Daereth2012-08-08 07:40:04
Well I pretty much give up :I
I thought the exact same thing.
Unknown2012-08-08 15:48:25
Oh, whatever. Offerings those big can only come around very rarely - you are too easily deterred!
Ardmore2012-08-08 16:29:55
Oh, whatever. Offerings those big can only come around very rarely - you are too easily deterred!
Going to have to agree.
Ayisdra2012-08-08 17:24:43
Oh, whatever. Offerings those big can only come around very rarely - you are too easily deterred!
Says the person who normally have double digit millions in offerings.
Unknown2012-08-09 00:20:23
At some point I became the person people go to when they have questions or need help with things. I don't mind it. I like helping! I just have no idea how this happened.
Unknown2012-08-09 01:06:13
What? The aetherplex is sold out of room orbs? Sheesh, people.
Eritheyl2012-08-09 03:42:30
Going to have to agree.
I feel as though people take me too seriously sometimes :b
Daraius2012-08-09 21:57:26
Discovering that I am reeeeally bad at origami.
Zyphora2012-08-10 02:41:08
Discovering that I am reeeeally bad at origami.
The key is folding the creases very sharply for clean folds.

Unknown2012-08-10 07:12:27
Putting a curio together with CURIO ATTACH CURIOXXXXX TO STAR is a bad idea.
Jayden2012-08-10 07:22:56
Tinkerers should be able to make and design fireworks.
Enyalida2012-08-10 15:57:00
It's been suggested before, actually!
Unknown2012-08-12 05:38:58
This Week : 3 days, 4 hours, and 31 minutes
I think I have a problem. >_>
Unknown2012-08-13 08:41:03
I totally didn't log in today and take care of all the things I was supposed to do because I was too busy being really bad at Minecraft. Gosh darnit. I AM SORRY LUSTERNIA.
I think the bigger problem might be your apparent post-liking addiction. <_<
This Week : 3 days, 4 hours, and 31 minutes
I think I have a problem. >_>
I think the bigger problem might be your apparent post-liking addiction. <_<
Unknown2012-08-13 19:06:29
I think the bigger problem might be your apparent post-liking addiction. <_<
But the buttons. They are so pretty. ;_;
Ytran2012-08-14 03:23:21
Was considering posting this in Raves, but not sure if it's really a rave or not. >.>
Up until now, I haven't cared about Curios, really. But now there are themes and collections and stuff and oh my god compulsion to collect things aaaaa.
Up until now, I haven't cared about Curios, really. But now there are themes and collections and stuff and oh my god compulsion to collect things aaaaa.
Noola2012-08-14 04:44:46
I went to all the trouble to collect pages for my scholars... only to forget to give them to them before I took them to the library. :lol:
Unknown2012-08-15 01:23:32
Considering replacing (Newbie): with (Drama): after that fiasco.
Enyalida2012-08-15 02:06:25
Generally, I wish a lot less people talked on Newbie, during crazies like that it's not helpful.
Lorina2012-08-15 02:35:42
Coming to the conclusion Lusternians are the most intelligent players of the IRE games. Though, have to say not as sane. Intelligent, but insane.