Unknown2012-02-21 00:30:31
Oops, I accidentally offered two corpses to Viravain because I didn't realize there was a shrine there.
Ixion2012-02-21 00:36:02
You can offer to font even if a shrine's in the room now... See changelog posts.
Rivius2012-02-21 01:13:54
Oops, I accidentally offered two corpses to Viravain because I didn't realize there was a shrine there.
:o....Iasmos is a wyrdo in disguise?!
*twilight zone music*
Xenthos2012-02-21 01:15:59
:o....Iasmos is a wyrdo in disguise?!
*twilight zone music*
It's ok, the logs were reset like... 10 minutes later, so nobody saw it.
Lendren2012-02-21 01:43:42
Oops, I accidentally offered two corpses to Viravain because I didn't realize there was a shrine there.
I did that recently too. That OFFER CORPSES FONT syntax needs to become a habit.
Ayisdra2012-02-21 02:00:08
It's ok, the logs were reset like... 10 minutes later, so nobody saw it.
..... other offerings here .....
Iasmos 10,237 0 0 0 10,237
I beg to differ.
Ixion2012-02-21 02:02:10
You had to check to know he was full of crap there?
Xenthos2012-02-21 02:15:13
I beg to differ.
Yeah, I was thinking of the wrong logs.
Viravain reset a few days ago instead.
Razenth2012-02-21 02:22:14
Delayed, but yay, can bring Mr. Tentacles around again to populated areas. Cheers to Viynain for reminding me to dismiss it during Ascension itself. It's awesome when other people remember! I only summoned him cause Siam needed a delivery denizen but then in the lag and fighting I forgot about him :\\
Edit: Also, woot, found the post in Imperian forums that called us 'the DBZ of IRE'.
Edit: Also, woot, found the post in Imperian forums that called us 'the DBZ of IRE'.
Qistrel2012-02-21 12:02:19
Super Saiyans: There is also a marked personality alteration, where the Saiyan becomes unusually aggressive and more prone to acting on impulse.
It all makes sense now. :flee:
Talan2012-02-21 17:56:29
Edit: Also, woot, found the post in Imperian forums that called us 'the DBZ of IRE'.
Please explain this reference so that I and others may be pleased/indignant on Lusternia's behalf. I know that DBZ is a television show here, and apparently a comic. Are they saying the game is so good it ought'a be in pictures??
Unknown2012-02-21 18:02:41
Please explain this reference so that I and others may be pleased/indignant on Lusternia's behalf. I know that DBZ is a television show here, and apparently a comic. Are they saying the game is so good it ought'a be in pictures??
DBZ revolves around a small number of over-the-top, godlike characters who fight even more over-the-top, even more godlike villains to save the world on a regular basis. Silly side characters are often involved.
Razenth2012-02-21 18:31:49
And they take three episodes just to fight. And there are dinosaurs.
Unknown2012-02-21 18:33:29
And they take three episodes just to fight. And there are dinosaurs.
Only three? Are you watching the remake with the filler cut out?
Kiradawea2012-02-21 18:36:20
And the world was saved by wishing for lingerie.
Jack2012-02-21 18:49:31
DBZ revolves around a small number of over-the-top, godlike characters who fight even more over-the-top, even more godlike villains to save the world on a regular basis. Silly side characters are often involved.
Oo, dibs on bein' Mr. Satan.
Unknown2012-02-21 18:53:43
Oo, dibs on bein' Mr. Satan.

...and that was how Jack helped seal Kethuru.
Lehki2012-02-21 21:27:44
Clearly Razenth needs to link said post for us to see it as well. D:
Kagato2012-02-22 03:32:35
And they take three episodes just to fight. And there are dinosaurs.
Three? You must be watching DBZ Kai. The original series took more like TWENTY episodes to get anywhere.
(Pointless trivia) The frieza saga consisted of roughly 52 episodes. When DBZ was first screened in Japan, they would screen it 1 episode per week. So that means that the Frieza saga took a YEAR to finish. You can imagine how irritated people must have gotten at how slowly the story moved. (/pointlesstrivia)
EDIT Also http://th07.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2011/069/b/7/magic_circle_3d_by_zaiggen-d3bcn0x.jpg <---- That's the sort of thing I picture for larger rituals that use protective circles =p
Qistrel2012-02-22 08:36:54
I mostly remember this:
The planet will blow up in ten minutes!
(Five half-hour episodes later)
We're running out of time! The planet will blow up in five minutes!