Ialie2012-01-29 07:39:49
OH goodness this place looks so different! I feel lost!
Lawliet2012-01-29 15:28:26
Another 100% experience boost has rolled around and I've not hunted a thing. So I made this graph >.>

Unknown2012-01-29 22:49:55
Decided to blow my thousand-odd saved up membership credits on Urfion. Maybe I'll revive Urfius another day.
Qistrel2012-01-30 07:24:19
The golden torc doesn't let you talk to stag beasts, but lets you talk to all other deer. I need an explanation to tell novices.
Enyalida2012-01-30 07:34:07
Stag beasts are a manifestation of the totem spirit that is part of the soul of every Hartstone druid. You know that ethereal stag you summon with ringwalk (the patronus-y one), yah, that's the same thing, our magics giving form to the hart-soul. So, you can speak to normal deer, but the Stag beasts are in no way normal deer!
Kante2012-01-30 09:01:40
You recall that Donovain told you:
"I have heard from more than half the Council. Your application has been approved by them all. I wait one more month to hear any objections and then I will ratify it. Be prepared."
"I have heard from more than half the Council. Your application has been approved by them all. I wait one more month to hear any objections and then I will ratify it. Be prepared."
Azureus2012-01-30 12:31:40
You know, as I'm going through every book in the library I'm finding more and more evidence of past Hallifaxian mugwumps who've disappeared, several of whom seemed intent on encouraging mugwump roleplay and culture in the city.
It's like a strangely sad tradition.
It's like a strangely sad tradition.
Talan2012-01-30 16:40:34
My patron doesn't favor anymore. It is frustrating. :(
Unknown2012-01-30 17:07:15
Heh. Know that feeling only too well.
Sylphas2012-01-30 18:44:03
My patron doesn't favor anymore. It is frustrating. :(
I'd probably have missed them more from mine if they had ever happened outside of like once an RL year.
Druken2012-01-30 21:58:35
We were getting ready to wrap things up at work (a writing center on a university campus, which makes this even more exasperating), and I asked if the two other tutors in the room would mind if I put on some light classical choral music while we read through some stuff. They were both acquiescent, and one was even animatedly positive about her opinion of my idea.
...after 2 minutes of Eric Whitacre, she told me to turn it off because it sounded like a "funeral proceeding."
For the purpose of this slightly facetious tweet post, know that I brought the "pearls" emote to life in this moment.
...after 2 minutes of Eric Whitacre, she told me to turn it off because it sounded like a "funeral proceeding."
For the purpose of this slightly facetious tweet post, know that I brought the "pearls" emote to life in this moment.
Kagato2012-01-31 14:40:39
Went to my parents farm to help out this past weekend, ended up working on their livestock block killing off thistles. Got a nasty case of sunburn and windburn for my efforts. Doesn't hurt as much now, but I was in some SERIOUS pain on Sunday T___T
Nice view up on the block though... took this photo looking out over the harbour on my iPhone

Nice view up on the block though... took this photo looking out over the harbour on my iPhone

Unknown2012-01-31 16:45:04
If you make everything brown instead of Green, it'd be just like fallout.
Lilija2012-01-31 20:18:07
Some possible female human names:
9. Mike
Thank you namegen for making me smile.
9. Mike
Thank you namegen for making me smile.
Unknown2012-01-31 20:47:11
Some possible female human names:
9. Mike
Thank you namegen for making me smile.
My favorite is still Phoebus' Ox'cok the Lucidian.
Unknown2012-01-31 20:54:11
My favorite is still Phoebus' Ox'cok the Lucidian.
Well, it was just Oxcock, straight up Oxcock. But yeah, that's one way to make it a little more legit. Can you imagine what sorts of crazy names it'd come up with if you could have apostrophes in them? P'p'p'pff'lo
Jack2012-01-31 21:23:20
P'p'p'pka'fse, p'p'pka'fse
Kagato2012-02-01 03:37:06
*inserts obligatory f'h't'a'g'n here*
*also e'h'w'o'h'ta'y*
*also e'h'w'o'h'ta'y*
Svorai2012-02-01 06:05:49
They'd fit right in at cr'ow't'ong'ue un'i'ver's'it'y.
Riluna2012-02-02 00:01:12
Some people make me really want a cloaking gem. I would love to run around and spook people like they do.