
by Asmodea

Back to Ideas.

Asmodea2012-09-27 13:59:59
Ok. Hyperactive has long been a problem, insofar as that it is 100% useless to bards and overpowered for monks. So, we need ideas that will benefit both bard and monk alike and also be worth using! Also if possible, could we get a little divine input on this as well as far as to see what direction they'd like the skill to be. I've heard some say that its supposed to be defensive, some say its supposed to be offensive. So some clarity on this would be handy.

Some guidelines to think about:
- Make it have to do with muscles/reflexes/body, try to avoid crossing psymet lines.
- It is a TRANS skill, so other than tarot, lets keep it on par with trans.
- It should not be world shattering, speed, damage, etc are all no's it seems.
- We CAN change the name so it can have a full revamp.

Current Ideas Good or Bad:
- A 5p defense that speeds up power regen for (x) seconds.
- For 10p, your next 15 uses of Balance or EQ get one of Contortion, Springup, Balancing On, ForwardFlip or Avoid tacked onto them for free in order of applicability. ie. If you are entangled, you get a free Contortion; elseif you are prone you get a free Springup; elseif you don't have the balancing on defense, you get the Balancing defense; elseif you are attacking someone, they get ForwardFlipped; else you get the Avoid defense.
- Remove the current effects of Hyperactive, and replace with - a 30 second timer, which cures a single affliction on a 3 second tic. Drop the power cost to 5p and whilst the skill is active, dodge rates are dropped to 0%.
- 15% balance buff to both bal and eq for 5p. (60 seconds.)
- 10p. For the next 60s all Acrobatics skills cost half balance.
- Delete Hyperactive, Make TripleFlash the Transcendent skill. (Possibly up its dodge rate to compensate? )
- halves all curing balances for 30s.
- For x seconds, allow movement of +y rooms/second.
- For 60 seconds, 3p, +1 to critical hits.
- Avoid on-entry/exit triggers like programmed illusions, phantomwalls, traps, engage, etc.
Rakor2012-09-27 18:51:27
But it lets you harvest so quickly!
Llandros2012-09-27 19:03:23
Feedback would be nice because the admin must know by now that we will just keep submitting it in reports until something gets changed.

Otherwise we will keep at it until we stumble on something they like or they will get tired of all the reports and do something on their own.
Unknown2012-09-27 19:43:46
15% balance buff to both bal and eq for 5p. (60 seconds.)
Enyalida2012-09-27 20:26:36
That stacks with racial speed, for 60 seconds (more than long enough to recoup 5p)?
Unknown2012-09-27 20:41:56
Fair point. Well, reduce it? Was just a quick stab in the dark. I purposefully put it at 60 owing to the low buff. Could always go with 30 and 17.5%. I dunno. Play around with numbers on here... Wait for more ideas. I'm sure we'll come up with something between us :)
Unknown2012-09-27 22:28:53
10p permanent defense (lasts until death or logout) that gives you a second level of adroitness and +1 racial herb and elixir balance.
Reunak2012-09-27 22:31:49
Ask yourselves if Bard or Monk actually need a buff like this. Ideas like Draylor's are bad and he should feel bad. :P
Enyalida2012-09-27 22:34:11
Hyperactive can't be a constant/permanent defense, admins won't go for it and have said they don't want that in the past.

It must be some sort of burst ability, either burst defense or burst offense. You may not like that, and I definitely don't like it (as bards and monks are both already based around bursts), but that's apparently how it is.
Placeus2012-09-27 23:24:47
How about something like ambush, where the monk/bard gets to prepare an action (lets say for 5p and a hefty balance loss on preparing) that will fire on a personal enemy who enters the room. When the enemy enters the room the action is executed without consuming bal/eq.

This thematically fits with being hyperactive, is useful for bards and monks and doesn't strike me as tremendously overpowered (though there may be some combo I'm missing.)

Edit: actually, instant blanknote/p5 would suck. I'll leave this here in case it triggers an idea for someone else!
Unknown2012-09-28 01:39:22

Hyperactive can't be a constant/permanent defense, admins won't go for it and have said they don't want that in the past.

It must be some sort of burst ability, either burst defense or burst offense. You may not like that, and I definitely don't like it (as bards and monks are both already based around bursts), but that's apparently how it is.

