Aabtria2011-09-07 06:23:15
I LOVE MAGNAGORA SO MUCH RIGHT NOW. I have more roleplay than I know what to do with, and everything is amazingly active for me. Loooooooove.
Razenth2011-09-08 02:13:23
It offers the following defences:
Physical cutting: 44
Physical blunt: 60
It is in perfect condition.
Fanged warrior robes has no poisons or magical effects on it.
Physical cutting: 44
Physical blunt: 60
It is in perfect condition.
Fanged warrior robes has no poisons or magical effects on it.
Unknown2011-09-08 02:40:26
Best I've got are 54/57 nonsplendours. (Thanks to Miciah for those

Morshoth2011-09-08 20:59:18
I want double xp week, everyone go click the +1 on the IRE website!
Neos2011-09-08 21:18:26
I feel like I've made a horrible, horrible decision.
Casilu2011-09-08 21:21:24
QUOTE (AquaNeos @ Sep 8 2011, 02:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I feel like I've made a horrible, horrible decision.
What did you do?
Shulamit2011-09-08 22:18:26
I have never realized just how many emotes have you speak in them until I actively am looking at that. Go go aliases for new emotes for self!
Unknown2011-09-10 21:12:51
Why do we still have the bubble pipe?
Kiradawea2011-09-11 02:45:12
I *really dislike* guardian bashing.
I *really dislike* furrikin bashing.
Watching over Gleip's shoulder when he hunts makes me silently weep.
I *really dislike* furrikin bashing.
Watching over Gleip's shoulder when he hunts makes me silently weep.
Sylphas2011-09-11 03:04:23
QUOTE (Kiradawea @ Sep 10 2011, 10:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I *really dislike* guardian bashing.
I *really dislike* furrikin bashing.
Watching over Gleip's shoulder when he hunts makes me silently weep.
I *really dislike* furrikin bashing.
Watching over Gleip's shoulder when he hunts makes me silently weep.
As much as I love furrikin for RP and such, I don't think I've been anything but human or faeling since I got my cameo. I just fake it with changeself. *guilty*
Anita2011-09-11 15:21:28
Being mistaken for a vial of antidote. o.o
Lendren2011-09-11 15:22:41
Better that than a vial of poison.
Anita2011-09-11 15:27:29
I guess, but it's a common thing now where people emote to a vial when they mean me. Sends me off into a fit of giggles every time hehe
Lendren2011-09-11 19:50:49
People emote to Len when they mean to me. I think you got the better end of the deal!
Rivius2011-09-11 21:12:42
It really sucks when that happens
Items usually aren't targetable that way, why in -this- case?

Unknown2011-09-11 21:20:07
I should've known better than to go play on Faethorn with a really bad connection.
Oh well.

Sakr2011-09-11 21:28:19
bah, escaped mudd *THANK YOU ARDMORE* to find myself surrounded by adoraths...
Lilia2011-09-11 22:12:28
The game keeps hanging up on me. I think it's some combination of my client and server lag, but I have no clue what to do about it.
Lendren2011-09-11 23:50:28
QUOTE (Rivius @ Sep 11 2011, 05:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It really sucks when that happens
Items usually aren't targetable that way, why in -this- case?

Items are always targettable by emotes. (Which is why it's annoying that furniture isn't.)
Aramel2011-09-12 05:04:49
I want to mentor a novice, but I can't because of the 50 hour limit.