Ssaliss2012-10-08 09:59:26
First, I like the change. I really do; some people with lots of curios activated (none named) could become rather spammy. However, I think it would be better if they could have several activated, but there would be a limit of one ambient per hour; if more than one curio is active, then an ambient is chosen at random. I can accept that it might be too much to code to make that feasible though.
Siam2012-10-08 10:39:17
No more threats of dicing the Wyrden Potato! :)
Unknown2012-10-08 11:09:46
However, I think it would be better if they could have several activated, but there would be a limit of one ambient per hour; if more than one curio is active, then an ambient is chosen at random.
That's a good idea and people can already do it on their side - trigger when their ambient fires to deactivate it and randomly touch one of their other curios.
Eventru2012-10-08 15:10:55
First, I like the change. I really do; some people with lots of curios activated (none named) could become rather spammy. However, I think it would be better if they could have several activated, but there would be a limit of one ambient per hour; if more than one curio is active, then an ambient is chosen at random. I can accept that it might be too much to code to make that feasible though.
It isn't feasible really, not with the way they're done. I'd tried to look at different ways to let a couple or three fire, but it all ended up being obnoxiously complicated.
Rivius2012-10-08 15:45:42
It shouldn't be too hard for us to rotate curios client-side anyhow.
Unknown2012-10-10 23:03:59
I wish I could punch in a design-number list and get a comprehensive commodity list.
Unknown2012-10-11 02:35:44
No idea where to put this, but inscribing takes soooooo much willpower! Trying to inscribe 50 of each card means I'm meditating for hours, it seems. I know I've been meditating for at least an hour already. :(
Unknown2012-10-11 02:39:42
No idea where to put this, but inscribing takes soooooo much willpower! Trying to inscribe 50 of each card means I'm meditating for hours, it seems. I know I've been meditating for at least an hour already. :(
Try to find someone who will let you borrow their willpower rune, rock in a rocking chair, find out if there's a room with a willpower gem in it available to you...what else...campfires? Those help with will, right? It'll still take a while to gain it all back, but they'll at least help it go back up a little quicker. Also, if you release a kirigami or wetfold a little while before you know you're going to destroy your willpower, the refresh that goes off after an hour will give you a good amount of it back.
Ssaliss2012-10-11 06:53:28
I think Alacardael solved this problem by heartstopping. A bit drastic, perhaps, but if you can get the XP back in the hour you otherwise would have meditated, well...
Placeus2012-10-11 11:05:48
No idea where to put this, but inscribing takes soooooo much willpower! Trying to inscribe 50 of each card means I'm meditating for hours, it seems. I know I've been meditating for at least an hour already. :(
You can also find guild mates with tarot and nothing to do with all their willpower to inscribe for you!
(I'm a guildmate with tarot and nothing to do with all my willpower)
Kagato2012-10-12 00:49:29
If I know that I'm going to need to do some inscribing, I'll generally wait until a quiet-ish period when I know I have other stuff to do, release an origami and do my inscribing so that after the hour runs out I get a decent chunk of my willpower back, mitigating the wait a fair bit.
Zyphora2012-10-12 02:28:43
Oh, vengeance.
First turn. So unlucky. D:
You are jolted from your sleep by the feeling of a presence close by, and find
strong hands wrapped around your throat, throttling the life from you! You
thrash wildly, begging for mercy, but the figure only offers a strange, unhinged
giggle, squeezing harder. Stars burst in your vision as your breath grows short,
and finally darkness takes you, allowing you an eternal sleep. You have been
slain by the lunatic!
First turn. So unlucky. D:
Esano2012-10-12 03:44:10
I believe Gaudiguch has the Chessboard, which is a once-a-month full refresh from touching it. And if you're in an Order, Avatars of that Order can spend their once-a-day refresh on you. If you ask nicely.
Unknown2012-10-12 07:22:50
Reading quotes, I miss Celest. Almost.
Kagato2012-10-12 07:44:13
Oh, vengeance.
First turn. So unlucky. D:
I actually found it a little hard to believe that Uni got lucky and got an assassin on his first round.
Zyphora2012-10-12 14:01:15
Et tu, Unicron? u__u
Siam2012-10-13 11:45:52
So, I look at Bardoon's deathsight. Then I look at Dirge's deathsight. I go looking at Bardoon's deathsight again. :<
Unknown2012-10-13 12:14:57
The Cantor one is the best ;)
"The face of doom..." you sing, tragically playing Graeira, mandolin of Celestial Light with a mournful thrum, and you look directly at Jeremiah.
Clasping your hands to your breast, you sing to Jeremiah, wishing him well on his journey to the Halls of the Fates. A white light surrounds you as the voices of an angelic choir join you in a somber hymn.
As you raise your voice in pitch along with the voices of the angelic choir, the light surrounding you moves to surround Jeremiah. You conclude your song with regret that Jeremiah must die so soon, and the white light blazes with glory and consumes him.
You have slain Jeremiah.
Unknown2012-10-13 12:32:50
I got bored :P
Awesome final message is truly awesome.
"The face of doom..." sings Draylor, loosing grim, sombre notes from Graeira, mandolin of Celestial Light, and he looks directly at you.
Staring balefully at you, Draylor draws low, ominous chords from the air, focused upon maintaining the killing song. You suddenly falter as the funebre pervades your hearing, wrinkles forming across your skin, crinkling like brittle parchment.
With a flourish, Draylor brings the funebre to a doleful conclusion. You grow pale and emaciated as rapid age suddenly takes you, bones growing brittle and limbs spindly. With a final sense of utter sorrow, you succumb to your own farewell and collapse, your withered corpse scattering into a fine dusting of powder across the ground.
Awesome final message is truly awesome.
Siam2012-10-13 12:50:13
I think Bardoon's deathsight is coolest, followed by Threnody. Admittedly, Funebre's final message is shiny. I like how Dirge starts with ominously circling shadows, but getting squeezed to death, although admittedly painful and truly Glommy, is a bit too anticlimatic for me, maybe because I want to feel being squeezed to death just from reading the message? It's the deathsight that I am feeling partial about. I am being picky, I know! Still, I love the warbling throat thing going on. I love crowcaw.
Soandso has succumb to the shadows of Siam's music.
"Can't you hear that boom badoom, boom boom badoom, boom Shadowbeat?" sings Siam, as an ebony and moonhart mandolin plays deep, dark melodies, and he looks directly at you.
The throat of Siam undulates and warbles as he continues to maintain the moaning note of his song. Ominous black shadows rise out of the ground, slowly circling around you.
Throwing back his head, Siam lets loose a blood curdling caw, bringing the killing note of his song to a screeching conclusion. The swirling black shadows that surround you suddenly wrap tightly around your body, painfully squeezing the life from you in mere moments.