Eventru2011-07-23 13:24:25
I don't lock Tweets, I ban everyone who partakes in the cancerous behavior.
Be warned, my dumplings.
Be warned, my dumplings.
Ilyssa2011-07-23 15:22:59
Taking advantage of the new promo and the lack of lessons/skills with my old Magnagoran, I have made a new one. Let's see how this goes. I hope Mag likes me. D:
They totally ignored me except for like two or three people last time.
They totally ignored me except for like two or three people last time.
Unknown2011-07-23 18:35:52
Plus side, the haven't-seen-a-prime-time-raid-in-months streak is still alive!
Unknown2011-07-23 18:39:14

Unknown2011-07-23 18:41:38
I've been reminded why I stopped participating in combat. Thank you!
Silvanus2011-07-23 18:51:06
QUOTE (Aison @ Jul 23 2011, 07:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Celeglom has the courtesy to raid during prime time - this isn't a middle-of-the-night attack where no one else is around and there is no hope to thwart the raid, this is a prime time attack where there were plenty of people on both sides who could have defended (granted this has been discussed enough in morbo's thread so... let's not debate about it here?).
So because people feel butthurt over it, they've decided they're going to raid at 4am to 6am west coast time. It's not exactly the time they choose, it's the fact that there is no one who can raise a hand in defence, which is when the gettin's good, I suppose.
So. Yeah. To me, that makes them
bags. They could at least get their
together and attempt a raid prime-time and make it fun for everyone, but they seem to like to wait until the ass crack of dawn. This is something I noticed has not changed over the years, and is consistent behaviour, not once-in-a-while happenings.
So because people feel butthurt over it, they've decided they're going to raid at 4am to 6am west coast time. It's not exactly the time they choose, it's the fact that there is no one who can raise a hand in defence, which is when the gettin's good, I suppose.
So. Yeah. To me, that makes them

I am sorry, I have to respond to this.
What were you doing up at 4am-6am, like the other fighters? Oh yeah, trying to stop us from gabbing essence to prevent the Necro from falling.
Did you even think about this before posting? The only reason people were around at that time was because they were trying to stop us from grabbing essence, and you complain... hahahaha.
Here's my rave: people like Aison. <3. Keep on trucking.
Editted to add: Those raids by Thoros were to be done so me and other people go to Elemental planes and actually survive grabbing essence, so it's now like those raids were out of spite, they went on because we kept dying trying to grab essence, throughout the night, regardless of the time (and you guys did raid at 3am btw).
Aison2011-07-23 18:58:41
QUOTE (Silvanus @ Jul 23 2011, 11:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am sorry, I have to respond to this.
What were you doing up at 4am-6am, like the other fighters? Oh yeah, trying to stop us from gabbing essence to prevent the Necro from falling.
Did you even think about this before posting? The only reason people were around at that time was because they were trying to stop us from grabbing essence, and you complain... hahahaha.
Here's my rave: people like Aison. <3. Keep on trucking.
Editted to add: Those raids by Thoros were to be done so me and other people go to Elemental planes and actually survive grabbing essence, so it's now like those raids were out of spite, they went on because we kept dying trying to grab essence, throughout the night, regardless of the time (and you guys did raid at 3am btw).
What were you doing up at 4am-6am, like the other fighters? Oh yeah, trying to stop us from gabbing essence to prevent the Necro from falling.
Did you even think about this before posting? The only reason people were around at that time was because they were trying to stop us from grabbing essence, and you complain... hahahaha.
Here's my rave: people like Aison. <3. Keep on trucking.
Editted to add: Those raids by Thoros were to be done so me and other people go to Elemental planes and actually survive grabbing essence, so it's now like those raids were out of spite, they went on because we kept dying trying to grab essence, throughout the night, regardless of the time (and you guys did raid at 3am btw).
I was minding my business bashing, actually. Have you seen me actively trying to trash people gathering essence? With the exception of the night the DLs/Spheres went down where Viynain asked me to hold people down, I haven't done anything regarding grabbing essence. I wasn't even there for the raid, hardly ever raid. But nice try.
We're not all playing here to make your life miserable, you know.
Unknown2011-07-23 19:03:49
I definitely am, I'm powered by angry tells, passive aggressive smileys/forum posts, and requests to be unenemied from Glom given the recent events.
Silvanus2011-07-23 19:04:19
QUOTE (Aison @ Jul 23 2011, 01:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I was minding my business bashing, actually. Have you seen me actively trying to trash people gathering essence? With the exception of the night the DLs/Spheres went down where Viynain asked me to hold people down, I haven't done anything regarding grabbing essence. I wasn't even there for the raid, hardly ever raid. But nice try.
We're not all playing here to make your life miserable, you know.
We're not all playing here to make your life miserable, you know.
Nor are we, you know. Why complain about a raid though, when your organization has been raiding us for the past 24 hours straight, except for those two hours where Thoros went nuts?
I am just, boggled, that this was an actual complaint. Considering, you know, since 5pm yesterday, Earth has been under constant attack except for two hours.
Which get complained about. Am I able to understand this? Do I have something terribly wrong, is Magnagora not allowed to answer back, regardless of time? Do we not get 2 hours out of the 24 hours?
Xenthos2011-07-23 19:05:53
I'm more amused by the hypocrisy of certain elements of the raid than concerned about the raid myself, off-hour things happen. A few dead daughters, the world is going to end. 

