Artisanals Winners View
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Rhizoda at Dusk by Zagreus
Winner March 2023
A pair of weather-beaten trees endure on the beach, finally enjoying a respite from the tempestuous Elder's rage.
A Couple of Valentines by Gurashi
Runner Up February 2023
A pair of cutesy Lusternia-themed Valentine's day cards featuring Calioliahali and her spouse, Gurashi!
Petrichor Sings by Xiran
Winner January 2023
"Clouds shifting high above the world we know. Where will we go? And what will we dream?" "Oh Toronada sands, golden and gleam..." - Petrichor
Mother Night Cometh by Alysi
Merit January 2023
Cloaked in the garb of shadows, Mother Night reveals herself to a young supplicant.
The Dunes of Iklara by Tonatiuh
Merit January 2023
Can one truly map the dunes as they shift beneath a sky of crimson lightning?
The Cosmic Plane of Iklara by Tonatiuh
Winner December 2022
Bartered from the Night Market, a map of the Cosmic Plane of Iklara.