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Father - Daughter by Maellio
Winner April 2012
Maellio and his daughter Sarella resting in the family solarium, albeit only one of them likely managing [or needing] any sleep. Though the flails of a dreamer are a small price for a Hallifaxian to pay to get to say their daughter kicked the Fire Plane in her sleep. [Not pictured: all the tattoo's horridly complicated lines and tessellation I really should have known better than think I'd never have to worry about.] - By Maellio
Ceramic Forest Tableware by Elyse
Runner Up April 2012
Inspired by Lusternia - Possible commune tableware. Cup, Bowl, Plate. - By Elyse
Mister Blue Sky by Saleo
Merit April 2012
Saleo Shevat, Aeromancer, rides the wind and summons lightning. My first attempt at doing art. Watercolour on posterboard. - By Saleo
Lekius by Aubrey
Winner March 2012
A portrait of Elfen Lekius wielding his athame and wearing his torc. - By Aubrey
The Cacophonist and her cello by Alaksanteri
Runner Up March 2012
A demonic Cacophonist accompanied by her cello as she is pondering the most entertaining way to end the life of her current interlocutor. - By Alaksanteri
Before the Snake's Skull by Qojin
Merit March 2012
After my long trek through the Blasted Lands, I had finally arrived. I had heard legends about the long-dead basilisk that slept eternally in the sandy canyons nearby, forever hissing at the world as if it dared to be the source of all southern winds. I would say I didn't believe them, but deep down inside I knew the stories were beyond true. Soon, I would mount the decayed skull and enter the realm of Morgfyre. Fitting, that the Devourer …
Glimmer of Moondust Avanika by Avanika
Runner Up February 2012
The sky is glorious when viewed from the forests of Serenwilde, which is where a young wiccan Avanika chooses to rest. - By Avanika
Merit February 2012
"Dang. Archmage, could you spare a moment for a mercy enchantment?" Aquamancer Kounay D'Varden once again learns the value of keeping track of charges. - By Kounay