Unknown2011-10-13 04:47:53

Raeri2011-10-13 08:10:12
Wow @ 18 year old Demi that Seren pumped out
Was demi at 16. The trippy new year thing bumped her age up by 2. And... yeah. o.o
Unknown2011-10-13 14:20:30
Three sets of robes enchanted, and none of them have better stats then my old set. (40/60). Frustrating.
Lawliet2011-10-13 15:41:42
Thouhou... >.>
So anyway, I did my feather today, as I usually do, except, wut? Apparently I'm missing a day, which isn't going over well with what I've been checking out.
Perhaps I forgot to actually drop my phoenix one day...
Yeah, I only noticed there was a special reward yesterday, a day late to actually get it. Would've noticed it earlier but haven't been on my own computer (just got a shiny new one) and haven't been around much before that. Blargh. Happily though, got lips from my stocking.
Casilu2011-10-13 17:06:56
I hope Phoebus follows through with the thing I made her do.
Unknown2011-10-13 17:18:04
Kind of wish that the Construct items would get an extended decay duration, or there was some way to get them more easily. I like the items, but having to go up to an Aetherbubble once a week just to have my Candle/Chaotesign-stuff is bothersome. Aether Simulacrums maybe?
Ssaliss2011-10-13 17:23:51
Kind of wish that the Construct items would get an extended decay duration, or there was some way to get them more easily. I like the items, but having to go up to an Aetherbubble once a week just to have my Candle/Chaotesign-stuff is bothersome. Aether Simulacrums maybe?
Hmm. Not a bad idea! Basically make it like it used to be, with all the constructs on the Nexus world. If the construct wasn't constructed, it'd be a semi-transparent non-physical construct that couldn't be interacted with.
Siam2011-10-14 01:31:04
A lot of people now saw my ship's name. It ain't so secret anymore.Piffle.
Unknown2011-10-14 04:03:59
Beat Raezon at Go for 100 credits? Cool, except for I suck at Go. Sigh. T_T
Also, I have enough credits to trans another skill, but it's like...I could also do other things with it...I guess.
Also, I have enough credits to trans another skill, but it's like...I could also do other things with it...I guess.
Sakr2011-10-14 11:54:44
9x9 board
usual response is 9x1
usual response is 8x0
usual response is an immediate 9x0
you won.
it's one of the ways kial
usual response is 9x1
usual response is 8x0
usual response is an immediate 9x0
you won.
it's one of the ways kial
Kiradawea2011-10-14 12:21:42
Never played Go. Is it anything like Othello/Reversi??
Sakr2011-10-14 13:04:12
I don't know those names so lets just go with "sure"
Rathan2011-10-14 13:05:02
The closest western game I can think of to it is the one where you start with a grid of empty points, and both people take turns drawing line segments, trying to make closed boxes. You "capture" an area any time you are the person to draw the last line segment that closes the box.
Go is the same thing, but forty times more complicated. Then again, I also learned Go from a Chinese man who was using it as a vehicle to teach me his philosophy on life, so I'm still not sure I understand all the rules...
Go is the same thing, but forty times more complicated. Then again, I also learned Go from a Chinese man who was using it as a vehicle to teach me his philosophy on life, so I'm still not sure I understand all the rules...
Kiradawea2011-10-14 13:07:40
My knowledge of Go is that it's played with black and white pieces, that it's apparently very popular in eastern lands, and that it's very hard to make an AI for.
Now if we were playing cheat! Then I'd clean the table for sure.
Now if we were playing cheat! Then I'd clean the table for sure.
Sakr2011-10-14 13:17:01
Kiradawea2011-10-14 13:32:39
Today I found the room with my phoenix in without having the feather twitch beforehand. Cool.
Unknown2011-10-14 15:27:15
Never played Go. Is it anything like Othello/Reversi??
Something of a combination of Penta and Reversi. It's deceptively simple.
vorld2011-10-14 15:33:13
Wow I love playing Go though I have not played in a long time
Unknown2011-10-14 22:25:18
Man, I got online today and checked my messages on the IRE toolbar thing to see that all of them were people telling me how we got our Vengeance. I missed it! I was too busy being drunk and playing Fable 3.
Unknown2011-10-14 22:48:21
2011/10/14 15:36:45 - The House's eyes are raised as its honour improves: Our family is known for
their good breeding.
2011/10/14 15:36:45 - Shame lowers the eyes of the House: Our family's inactivity has caused some to forget the deeds done in the past.
Aw, cmon! That's the first time we've lost family honor. :<
their good breeding.
2011/10/14 15:36:45 - Shame lowers the eyes of the House: Our family's inactivity has caused some to forget the deeds done in the past.
Aw, cmon! That's the first time we've lost family honor. :<