That's unfortunate. New idea: For 10p, your next 15 uses of Balance or EQ get one of Contortion, Springup, Balancing On, ForwardFlip or Avoid tacked onto them for free in order of applicability. ie. If you are entangled, you get a free Contortion; elseif you are prone you get a free Springup; elseif you don't have the balancing on defense, you get the Balancing defense; elseif you are attacking someone, they get ForwardFlipped; else you get the Avoid defense.
Unknown2012-09-28 02:07:01
Remove it and replace it with something that's actually acrobatic. Hyperactivity makes more sense for Psychometabolsm!
Enyalida2012-09-28 02:23:37
It's not getting removed either (though that would be a fine fix in my eye also, at least until something balanced is crafted), as far as I can remember from talks about it. Hate to be the bearer of bad news.

I don't really see where this PsyMet argument is coming from, either.
Asmodea2012-09-28 02:48:38
In the past it was brought up that we were able to change the name of the skill, but some clarification on this would be good also from the powers that be. :)
Lothringen2012-09-28 02:54:19
One skill, with two effects- one available to bards, one to monks. The monk skill will emote: "Lothringen zips around the room at blinding speed, screaming, 'Aieeeeeeeeeeeee!'" because monks don't need anything to remotely buff them. The bard one will .

You're welcome.
Jozen2012-09-28 03:00:00

One skill, with two effects- one available to bards, one to monks. The monk skill will emote: "Lothringen zips around the room at blinding speed, screaming, 'Aieeeeeeeeeeeee!'" because monks don't need anything to remotely buff them. The bard one will .

You're welcome.

I think it would be good for immersion if we had this implemented immediately. It would coincide nicely with all the pig snouts.
Malarious2012-09-28 03:13:22
Speed boosts are an inherently bad idea. While simple they cause outrageous issues.

Previous replies to Hyperactive:

Furies' Decision:
We do like these solutions but pending a new admin report we're interested in replacing the functionality of Hyperactive.

Furies' Decision:
We are not adverse to changing the skill, however, we do not like any of the solutions proposed. We would prefer to keep the ability as a burst-defence rather than a long-lasting one. If you re-submit about this skill, please take that into consideration.

Furies' Decision:
Rejected. We aren't comfortable increasing the EQ time for Bards outright given the reasonable concerns posed in the comments.

So we know not to make it a speed boost, make it burst (they say "defense" but I believe they mean defense as in it has an effect after casting for a period of time), and that after report 111, they either never did an admin report or forgot to come back to 111. They did like these solutions however so I will repost them:

Solution #1: Make it a timed def for 10p that prevents stun, sprawling, (paralysis?) instead of cutting balance loss. It might want to last a bit longer than hyperactive has.
Solution #2: Make it a 10p permanent def that cuts stun time (and balance loss?) by an appreciable fraction (50%?).
Solution #3: 5p (or so) stun "immunity", similar to how athletics has poison "immunity."

Those are some prior ideas, and what we think is still up in the air. Sol 1 makes you impossible to kill for some guilds, sol 2 may just be considered too much as stun is how you currently stop acros, sol 3 is feasible but does not feel like a trans skill.

Here are some bullet notes:
- Make it have to do with muscles/reflexes/body, try to avoid crossing psymet lines.
- It is a TRANS skill, so other than tarot, lets keep it on par with trans.
- It should not be world shattering, speed, damage, etc are all no's it seems.
- We CAN change the name so it can have a full revamp.

Carry on.
Lerad2012-09-28 03:17:46
A change to hyperactive will be very welcome - my personal suggestion is to keep away from defensive buffs. I don't know about bards, but acro monks don't need any more defensive buffs against warriors, as most of them will clamour to let you know. Between tattoo armour, acrobatics inherents and harmony regen/stealth bracing, warriors have an uphill enough fight. A defensive buff that targets casters might be more acceptable for the warrior camp, but the psymet camp would be pretty miffed, acrobatics has traditionally been lacking defenses against mage classes - dmp stuff that is one of the few things psymet monks have as an advantage over acro monks. Covering the exposed ass of acrobatics will just push combatant monks into feeling obliged to take acrobatics over psymet even more than they already are now. Especially considering how tattoos have already sniped at that dmp advantage psymet used to have, I cannot rightly recommend defenses against caster classes for hyperactive.

My observations:

As the status quo, hyperactive is useless for bards and makes momentum building for monks ridiculous (assuming the target stays in the room), effectively halving what little buildup there already is for each monk guild to reach their debilitating momentum levels.

Adding a speed increment useful for bards have been rejected before, rightfully too, because it would mess with the already delicate balance of blanknote and earache times.
Unknown2012-09-28 03:57:00
Hyperactive should be a 5p defense that speeds up power regen for x seconds.

Bam fixed.
Enyalida2012-09-28 04:01:33
Ergh. But then more power attacks like PrincessFarewell or Crowcaw get piled ontop of dchords. More boosting from monks, or skives?