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Celest warrior by the Inner Sea by Sakr
Merit December 2012
A warrior from Celest, by the sea. The problem was that I have never been to Celest, so I imagined that they have a pantheon next to the water, showing off the Inner Sea. The warrior with her hand out, as if to stop oncoming forces, her robes barely open to reveal the armor hiding underneath. Tried a new technique of frost on the artwork, was supposed to be a more glassy finish to show the sea mist. And I …
Gaudiguch Battle Maiden by Sakr
Winner November 2012
Gaudiguch Battle Maiden: Captured before the scene of a battle, this human maiden was caught with a sword held back while reciting a certain song. The song is as follows: Come my children, there are enemies at our gates, Stroke the embers, I tell you, We must defend our homes! Leave those kegs of rum alone, Stand tall and wage in war, We stand together to fight, We must fight and defend our home. Women leave your weaving, Pick up …
Beneath the Waves by Persayis
Runner Up November 2012
Don't be surprised if you see a Celestian or two frolicking beneath the waves as you traverse the Inner Sea. This painting is inspired by a maiden I saw, though I've taken the artistic liberty to pose her lounging at the sandy bottom. - By Persayis
A pink piglet shaped cup cake sits here. by Orabel
Merit November 2012
After creating the recipe for Saoirse & Kelly in game, I decided to make them for real! Cute pink piglet cupcake recipe Raspberry Curd Ingredients: 1/2 cup of unsalted butter 1 pint red raspberries, rinsed 5 egg yolks, beaten 3/4 cup white granulated sugar a pinch of salt 2 teaspoons of fresh lemon juice Lemon cupcake Ingredients: 1-1/2 cups self-rising flour 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup unsalted butter, softened 1 cup white sugar 2 eggs, at room temperature 1/2 teaspoon …
Merit November 2012
Some Celestian styled tableware and more to come. - By Elyse
Roniri the wolf by Aubrey
Merit November 2012
Roniri is Ilaveuse's wolf companion. He wears tribal beads and feathers in his shadow-grey fur and has streaks of gold on his chest. He's a fierce timber wolf, but he's also got a fun playful puppy personality. - By Aubrey
A Dance of Flesh by Persayis
Runner Up October 2012
The dance of flesh is a mystical celebration, one thats secrets are guarded by those who can grasp the cosmic science and use it to transform themselves. Veiled, a young Illuminati dances, whiplash tentacles sprouting from her spine as her nails shift and elongate into claws. Dark eyes swirl in prismatic hues, the spark of this cosmic knowledge filling her fascinatingly secretive gaze. - By Persayis
A mutated mutt by Phoebus
Merit October 2012
This drawing of a hideous abomination is dedicated to Eritheyl. (If you were wondering what the hell this thing even is, it's one of the mutated mutts from Malacoda Manor.) - By Phoebus