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The Fae I can Summon by Lilian
Merit August 2010
These are all the fae I can summon unassisted by Divine Favour. As you can see, they are all different and quite unique! Some have expressed an interest in seeing the Basin, and so have agree to be ADOPTed by those who will treat them kindly. - By Lilian
Evoke Yesod by Rivius
Merit August 2010
A young Loboshigaru begins to evoke the cabalistic sphere of yesod. - By Rivius
Sohei Malarious, of the Quietus by Arimisia
Merit August 2010
Someone is about to be very unhappy… - By Arimisia
OPNESS by Alger
Runner Up July 2010
That warrior, guardian and mage were getting along fine until that bard and monk came in. A representation of how combat is nowadays in the eyes of some. (Disclaimer: I haven't fought for real in years so I wouldn't know how combat is nowadays) Also why - By Alger
Nihilist Hexen by Gavriel
Runner Up July 2010
Symbol of her demonic lord held aloft, a viscanti seeks to perfect the art of hexing her enemies, glyphs waiting to be thrown hanging on the air. - By Gavriel
Elostian, the Enigma by Shrurizaiid
Merit July 2010
Elostian the Enigma is shown here, inscrutable behind the shadows of his hood. - By Shrurizaiid
Dracnari from Glomdoring by Aaralyn
Merit July 2010
A Dracnari from Glomdoring carrying the beloved Crow's egg - By Aaralyn
Human Paladin by Rachael
Merit July 2010
A female human paladin stands to pose with sword in hand, having just killed her target. - By Rachael