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Ratting in New Celest by Anarchan
Winner January 2006
While the high and mighty heroes of Lusterinia fight epic battles and decide the fates of entire realities . . . there are those, less powerful, who pass the time hunting rats in the streets for pocket change. Changing the world. One mutilated rat carca - By Anarchan
Seeing Red by Kaileigh
Runner Up January 2006
Elaeni and the bottle of (tainted) Justice. - By Kaileigh
Druid Shiroi by Gelo
Runner Up January 2006
Still a part of my project in the Hartstone Guild. This is my beloved protege, Shiroi. 1024x768 - By Gelo
Toadcurse by Folken
Runner Up January 2006
While you may find it in good humor to mock the Mugwump Moondancer's more froglike characteristics, you will end up croaking on your own words. - By Folken
Gwynevere Natsurei-Whytetower by Gwynevere
Merit January 2006
Hehe a lazy day for an Aslaran! - By Gwynevere
Nil - A prayer for salvation by Balizar
Merit January 2006
In the darkest depths of Nil, this invader prays for his salvation before the forces of darkness decend upon him. (made with vdfs-male/photoshop/illustrator) - By Balizar
Battle! by Draharru
Merit January 2006
It's a Loboshigaru Pureblade, fighting...some mean Orclach. Who will win? Drawn with pencil, colored in PS7. - By Draharru
Rowena Nightshade by Visaas
Merit January 2006
While researching the history of the Taint Wars, I came across this rendering of Rowena Nightshade in an old scroll... - By Visaas
Project Cosmic Hope by Daganev
Merit January 2006
Animated .GIF of Project Cosmic Hope... Southpark Style! - By Daganev