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Merit October 2012
Orabel basking in the glorious moment when she finally has the information to create a cupcake of that elusive chaos hamster. Complete with purply chaos breath, this is a treat everyone in the Basin will love! Or at least those on friendly terms with Hallifax. - By Fania
Meliana With Her Bears by Fania
Winner September 2012
The Beautiful (previous) Merciful Judge, Meliana Dekoven relaxing with her bears. The largest is Rupert and he's a cave bear. Schnuff is the middle bear. He was always getting into trouble and Meliana could never keep him clean. The smallest is Uschi, it was a rare moment to see her not being carried around by Meliana. Meliana had such a great love in her heart, not only for these bears but the every person in Celest. Her contributions to the …
High Priestess Sebitti Silkenhand by Persayis
Runner Up September 2012
Sebitti Silkenhand, the stunning and mysterious High Priestess of Lord-and-Lady Mysrai. I know I didn't do her justice, but it was fun to try! - By Persayis
First Impressions: Fareneth by Saaga
Runner Up September 2012
A quick study of the smartly attired Fareneth smoking his pipe at the Matrix, from when Saaga first met him. - By Saaga
Serenwilde Furrikin by Alaksanteri
Merit September 2012
A furrikin grinning mischievously. - By Alaksanteri
Serenguard Lilian by Rivius
Merit September 2012
She is a regal aslaran demigoddess and is short and overly plump. Her long light grey fur is fairly unkempt, its extreme fuzziness at times sticking out in all directions with static. A ragged sable mane crowns her small head and is braided at the ruff with silver ribbons, the coarse fur sparsely streaked with crimson and silver. Two rounded ears barely peak out from the rumpled mass, their fur somewhat matted and chewed as though they had been bitten …
Junia and the Hummingbird by Fania
Winner August 2012
The lovely Junia and a hummingbird of Celest. - By Fania
Dancer by Persayis
Runner Up August 2012
She dances for joy. She dances for passion. She dances to the music of freedom. Here, a young minstrel dancer rests, thoughts veiled though her body is half exposed. A tattoo dominates her back, midnight hued, a poppy in honour of the Divine she serves. - By Persayis