Unknown2011-10-05 05:54:27
I've been considering dumping my lessons into beastmastery, because it looks like a good way to get some extra support for killing things. The thing is, if I'm getting less experience for using one, then I don't think I'd be interested.
Is the experience shared with beasts?
Thanks in advance!
Is the experience shared with beasts?
Thanks in advance!
Lilia2011-10-05 06:08:42
It's shared such that when you gain experience, so does your beast. But it has no effect on the experience you get, no.
Unknown2011-10-05 06:35:54
Oh! I guess I ended up being less clear than I intended, but I still got the right answer, which was about the amount of experience. That's a pretty nice deal from a beast then!
Thanks again!
Thanks again!
Enyalida2011-10-05 07:18:50
It also takes a really tiny amount of xp to level up a beast to max, so it's not like you'd be missing out on anything even if they did siphon a little off (which they don't). You generally have the beast at max level after an hour or two of good bashing.