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Mounts - The Hippogriff by Kharaen
Runner Up November 2010
Mounts have a chance at getting more fantastical appearances depending on what you feed them. Many people show them off in a thread on the forums. I chose three (stable feed, meat feed, and vegetable feed.) I must say, I like the one with sulfuric flames - By Kharaen
Redcap by Siam
Runner Up November 2010
Frost cold be failing heart; and frail be fading life; wan warm be trickling blood, wet slick be redcap blade; brass loud be redcap rave; and sated be bloody thirst; wane now shall Blood Hunt be. - By Siam
Ackleberry Triple Junction by Tawiskar
Merit November 2010
A monk contemplates his need for a carriage while a swordsman is led down the road by an energetic Furriken, you can hardly help but contemplate the beauty of this day standing before the majesty of the peak. - By Tawiskar
Serenguard Rivius by Rivius
Merit November 2010
A little self portrait of how Rivius looks at the time of this drawing. - By Rivius
The Excitable Faeling by Phoebus
Merit November 2010
She is, perhaps, just a little -too- cute. - By Phoebus
Ur'guard teleporting away by Sakr
Merit November 2010
A speed painting done of an Ur'guard teleporting away, her body fitted with armor like a second skin, spikes jutting out to give a more formidable edge. - By Sakr
Hallifax Nights (are filled with mischief) by Tawiskar
Runner Up October 2010
Look at that mischievous smirk, Tawiskar is probably going to do something stupid again. Oh gods he just made a temporal anomaly by throwing cookies at the matrix, somebody please stop selling those to him. (Actually don't, they are delicious.) - By Tawiskar