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Turilira - Radiant Glass Shadhahvar by Maellio
Winner December 2011
Here we have the ever pampered Turilira - Orventa's pet and Hallifax's resident pigeon hunter - in his natural habitat, hoping you have something to give him. - By Maellio
Mantra Chant lummun lumphet chuphet by Elyse
Runner Up December 2011
Celestian tattooist readying their mantra chant at the pool of stars in the night sky. - By Elyse
Lucidian lady by Phoebus
Runner Up December 2011
Totally lame background and a little bit messy on the coloring because I'm out of time! Don't procrastinate, kids! - By Phoebus
Broken Sky, Full Moon by Baigoti
Merit December 2011
Even in this age of the Fractured Sky, few things can truly obscure the beauty of Mother Moon. - By Baigoti
Fru, The Ceramic Puppy by Xena
Merit December 2011
My Ceramic Curio Puppy, Fru, and I. Off on adventures! - By Xena
Merit December 2011
The rainbow butterfly, the chaotic butterfly that a Templar can affect their enemies with is a powerful weapon. Yet to completely understand it, to use it, first the warrior must understand the insanity that is within his body and soul. To come to terms with it. In this piece, the Templar is in the background. White streaks his armor, his arm as he reaches out to grab the butterfly, to grasp and understand it. Yet against him are the words, …
Flowergirl Maeah by Lilian
Winner November 2011
This is an older portrait I had kicking around. It is of a shy girl in the Serenwilde who would wander around giving flowers. I gave her a flower basket and a seal-winning tiara to go with her habit, and I am kind of sad that we do not see her around anymore. Maybe seeing her portrait in the artisanals will spur her to send me a greeting? One can only look forward to such an occurrence! - By Lilian