Neos2011-07-23 19:06:14
QUOTE (Silvanus @ Jul 23 2011, 02:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am sorry, I have to respond to this.
What were you doing up at 4am-6am, like the other fighters? Oh yeah, trying to stop us from gabbing essence to prevent the Necro from falling.
Did you even think about this before posting? The only reason people were around at that time was because they were trying to stop us from grabbing essence, and you complain... hahahaha.
Here's my rave: people like Aison. <3. Keep on trucking.
Editted to add: Those raids by Thoros were to be done so me and other people go to Elemental planes and actually survive grabbing essence, so it's now like those raids were out of spite, they went on because we kept dying trying to grab essence, throughout the night, regardless of the time (and you guys did raid at 3am btw).
What were you doing up at 4am-6am, like the other fighters? Oh yeah, trying to stop us from gabbing essence to prevent the Necro from falling.
Did you even think about this before posting? The only reason people were around at that time was because they were trying to stop us from grabbing essence, and you complain... hahahaha.
Here's my rave: people like Aison. <3. Keep on trucking.
Editted to add: Those raids by Thoros were to be done so me and other people go to Elemental planes and actually survive grabbing essence, so it's now like those raids were out of spite, they went on because we kept dying trying to grab essence, throughout the night, regardless of the time (and you guys did raid at 3am btw).
I was just looking to kill people, and they obliged. Only reason I wasn't there for the later stuff was because I fell asleep, and my head was hurting.
Moar killing plz

Silvanus2011-07-23 19:10:31
QUOTE (AquaNeos @ Jul 23 2011, 02:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I was just looking to kill people, and they obliged. Only reason I wasn't there for the later stuff was because I fell asleep, and my head was hurting.
Moar killing plz
Moar killing plz

No complaints here, except for dying to my Demon Lord like 8 times, within 6 seconds of walking into the room, just wish I was able to do something.
But I had fun, and figured out a couple bugs in my system.
Nydekion2011-07-23 19:20:23
Every org enjoys their time on the offense and grumbles about their time on the defensive. Players who have been around for a while have likely seen this cycle repeated ad nauseum. In general, no one who cares about the health of their org is going to enjoy off-hour raiding or raids where they feel they were powerless. It's just the nature of the beast. Most players understand this, myself included. And while I enjoy reading forum drama as much as the next guy, I'm certainly sympathetic to it having seen Celest in the dumps as well as being able to achieve.
On our end, seeing all of the demon lords fall and spheres drop was partly vindication for all of the failed raids, partially successful raids (glass half full!), and spectacular bloopers we (the collective "we") have gone through to be able to achieve it and partly, to the credit of Magnagorian players, a bit of turnaround for an org that has successfully been a force to be reckon with for fairly lengthy periods of time.
So in the words of Doctor Claw, "I'll get you next time Gadget! Next time!" rebuild morale and come beat the crap out of us all over again.
On our end, seeing all of the demon lords fall and spheres drop was partly vindication for all of the failed raids, partially successful raids (glass half full!), and spectacular bloopers we (the collective "we") have gone through to be able to achieve it and partly, to the credit of Magnagorian players, a bit of turnaround for an org that has successfully been a force to be reckon with for fairly lengthy periods of time.
So in the words of Doctor Claw, "I'll get you next time Gadget! Next time!" rebuild morale and come beat the crap out of us all over again.

