New Cities' Bard Guilds

by Ileein

Back to Common Grounds.

Unknown2012-01-03 17:54:34
Good lord no.

In unrelated news, can we submit a poem but then decline foundership? I'm not particularly interested in bards, but I would like to participate
Estarra2012-01-03 18:35:54

In unrelated news, can we submit a poem but then decline foundership? I'm not particularly interested in bards, but I would like to participate

I'd prefer the song come from the person who founds the guild (i.e., the GM). If you recall the opening of other bard guilds, the song also gets immortalized as one of the skills in the skillset -- thus why we wanted to delay the opening of the guilds!
Daereth2012-01-04 00:25:33
Finally. This is all I have to say.
Eritheyl2012-01-04 07:22:22
I don't think the (reportedly) small playerbase will prove to be a huge issue. If the guilds are meant to be empty, or stay dead until things pick up, that's fine. There are a few guilds suffering from this at present, and it isn't leading to the downfall of Lusternia or, on a smaller scale, even their associated org. Bard guilds will draw in those stragglers that have been wanting to enjoy the atmosphere of Hallifax and Gaudiguch, but haven't had their niche opened yet. Yes, there are the people who just got fed up with waiting and joined whichever guild was close to what they wanted (Eritheyl, Institute, hello), but think of it this way:

People have been/will be in the org they like, and will finally (in some cases) have a guild that they'll also like. This means Good Feelings, which means enthusiasm, which means (with luck) novice retention!
Llandros2012-01-05 00:10:21
I think this is all great fun and very exciting ..... but.

I worry that adding a new tert and two new guilds right before the ascension events will complicate things, probably in unexpected ways. Things like that need time and usually several rounds of envoy feedback to settle down.

Doing it right before a time when rather large credit prizes are awarded for all kinds of different skill related areas might not have been the best idea.

But clearly lots of work went into this and big thanks to the admin for all the stuff they do for us.
Eritheyl2012-01-05 02:06:59
Doing it right before a time when rather large credit prizes are awarded for all kinds of different skill related prizes might not have been the best idea.

This, I don't understand. Anyone else wanting to switch guilds would be pretty smart to wait around for nice events (though most are good about saving up the credits, regardless), so why would this be any different in the face of new guilds?
Enyalida2012-01-05 02:14:08
That's what kind of weirds me out about the new guilds, the impending Ascention. Admins know that though (of course) and will hopefully be a bit more forgiving on faster/wider changes on those two guilds to compensate.
Eritheyl2012-01-05 02:34:30
With any luck, they'll just be wholly underpowered until the event passes. Though if you think about it, unspecced Music on its own will be pretty effective to have en masse on both sides.

(Gogo maestoso timewarp!)
Enyalida2012-01-05 02:39:20
Yeah, music is (IMO) the most powerful skillset to have at master level. Cool beans for lowbies!
Raeri2012-01-05 02:53:42

That's what kind of weirds me out about the new guilds, the impending Ascention. Admins know that though (of course) and will hopefully be a bit more forgiving on faster/wider changes on those two guilds to compensate.

Didn't pyro/aeros come out around the time of the last one?
Eritheyl2012-01-05 03:14:29
Nah, they've been out longer than a year.

...I think.
Saran2012-01-05 03:18:43
Hallifax was released 23/12/2009, so, shortly before the 2010 ascension which was another Zenos one, I think.
Eritheyl2012-01-05 03:22:18
Aha! I knew -someone- would have the date scribbled down.

So there, Raeribear's right. Mostly :P
Saran2012-01-05 03:39:14
yes, yes... totally did not just check news posts. nope would never do something like that
Unknown2012-01-05 04:01:19
So....another year and we get monks? :(
Ytran2012-01-05 04:05:44

So....another year and we get monks? :(

If we're lucky.
Saran2012-01-05 04:08:54
Not to rain on parades but guardians were released like... june/july 2010 so maybe a bit longer than that and I'd really hope that they would be released further away from ascension.
Eritheyl2012-01-05 04:18:25
Let's just not get monks at all, and force everyone and their androgynous sister to be a bard. What a beautiful world that would be.
Ytran2012-01-05 04:23:06
Let's just trade in the Aeromancers for Hallimonks instead.
Eritheyl2012-01-05 04:25:55
I think Phoebus will have strong words for you, in regards to that proposal :D

Excuse me as I run off and tape my windows up, to prepare for Hurriance Ohnoyoudi-in't