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Before the City of the Damned by Arcanis
Merit September 2015
Before you stands the entrance to the City of the Dead, Damned and Taint: Magnagora. The terrors that lurk within are not for the faint of heart, for the undead and tainted make this dark dwelling their home, beneath its smog-tinted skies. Dare you tread within this unholy abode, for you may not return...or you may, but as one of them. - By Arcanis
A Sunrise Hatching by Malinov
Winner August 2015
Scritch scratch crack upon the shell from within, and the wyvern began breaking its way free. The sunlight streamed in through the stable's windows, highlighting the small event. - By Malinov
Beautiful Fire Wyvern by Unzareh
Runner Up August 2015
If you complete the Firespinner quest in Mount Zaoka, you'll be able to witness a rare event - fire wyverns so inspired by the dance that they mate, visible to all awake in the realms. The eggs only last from one sunset to the next. Every adult fire wyvern I've ever seen is quite a beauty, though this illustration is the adolescent fire wyvern. I tried to make the wyvern epitomize the word 'firey'. When I read the description of …
Ambassador Daraius Shevat by Xeria
Merit August 2015
'beating off suitors with a tahto since 290CE' - Daraius Shevat - By Xeria
Flay the Heretics by Lavinya
Merit August 2015
The Chosen of Legion prepares to flay heretics in the name of He Who Is Legion, armed with the malevolent whip of Ouroborian reprimand. - By Lavinya
You Are What You Eat by Daraius
Merit August 2015
Chairman Emeritus Maellio Onz'verheu, legendary for both his bureaucratic acumen and his appetite. Though his girth defied all understanding of furrikin topography and most doctrines of reason and good taste, even he was dwarfed by his own love of and dedication to the Collective (and cupcakes). - By Daraius
Why is the Rum gone?!! by Arimisia
Merit August 2015
..because someone let the sneaky little badgerkin Llewell in again and he went about poking holes in all the kegs! - By Arimisia