Aison2011-07-23 20:10:36
QUOTE (Silvanus @ Jul 23 2011, 12:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Nor are we, you know. Why complain about a raid though, when your organization has been raiding us for the past 24 hours straight, except for those two hours where Thoros went nuts?
I am just, boggled, that this was an actual complaint. Considering, you know, since 5pm yesterday, Earth has been under constant attack except for two hours.
Which get complained about. Am I able to understand this? Do I have something terribly wrong, is Magnagora not allowed to answer back, regardless of time? Do we not get 2 hours out of the 24 hours?
I am just, boggled, that this was an actual complaint. Considering, you know, since 5pm yesterday, Earth has been under constant attack except for two hours.
Which get complained about. Am I able to understand this? Do I have something terribly wrong, is Magnagora not allowed to answer back, regardless of time? Do we not get 2 hours out of the 24 hours?
I don't control what other players in my org or allied org does. Your anger is placed at the wrong person - I was minding my own business when Thoros and Cow Dung showed up. I can be annoyed when someone raids my god-realm at 4am when no one in my order has ... oh wait, no, we have Neos, don't we. God damn you, Neos (look at what you've done). I only had a very brief "duet" with Viynain where he asked me to hold people down, which I did, but that wasn't for very long and it has been over a day since I've participated in those kinds of activities. I can only speak for myself, though. I had no idea Thoros had another agenda in mind when he raided, until I read this post.
Anyway, my original post wasn't any form of aggression, passive or not, and certainly wasn't made to provoke anyone. I was simply agitated. I had not been online a good portion of the day and, quite frankly, I had no idea celest/glom were still hunting you guys down to prevent essence-gathering.
Succinctly put, get over it. You're bitter, we understand. But don't act as if Mag and Halli are the only orgs to have ever been put in this situation (it used to be way worse than this back in Mag's hay day). And please, don't be surprised when you enact your justice at 4am and no one takes it with a smile.
So I'd appreciate it if we could get off this really tiring loop of drama llama and get to something that's actually marginally worth our time reading on these forums. Thanks.
Neos2011-07-23 20:14:06
QUOTE (Aison @ Jul 23 2011, 04:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I don't control what other players in my org or allied org does. Your anger is placed at the wrong person - I was minding my own business when Thoros and Cow Dung showed up. I can be annoyed when someone raids my god-realm at 4am when no one in my order has ... oh wait, no, we have Neos, don't we. God damn you, Neos (look at what you've done). I only had a very brief "duet" with Viynain where he asked me to hold people down, which I did, but that wasn't for very long and it has been over a day since I've participated in those kinds of activities. I can only speak for myself, though. I had no idea Thoros had another agenda in mind when he raided, until I read this post.
Anyway, my original post wasn't any form of aggression, passive or not, and certainly wasn't made to provoke anyone. I was simply agitated. I had not been online a good portion of the day and, quite frankly, I had no idea celest/glom were still hunting you guys down to prevent essence-gathering.
Succinctly put, get over it. You're bitter, we understand. But don't act as if Mag and Halli are the only orgs to have ever been put in this situation (it used to be way worse than this back in Mag's hay day). And please, don't be surprised when you enact your justice at 4am and no one takes it with a smile.
So I'd appreciate it if we could get off this really tiring loop of drama llama and get to something that's actually marginally worth our time reading on these forums. Thanks.
Anyway, my original post wasn't any form of aggression, passive or not, and certainly wasn't made to provoke anyone. I was simply agitated. I had not been online a good portion of the day and, quite frankly, I had no idea celest/glom were still hunting you guys down to prevent essence-gathering.
Succinctly put, get over it. You're bitter, we understand. But don't act as if Mag and Halli are the only orgs to have ever been put in this situation (it used to be way worse than this back in Mag's hay day). And please, don't be surprised when you enact your justice at 4am and no one takes it with a smile.
So I'd appreciate it if we could get off this really tiring loop of drama llama and get to something that's actually marginally worth our time reading on these forums. Thanks.
What am I being blamed for? I'm a total non-com. I have proof, and the game is my witness.

