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Merit October 2011
Two sides of a chessboard, the left side contains the normal pieces, as the king would view it. On the right side though, each chess piece holds their territory over a vast piece of land. In the distance the opponent is seen, a worthy battlefield for any piece. But in reality, with both sides as they are - it's still a game of chess. - By Sakr
Winner September 2011
Another portrait, this time of Asmodea and her dragon Xischa. I'm trying to get better at small details. I'm not very good at jewellery, but Asmodea is wearing a platinum tiara with a faceted sapphire. She is also wielding her lyre, with two robed maidens caught in a frosty breeze. There is a lot of blue and white in this drawing, but I tried to make each blue different. I hope I was successful. - By Lilian
Across the sea by Phoebus
Runner Up September 2011
Half mugwump Aquamancer contemplates ocean, pants. - By Phoebus
Merit September 2011
Human pyromancer blowing fire into his hands, asked by dinner participants to pull a trick off. Model: Sagger Photoshop - By Sakr
Senna as Faeling by Fania
Winner August 2011
A painting of Senna as she was in the Serenwilde forest so many years ago. - By Fania
Aeromage Helen Onz'Verheu by Lilian
Runner Up August 2011
Another portrait! This one is of my son's ex-girlfriend, the mysterious Helen from Hallifax. I have her here, sitting at rest with blank canvas on her lap, ready to paint, one of her favourite past times. She has a lot of bright colours, and getting the complexion of her skin right took a few tries. She also has a lot of tattoos, all of her design, I think. The rose tattoo on her wrist took a couple tries to get …
Eithne Talnara by Sadie
Runner Up August 2011
Behold Eithne Talnara, keeper of the Serenwilde's stables. Spunky in attitude and rather young, she is liked by many. Here, she is being hugged by an anonymous faeling - one of her many fans. - By Sadie