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Crusader Nico, Hammer of the Dawn by Visaas
Merit March 2006
Crusader Nico, the Aslaran warrior of the Light, in the heat of battle. Drawn in charcoal and watercolor. Additional coloring and background in ps8. - By Visaas
The Warlord Daevos by Mederrach
Merit March 2006
The Warlord Daevos clad in his armour and swords unique to the office, amidst the gloomy tainted atmosphere of Magnagora. By him is his deepest, darkest secret: His beloved friend, Mr. Sniffles. - By Mederrach
Druidess Astrasia by Gelo
Winner February 2006
Astrasia in Stagform. The slender and pretty elfen whom we adore so much. Still a part of my project in Hartstones. 1024x768. enjoy! - By Gelo
Fun With Fire by Kothargix
Runner Up February 2006
A self portrait of sorts, in the process of blasting my enemies. - By Kothargix
Old Aslarans by Alger
Runner Up February 2006
sketch of Aslarans done during the earlier days of Lusternia - By Alger
The Pool of Stars by Anarchan
Runner Up February 2006
The physical and spiritual center of New Celest, drawn during a rare moment of quiet amid the usual bustle of the city. - By Anarchan
A True Bonecrusher by Sid
Merit February 2006
I'm not sure what the floppy ears are about, but it certainly gives this Bonecrusher personality, don't you think? - By Sid
Shyshaeia Deladrier by Shyshaeia
Merit February 2006
Self-Portrait: As I walk down the street in New Celest, the city alive with cats and hummingbirds (I felt bubbles would be a bit much). - By Shyshaeia