healing for the Healing scroll then. This now seems safe to do even with health vials in your inv, so you can set it to 0 and forget about having to update the scrollid on new scrolls.

New function

New useful function for scripters - a way for making temporary triggers for the prompt - mm.prompttrigger(name, function). You can use it as, for example: mm.prompttrigger("see if I lost balance", function() if not mm.bals.balance or not mm.bals.equilibrium then mm.echof("Lost balance!") end). It's temporary and single-shot.

New lock type

green c and cleanse c lock signatures were added (collapsedlungs+crushedwindpipe+slickness). Previously m&m realized the condition and did not cure - now it'll attempt to cleanse/green out of it, while also giving you the visual warning.

Tempo autorecharge

The tempo enchantment will now be autorecharged after use!

No more auto-more

Since the last update, m&m mistakenly automatically did more for you - this has been fixed. It'll only ever to it on artefact list, to make sure it's captured the artefact pipes


A lot of miscellany things were improved upon - peek at the changelog below:


  • added a brokenchest kata line
  • added a donext on the Domoth spawning line
  • added a highlight for the runic amulet's charges wearing off
  • added a line for herb curing bedevil
  • added a new function to trigger on prompt - mm.prompttrigger
  • added a partial block knighthood line on a swing
  • added a severedspine knighthood line
  • added a timer to defup
  • added Aeonics paradox def
  • added already on lines for Totem spirits
  • added Aquamancy deluge
  • added combat stratagem skill to install auto-detection
  • added illusoryself to be deffable
  • added mmconfig stratagem option - enable it if you have the Stratagem in Combat, m&m will make good use of it
  • added more bashing triggers
  • added new types of locks - green c and cleanse c, for collapsedlungs+crushedwindpipe+slickness
  • added Shamanism Sky giving concussion line
  • added some more missing verbs to knighthood lines
  • added Stratagem highlights
  • added stratagem use to dor - things will be a bit more efficient now when on dor. It'll even work if you put your own aliases on dor!
  • fixed a case where m&m would use sparkle for vessels and coltsfoot for mana at once
  • fixed anorexia symptom delaying quicksilver re-doing by a bit after curing anorexia
  • fixed double-isa only stripping caloric, not giving shivers as well
  • fixed system not to apply mending for crippled arms when the arm is mangled or missing
  • fixed the automatic 'more' thing that would happen since last update
  • imporved pinleg to be added on a bit of a delay, so m&m doesn't writhe when the knight pins and withdraws in one move
  • improved all cases of sparkle curing nothing to clear vessels
  • improved diagnose to say whenever an affliction is currently ignored from curing
  • improved tempo to be autorecharged after use
  • mmconfig scrollid 0 is now allowed for the Healing scroll - it'll just 'read healing' now, since that is safely possible
  • removed the case where m&m wouldn't apply mending for crippled legs if either were tendoned
Unknown2012-02-26 22:19:37
Wow, that's a huge update.
Unknown2012-02-27 00:59:15
Awesome! I can't wait to load this update. :)
Unknown2012-03-04 02:52:13
Anyone have any input on changing priorities for curing? Seems Enyalida always screws me over with sap after like, 10 seconds if he gets the demesne tick right before the sap.
Svorai2012-03-04 09:13:09
Edited - someone will come forth with a good cure priority for those situations, I'm sure.
Aldani2012-03-11 18:34:44

It'll eat/outr when it thinks that you have a herb in your inv of that type. Precache is different, that one will actively get a herb out for you. So most likely is that you put the herb away and m&m didn't catch it - qi syncs it.

Mine always tries to eat/outr instead of outr/eat, even for herbs I have never had out and even after I qi. I tried setting up a precache of those herbs, even though I'd prefer not to have it, and it doesn't pull those out beforehand either.
Unknown2012-03-11 19:01:10
I actually greatly prefer the way things work, for a number of reasons. I guess it's what you are used to, really.
Aldani2012-03-11 19:10:10
The problem is that the way things work... doesn't work as well as it should. If I get afflicted, I see (eat herb|outr herb), (eat herb|outr herb), "What do you want to eat?" in the middle, and sometimes some extraneous eating of herbs once or twice more.
Vadi2012-03-11 20:13:14
It shouldn't be doing that - are you on wrapwidth 0 in-game?
Aldani2012-03-11 21:40:37

It shouldn't be doing that - are you on wrapwidth 0 in-game?

