Unknown2011-07-31 14:47:33
Couldn't you have gotten stuck in an easier place to reach?
Unknown2011-07-31 19:27:10
"Wonderful! Time for a celebration... Cheese for everyone!"
And now for something completely different...
"Tell me we did not come all this way for an invisible, non-existent kazoo that sounds a lot like you doing a phlegmy whistle."
And now for something completely different...
"Tell me we did not come all this way for an invisible, non-existent kazoo that sounds a lot like you doing a phlegmy whistle."
Everiine2011-07-31 19:35:16
"You're going back to Earth! But first.....!"
Unknown2011-07-31 19:39:14
"Those of you helping us test the repulsion gel today, just follow the blue line on the floor. Those of you who volunteered to be injected with praying mantis DNA, I've got some good news and some bad news: bad news is we're postponing those tests indefinitely. Good news is we've got a much better test for you: fighting an army of mantis men. Pick up a rifle and follow the yellow line. You'll know when the test starts."
Lawliet2011-07-31 19:57:27
"Remember! The safe word is BANNANA!"
Llesvelt2011-07-31 20:59:33

Unknown2011-07-31 21:03:08
"Once you head down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny. And you get dental."
Ssaliss2011-07-31 21:03:27
I hate that event 

Llesvelt2011-07-31 21:06:40
QUOTE (Ssaliss @ Jul 31 2011, 09:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I hate that event 

I always thought it was awesome.
Ssaliss2011-07-31 21:07:36
No matter what you do, you lose one stability
Not sure I'd call that "awesome".

Llesvelt2011-07-31 21:18:57
More problems = more game = awesome.
Diamondais2011-07-31 21:35:38
What game is that?
Ssaliss2011-07-31 21:36:16
Europa Universalis 3, by Paradox.
Unknown2011-08-01 00:47:14
<3 Nordom.

Nordom: (sharing his story with Yves) In the 13.7 Revolution, we were required to fix gear and cog subset 31 in the fifth ring of Mechanus. We removed the obstruction and the gear turned as per its normal speed. Upon completing our task, we were then returned to the Source.
Morte: What in the Hells was that, you stupid polygon?! That\\'s the most boring story I ever heard!
Nordom: It was what took place. With embellishments, of course.
Morte: Embellishments?
Nordom: I thought the return to Source was a particularly fitting image to close the tale.

