Unknown2012-03-08 23:45:40
Made an alt in Hallifax, got treated nicely by one person, got treated rudely by two people, suicided. All within an hour. (I know you may not believe me, but yes, there were more than two people in Hallifax CWHO!)
Aw. We're actually nice! Not sure who you encountered, though perhaps they were grumpy since it was off peak hours? I notice your location is France, most of us are in the US (I think) so we might not be around when you are :/ But give us a second chance!
Qistrel2012-03-09 07:22:27
Trademasters posts explosion!
Rika2012-03-09 09:44:47
Read the in game HELP. They specifically say you shouldn't go with one or another based entirely on RP, because there are very easy ways to justify it. "Religious", "commercial" and "conquest" are just words that can be interpreted in different ways. I thought Hallifax got over that many months ago.
Unknown2012-03-09 10:02:58
I think Hallifax did get over it(they did change governance after all). I think its some people in Hallifax that see a problem.
I for one have always seen the governance styles as completely outside of RP, the terms used are already pretty generic.
I for one have always seen the governance styles as completely outside of RP, the terms used are already pretty generic.
Azureus2012-03-09 12:22:47
The leader of Hallifax is in Zvoltz's Order.
3/4 of Hallifax's Board of Directors is in Zvoltz's Order.
Almost everyone currently involved in Hallifax's government is in either Zvoltz's or Isune's Order, and those are all relatively fresh religious conversions/commitments. I don't see how it stretches RP for Hallifax's Zvoltz-worshiping governors to try and govern according to Zvoltzetic ideals. One might even say, to adapt their religion to a changing governance style.
I had no problem with Elostian, or any strong feelings one way or the other in fact, but regardless: the overall flavor of your stereotypical Hallifaxian RP has more in common with the tone of its patron deity than it did before. This isn't an insignificant detail when it comes to how Hallifax would be governed, from an RP perspective.
3/4 of Hallifax's Board of Directors is in Zvoltz's Order.
Almost everyone currently involved in Hallifax's government is in either Zvoltz's or Isune's Order, and those are all relatively fresh religious conversions/commitments. I don't see how it stretches RP for Hallifax's Zvoltz-worshiping governors to try and govern according to Zvoltzetic ideals. One might even say, to adapt their religion to a changing governance style.
I had no problem with Elostian, or any strong feelings one way or the other in fact, but regardless: the overall flavor of your stereotypical Hallifaxian RP has more in common with the tone of its patron deity than it did before. This isn't an insignificant detail when it comes to how Hallifax would be governed, from an RP perspective.
Unknown2012-03-09 12:27:44
Doublethink, comrades.
Siam2012-03-11 06:56:29

I should like to get an instrument customized to something close to the instruments above. I wonder if it would fly.
Unknown2012-03-11 07:01:09
Maybe as a 'koto/yatga harp' unless we could miraculously get a zither pattern
Raeri2012-03-11 07:11:20
Start with a lyre, it'd be the closest shape. I was going to do something similar with mine, but never got around to it.
Revan2012-03-11 07:19:13
Sona is awesome. Best support character evar
Siam2012-03-11 09:19:32
I wish the admins would release two new instrument types. :)
Sakr2012-03-11 10:38:49
Sona is awesome. Best support character evar
Sona has an aoe heal, movement burst, increased damage and the stun.
BUT!! Janna is the best support hero for ad heroes. 50 damage bonus shield, shield has a nice ap ratio. Has a very nice slow, doesn't get stopped by creeps, Q is an amazing disable to hit half the team, very long range meaning you can reach past nunu's ulti from the outside. Her ulti is amazing for splitting up the enemy team. Even then, being able to heal your entire team to full while taking full aggro makes Janna much more worth it than Sona.
I mean, look at the recent tournament. How many times did they take Sona compared to Janna? :D
Siam2012-03-11 11:59:16
I like the koto/yatga harps that you suggested. Thank you sooo much! :)
I forget - do we have harps in-game? Or is it just lyres?
I forget - do we have harps in-game? Or is it just lyres?
Near2012-03-11 13:12:00
I just bought this skin!!
Unknown2012-03-11 14:46:35
Note to self: write more stuff. Wow, that is a lot of honour.
Lawliet2012-03-11 21:24:41
Made an alt in Hallifax, got treated nicely by one person, got treated rudely by two people, suicided. All within an hour. (I know you may not believe me, but yes, there were more than two people in Hallifax CWHO!)
Clearly you should make another/Move to Halli and be my Protege >.>
Lawliet2012-03-11 21:26:19
Gah, double post.
Jayden2012-03-12 02:35:58
I just bought this skin!!
Skin was too pretty not to buy.... i feel like I'm getting too old for Lusternia.... :(
Neos2012-03-12 17:22:57
Now hiring someone to be my flood :censor: and/or someone who can meld besides me.
Zilias2012-03-12 17:45:29
The Domoth fight was awesome. Good show!
I had a lot of fun in this fight. It has been a while since I was involved in combat. Great fight to come back to!