Yep. Wrapwidth and preferredwidth of 0.
Vadi2012-03-11 21:47:26
After you check your qi with herbs in it, do they show up in mm.me.invcontents?
Aldani2012-03-11 21:54:17
I can't check right now (at work on nexus), but I'll look at it once I get home.
Aldani2012-03-12 20:46:26

After you check your qi with herbs in it, do they show up in mm.me.invcontents?

It looks like it adds herbs to the mm.me.invcontents, but does not remove them. As I outr and inr herbs, the number just keeps going up. Using qi doesn't change it.
Vadi2012-03-15 22:56:16

New Hallifax & Gaudiguch org potions

The new orgpotions have finally arrived, and they're in m&m as well! Both are keepup-able and their effects are recognized. Fight in your city's style either as super classy or super drunk!

Envoy updates

m&m has been updated for various recent envoy changes, so get this update in quickly.

Clickable URLs

Some new miscellaneous triggers made it in - URLs are now clickable and phantomspheres in rooms are highlighted.

Fancy Domoth status

m&m will now also improve the Domoth status output for you - by visually linking opposing domoths together, and telling you in your local time when a domoth will go active or drop a level.


I've improved on quicksilver to remove cases where it spams, so that shouldn't happen anymore.

Miscallaneous changes

See below for some other things that made it in:


  • added a 'ds' alias to check Domoth status
  • added a Celestian phial curing you line
  • added a monk brokenchest line
  • added a Phantomsphere in the room highlight
  • added a writhed from tangle w/ TortureSong line
  • added an Axelord shatteredankle line
  • added another climb failsafe trigger (after you got out and it wasn't caught)
  • added clickable URLs
  • added cloudberry defup/keepup for Hallifax
  • added cloudberry tic line
  • added fancy Domoth status output - links Domoths together, shows when a Domoth will go active in your local time and when a level will drop
  • added firemead attack line
  • added firemead defup/keepup for Gaudiguch
  • added some more Stratagem highlights
  • added Stag facepaint and Stagform lines
  • added Tah'tetso Starkick
  • added TortureSong causing bleeding on summer/tipheret
  • changed Cosmic fear trigger to be less strict & more reliable instead
  • improved egovice and manabarbs to use allheale in maestoso
  • fixed puncturedaura not to spam in blackout (because it's completely hidden)
  • fixed typo in recklessness for JustChorale
  • upgraded quicksilver trigger to the new explicit line
Vadi2012-04-17 02:17:15

This is a timely update for the mucous → mucus change in the game, and several other things that have been fixed in the meantime. Enjoy!


  • added agoraphobia symptom line
  • added highlights for politics aetherspace
  • added more godrealm bashing triggers
  • added shackled symptoms to be detected; this means that shackle in blackout will be as well
  • added shackled, lifeleech symptoms
  • added the ascendant dying line
  • fixed clamp illusion making m&m writhe endlessly
  • fixed ice mounds trigger to highlight only the mound
  • fixed m&m not detecting death at times
  • fixed powerspikes to be cured with allheale in maestoso
  • fixed Shatterplex to be recognized with AI on always (it depended on 7 rubies before and didn't account for resonance)
  • fixed stackable affs not getting their count reset to 0 when they're gone on diag
  • fixed system applying regen even though Healing is covering it
  • updated for the mucous → mucus change in lines
Unknown2012-04-25 08:12:20
Ooh. Big, important update. Nice.

Thanks a bunch :)
Vadi2012-05-02 05:28:29
12.5.1 update

This update bring m&m inline with the new Druid changes. Enjoy!

  • added a cement socks def line
  • added a glamours already being up line
  • added allergies (and diag echoes to show their levels)
  • added an echo for when you got summoned with IntoxicatingFlower
  • added head thornlashes
  • added highlights for Druidry Monitor
  • removed lashes getting removed on sap
  • sped up sap curing for when you get tangled
Daganev2012-05-06 19:18:30
Anyone ever have problems with the Defences and defence modes and or mmShow not working properly?

This is what I get when I type mmShow

5106h, 3306m, 3625e, 10p lrx<>-mmshow
(m&m): some m&m info:
(m&m): Defence modes:
basic (-
You have recovered equilibrium.
Vadi2012-05-09 05:42:32
Looks pretty weird - in this case, what does the errors view say?

(I suspect some Mudlet formatting function was overwritten)