Fall-from-Grace: You know, Nordrom, you are perhaps the cutest little rogue modron I have ever encountered.
Nordom: \\'Cutest\\' is a subjective term. I prefer the designation \\"fearsome cubed warrior\\".
Fall-from-Grace: Of course! That\\'s why you\\'re so cute.
Nordom: \\'Cutest\\' is a subjective term. I prefer the designation \\"fearsome cubed warrior\\".
Fall-from-Grace: Of course! That\\'s why you\\'re so cute.
Morte: Hey Nordom, knock-knock.
Nordom: Why do you persist in addressing me as a door?
Morte: It\\'s a joke, you stupid polygon! You\\'re supposed to answer \\"Who\\'s there?\\"
Nordom: I know who is there. It is you. Why would I ask a question when I already know the answer?
Morte: Just forget it.
Nordom: Why do you persist in addressing me as a door?
Morte: It\\'s a joke, you stupid polygon! You\\'re supposed to answer \\"Who\\'s there?\\"
Nordom: I know who is there. It is you. Why would I ask a question when I already know the answer?
Morte: Just forget it.
Nordom: Attention; Morte. I have a question. Do you have a destiny? A purpose?
Morte: Is Annah still wearing clothes?
Nordom: Affirmatory.
Morte: Then the answer is yes.
Morte: Is Annah still wearing clothes?
Nordom: Affirmatory.
Morte: Then the answer is yes.
Morte: Hey Nordom, calculate the easiest way for me to snuggle with Annah\\'s pillows.
Nordom: Annah, Morte wishes to snuggle with your pillows!
Nordom: Annah, Morte wishes to snuggle with your pillows!
Nordom: The issue no longer equals total logic.
Nordom: A query, Annah: is your tail\\'s purpose to indicate your current level of hostility?
Annah: What kind of stupid question is that you pikin\\' sod box?
Nordom: My analysis is correct. Danger! Danger!
Annah: What kind of stupid question is that you pikin\\' sod box?
Nordom: My analysis is correct. Danger! Danger!
Nordom: Attention, Fall-from-Grace. I wish to address your body.
Fall-from-Grace: Pardon me?
Nordom: Your body. Your form. Your reason for selecting it. Why?
Fall-from-Grace: Why... I suppose I find it comforting. Besides, I rather like the wings.
Nordom: It would be more practical for you to assume the form of a modron. It is 13.27% more efficient. Give or take +5.2%.
Fall-from-Grace: Why, Nordom, are you trying to court me?
Nordom: It was not my intention to initiate legislation against you.
Fall-from-Grace: Pardon me?
Nordom: Your body. Your form. Your reason for selecting it. Why?
Fall-from-Grace: Why... I suppose I find it comforting. Besides, I rather like the wings.
Nordom: It would be more practical for you to assume the form of a modron. It is 13.27% more efficient. Give or take +5.2%.
Fall-from-Grace: Why, Nordom, are you trying to court me?
Nordom: It was not my intention to initiate legislation against you.
Nordom: (sharing his story with Yves) In the 13.7 Revolution, we were required to fix gear and cog subset 31 in the fifth ring of Mechanus. We removed the obstruction and the gear turned as per its normal speed. Upon completing our task, we were then returned to the Source.
Morte: What in the Hells was that, you stupid polygon?! That\\'s the most boring story I ever heard!
Nordom: It was what took place. With embellishments, of course.
Morte: Embellishments?
Nordom: I thought the return to Source was a particularly fitting image to close the tale.
Nordom: Annah, does your tail assist you in maintaining your balance?
Annah: No, it\\'s fer scratchin\\' me back, yeh soddin\\' box!
Nordom: Yes, that is quite logical.
Annah: No, it\\'s fer scratchin\\' me back, yeh soddin\\' box!
Nordom: Yes, that is quite logical.
Nordom: I sleep in a drawer.
Nordom: I think therefore I am. I think.
Unknown2011-08-01 04:31:07
"Normally I don't make aesthetic criticisms in other peoples' homes, but that rug looks like a beaver exploded."
Everiine2011-08-01 12:19:11
QUOTE (Maellio @ Jul 31 2011, 11:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
"Normally I don't make aesthetic criticisms in other peoples' homes, but that rug looks like a beaver exploded."
"That looks like it should be on Shatner's head! Or it could have been on Ernest Borgnine's back."
"Nice, flat puppy!"
"No real animals were harmed to create this computer generated rug."
"If meat is murder, then that rug is at least a severe beating."
whispering "Gage, slowly reach for the shears. No sudden movements; it looks hungry!"
"How many human beards had to die to make that rug?"
"The ferocious wig-creature from the planet Weave waited patiently, hungrily on the ground, biding its time for its favorite unsuspecting meal: A scrumptious time-travel agent."
"That rug looks like... oh, forget this. If you can think of a funny line, please write to Presto Studios, care of everyone involved, but no one who cares."
And of course,
Arthuuuuuuur duh-duh-duh
They call him Arthuuuuur duh-duh-duh
He was an artificial intelligence that was coooooool
Arthuuuuuuur duh-duh-duh
They call him Arthuuuuur duh-duh
They though that his singing was annoying
But he was no fooooooool
Artificial as soap (ptpt)
Artificial as rope (ptpt)
Artificial, artificial
He will find the love that is the OOOOOOONE
For Arthur's
Lonely......... ooooooooooooooone
Unknown2011-08-01 14:12:51
QUOTE (Everiine @ Aug 1 2011, 07:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Stuff I had completely intended him to end up quoting
Admittedly it would have been more amusing (and thread consuming) if we alternated through the song line by line again.
"It is such a quiet thing, to fall. But far more terrible is to admit it."
Unknown2011-08-01 15:25:31
Let's keep it one ish quote per post, tis a game after all not a let's post all the quotes at one time.
"Hey, watch it. New vehicles don't just fall out of the sky."
"Hey, watch it. New vehicles don't just fall out of the sky."
Llesvelt2011-08-01 15:36:53
Unknown2011-08-01 20:00:51
From where you're kneelin, this must seem like a 18 karat string of bad luck. But the truth is, the game was rigged from the start.