Unknown2012-08-15 03:32:31
Lusternians do appear to be generally the most attractive bunch if nothing else. :P
Knorrith2012-08-15 04:03:03
Generally, I wish a lot less people talked on Newbie, during crazies like that it's not helpful.
If you're referring to me, I do apologize for that. I just saw some stuff up there and it caused a kind of knee-jerk reaction that just kind of ended up out there. After I saw it up there I thought it best just to shut up and try to avoid back peddling and making things worse. So I put my apology here for any that I might have offended.
Zyphora2012-08-15 04:50:47
I've been playing for 7-8 months and I still have so much left to learn. @__@
I'm going to try and blame it on the fact I've been (slowly) trying to get demi over everything else. >__>
I'm going to try and blame it on the fact I've been (slowly) trying to get demi over everything else. >__>
Unknown2012-08-15 06:54:58
Coming to the conclusion Lusternians are the most intelligent players of the IRE games. Though, have to say not as sane. Intelligent, but insane.
I don't agree - I wouldn't say any are more intelligent than any others - but I suspect Lusternians are less embittered by disappointment than the players of the other games. Lusternia keeps delivering at a pace that I don't think has ever let up or even slowed since the game was released.
Unknown2012-08-17 03:30:39
I keep missing onto Hallifax's channels. Everyone is going to know I make funny noises now :(
Unknown2012-08-18 10:08:33
It's the weekend and yet I'm looking forward to Monday to see what the new curios are. That can't be right!
Zyphora2012-08-18 21:02:26
I keep calling fantasy football "Final Fantasy football".
I wish city hunts or even group hunts were more common. Zyphora is so squishy and dies so easily by herself. :( Was so close to level 98.
I wish city hunts or even group hunts were more common. Zyphora is so squishy and dies so easily by herself. :( Was so close to level 98.
Raeri2012-08-20 12:51:50
Idling at nexus more than ever now since every time I pass through the aetherplex my mushclient errors and crashes because someone dropped a bazillion flamed heads there and the client can't cope. Wish there was a simple fix to this D:
On a brighter note, am enjoying seeing the new ambients~
On a brighter note, am enjoying seeing the new ambients~
Unknown2012-08-20 13:06:34
Wish there was a simple fix to this D:
There's a very simple fix by clicking: http://sourceforge.net/projects/mudlet/files/Mudlet-2.0-test4b.exe/download
Ytran2012-08-20 13:18:58
There's a very simple fix by clicking: http://sourceforge.n...4b.exe/download
Or getting a computer that was built post-1995. Or finding the broken trigger(s) that are screwing with the client. MUSHClient should be plenty capable of handling a small textwall - the Aetherplex is annoying as hell right now, but it's not a ridiculously huge client-crashing length block. :|
Unknown2012-08-20 15:29:13
It doesn't crash MUSHclient for me, so someone's doing something different there.
Unknown2012-08-20 17:10:54
Really wish there was a way to check the IG date when offline.
Zyphora2012-08-21 02:04:52
Every time I see the prefix Chaote, my brain presents this image:

They are so good.

They are so good.
Kagato2012-08-21 09:24:33
Idling at nexus more than ever now since every time I pass through the aetherplex my mushclient errors and crashes because someone dropped a bazillion flamed heads there and the client can't cope. Wish there was a simple fix to this D:
On a brighter note, am enjoying seeing the new ambients~
Dunno if the divine intervened or if they decayed, but all the heads that were dropped in the Aetherplex are gone.
Svorai2012-08-21 10:10:52
IXION IS AWESOME. This is all.
<3s from the greener pastures. C'aw'c'aw.
<3s from the greener pastures. C'aw'c'aw.
Ixion2012-08-21 10:15:01
Did Skye show you my tells? Hmph!
Svorai2012-08-21 10:18:10
Yessssss :3
Unknown2012-08-22 02:01:37
Today is the two year anniversary of Phoebus being Archmage of the Aeromancers.
Unknown2012-08-25 18:34:56
It seems like no matter what org I'm starting in, there's always somebody eager to try to drag a novice into bed.
EDIT: What's worse is, this one particular individual just made a new account in order to attempt my newest character from a... ah... "new angle"
EDIT: What's worse is, this one particular individual just made a new account in order to attempt my newest character from a... ah... "new angle"
Unknown2012-08-27 07:50:01
Still nervously eyeing the date and wondering when artisanals will be judged. I've been waiting on those credits all month to be able to take advantage of the artifact sale beyond what I'd already had leftover at the month's start. :( I keep thinking, I'll log in for sure when I know if I got any/how much I got, but, uhhhh... hrm.
I know they've been coming in consistently late for months now, but the help file still says the previous month's entries will be judged by the 10th of the next month, last I looked. What happened, there? I'm trying really hard not to sound ungrateful or demanding, because that's really not the tone I'm trying to have here (and I'm paranoid that it's going to come off that way! Hence this disclaimer!) I'm just wondering if I should ever expect it to go back to being judged by the claimed date again, or if very last week of the month is going to be the new "normal time" indefinitely. :?
I know they've been coming in consistently late for months now, but the help file still says the previous month's entries will be judged by the 10th of the next month, last I looked. What happened, there? I'm trying really hard not to sound ungrateful or demanding, because that's really not the tone I'm trying to have here (and I'm paranoid that it's going to come off that way! Hence this disclaimer!) I'm just wondering if I should ever expect it to go back to being judged by the claimed date again, or if very last week of the month is going to be the new "normal time" indefinitely. :?