Kante2012-07-13 23:44:04
Hearing about the changes to gold drops makes me sad.
Riluna2012-07-14 05:11:01
Just to let you know, we've had some site issues recently that could
conceivably affect the website and possibly those who connect through an
IRE client (though should not impact the game itself). We're working to
resolve this.
Does this mean the old website will be fixed too? I haven't been able to reach that one for a while, and I infinitely prefer it to the navigating nightmare that is the new one.
Kagato2012-07-14 07:53:03
I have one simple answer to the earlier conversation about souls

Unknown2012-07-14 08:14:41
I cannot quantify a soul. I refuse to believe it exists until someone can give me the chemical makeup for it.
I was joking. :( A little less atheism and a little more sarcasm recognition, hm? *prod prod* :lol: ... I should just shut up. <.<
Hearing about the changes to gold drops makes me sad.
Me too, until I realized that some areas get visited very rarely, if ever, and those denizens amass a crazy bunch of gold quickly.
Eventru2012-07-14 11:23:47
I was joking. :( A little less atheism and a little more sarcasm recognition, hm? *prod prod* :lol: ... I should just shut up. <.<
Psst psst. I was joking too. ;)
...Or was I? Hmm.
Unknown2012-07-14 23:02:22
I am about ready to bite Notepad in half why am I having so much trouble designing rrgrgrgr
Sylphas2012-07-14 23:25:35
Other people keep severing my ties to Serenwilde for me. I wonder how long it will be before I end up in Hallifax or something through almost none of my own doing.
Kante2012-07-15 03:22:10
Hallifax? Pfft, come2mag.
Unknown2012-07-15 11:05:35
Psionic burnout is Lusternia's way of telling me to go to bed already. :(
Ytran2012-07-15 17:24:48
Psionic burnout is Lusternia's way of telling me to COWBOY UP, SOLDIER. :(
Rancoura2012-07-16 11:46:12

I found Mother Night. In Skyrim.
Anyone who's played the thieves guild and met Nocturnal will know just how well she fits Mother Night's profile. And her voice is exactly how I imagine Mother Night's would sound. <3 =)
Agnlaa2012-07-16 12:12:58
I did my Skyriming during a long forced absence from Lusternia, so it didn't occur to me then. Now, however, it all makes sense.
Rancoura2012-07-16 20:23:42
Yes. Nocturnal is much more suitable than the Night Mother of the Dark Brotherhood even, which I find a bit amusing. Much love to Bethesda <3
Kante2012-07-17 00:15:24
Call me old fashioned, but I'd expect mother night to have a bigger rack.
Unknown2012-07-17 05:29:06
I dunno. I think Night is maybe Nocturnal, plus a bit of Mephala.
Svorai2012-07-19 10:35:54
Dear life, please stop being so full of activity.
Log in, shard, look over guildy things, respond to messages, update projects, say hi, say bye, qq. Not what I want to be doing in game atm!
Dear life, please stop being so full of activity.
Log in, shard, look over guildy things, respond to messages, update projects, say hi, say bye, qq. Not what I want to be doing in game atm!
Rancoura2012-07-20 11:17:59
Call me old fashioned, but I'd expect mother night to have a bigger rack.
Just because she's not wearing a push-up bra, psh...
Riluna2012-07-21 02:47:18
That it's so effortless that even an idiot can grief people out of work they've been at for hours, in only an instant, and by barely even trying, sorely tempts me to just become a griefer.
It's a lot easier than trying to play the game normally, and it's not like there's any repercussions to be worried about. There's clearly -some- sort of satisfaction to be had, maybe since I can try to tell myself I'm cool that other people are irritated at my existence or something. Which, I have to admit, sounds a lot more fun than just -being- annoyed at people existing all the time.
It's a lot easier than trying to play the game normally, and it's not like there's any repercussions to be worried about. There's clearly -some- sort of satisfaction to be had, maybe since I can try to tell myself I'm cool that other people are irritated at my existence or something. Which, I have to admit, sounds a lot more fun than just -being- annoyed at people existing all the time.
Ardmore2012-07-21 02:51:58
o.o? Please don't grief me.
Unknown2012-07-21 05:08:45
That it's so effortless that even an idiot can grief people out of work they've been at for hours, in only an instant, and by barely even trying, sorely tempts me to just become a griefer.
It's a lot easier than trying to play the game normally, and it's not like there's any repercussions to be worried about. There's clearly -some- sort of satisfaction to be had, maybe since I can try to tell myself I'm cool that other people are irritated at my existence or something. Which, I have to admit, sounds a lot more fun than just -being- annoyed at people existing all the time.
And so another griefer was born.
The griefing is strong in this one.