7516|119, 7978|116, 8208|120, 100, 100, 10p (exdbkSsi)- 20:21:39.288 kills
Kills by Neos
Kills      Victim                        Time             Â
Player Kills: 0
You've killed 0 people. What are you, a complete non-com?
7516|119, 7978|116, 8208|120, 100, 100, 10p (exdbkSsi)- 20:21:41.966
Kills by Neos
Kills      Victim                        Time             Â
Player Kills: 0
You've killed 0 people. What are you, a complete non-com?
7516|119, 7978|116, 8208|120, 100, 100, 10p (exdbkSsi)- 20:21:41.966
Nydekion2011-07-23 20:21:14
Neos, you griefah!
Xenthos2011-07-23 20:23:36
Didn't you just kill someone on Water in the last 8 hours? I thought that was you posting about stealing a kill-shot there.
No editing game logs!
No editing game logs!

Silvanus2011-07-23 20:23:46
QUOTE (Aison @ Jul 23 2011, 03:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Succinctly put, get over it. You're bitter, we understand. But don't act as if Mag and Halli are the only orgs to have ever been put in this situation (it used to be way worse than this back in Mag's hay day). And please, don't be surprised when you enact your justice at 4am and no one takes it with a smile.
So I'd appreciate it if we could get off this really tiring loop of drama llama and get to something that's actually marginally worth our time reading on these forums. Thanks.
So I'd appreciate it if we could get off this really tiring loop of drama llama and get to something that's actually marginally worth our time reading on these forums. Thanks.
Succinctly put, get over it. Nobody is on a losing side of a raid where all five demon lords/supernals/cosmic lords die and take it with a smile.
So yes, I will be slightly upset over all this, certainly not bitter or angry or pissed off at anyone. I just can't believe you'd call out a raid at 4-6am, when, you know, the past 24 hours, non-stop, except for those two hours.
You can't choose when to have your combat or who it involves. Things can't be helped, needless to say, I did not like us being called out for raiding for those two hours, that is all. Nobody was calling you guys out for raiding the past 24 hours, I'm not complaining, nor do I expect any real complaints, because you said, it used to be much worse. I actually gained experience through this whole ordeal, if this were five years ago, I would've lost 10 levels. No complaints here, only I just really disliked being called out for those 'raids.'
Ytran2011-07-23 20:29:04
QUOTE (Aison @ Jul 23 2011, 03:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
And please, don't be surprised when you enact your justice at 4am and no one takes it with a smile.
(Psst, every raid ever is at 4am for someone. Just like every raid ever is at 6pm, or noon, or 10pm, or...)
EDIT: If you don't want to defend from raids at your 4am, then don't log in at 4am? Expecting people across different timezones to cater specifically to where you live is not at all a decent way to approach a worldwide multiplayer game.
Neos2011-07-23 20:30:43
QUOTE (Xenthos @ Jul 23 2011, 04:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Didn't you just kill someone on Water in the last 8 hours? I thought that was you posting about stealing a kill-shot there.
No editing game logs!
No editing game logs!

I was asleep 8 hours ago

It was most likely my evil twin, NeoNeos.
Why can't anyone except the evidence of me being a non-com?